Newsletter No. 442

442 • 4.9.2014 1 442 04 • 09 • 2014 假 期結束了,「暑假去哪了?」中大人的夏日去處多彩多姿,翻到第4頁看看吧。 本刊出版之日,細胞及分子生物學畢業生譚樂皿應已負笈加州大學。他在離 港前和我們談到從小的學習過程。聽不到不代表學不到,樂皿正視缺陷,接受幫助, 積極爭取,終踏上美好前程。 一般人眼中,建築是前程錦繡的「師級」專業,建築學院陳丙驊院長身為老行尊,由 他來談建築師應有的素質和承擔,最合適不過。 今時今日,誰沒有十來個密碼傍身?可這些暗號真令人愛恨交纏。能跟它們說再見 嗎?初登場的〈字裏科技〉與大家探討一下。 苦瓜因苦而得名,又因此而有「涼瓜」這個委婉之稱。逸夫書院餐廳用一種食材做 出兩種味道,兼顧承受力不同的味蕾,是涼是苦,總叫人甘之如飴。 ——————— u u u ——————— T he holidays are over. Some CUHK members had a fascinating summer. ‘What’d They Do in the Summer?’ on page 4 will show you what they did and where they went. When you see this, Cell and Molecular Biology student, Tom Tam, will have graduated and left for UC Riverside to pursue doctoral studies. Before he took off, Tom spoke to us about coping with an inborn hearing impairment and how he has overcome his disability with help and trodden a path to a bright future. For many, architecture is a much admired profession. There’s no better person than Prof. Nelson Chen, director of the School of Architecture and a veteran in the field, to talk about the professional qualities and mission an architect of the 21st century should possess. How many passwords do you have? Ten? Do you remember them all? Do you need them all? The debut instalment of ‘Tech Talks’ will examine these and other issues close to your heart. The bitter melon is so named because it’s bitter. In Cantonese, it’s sometimes also known as ‘cool melon’. The Shaw College canteen brings out both characteristics of this popular ingredient by playing with our taste-buds. 目錄 Contents 無聲世界的動人生命樂章 Life’s Marvellous Music in a World of Silence 2 字裏科技 Tech Talks 3 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f+b 3 暑假去哪了? What'd They Do in the Summer? 4 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 6 宣布事項 Announcements 7 口談實錄 Viva Voce 8 失聰學生譚樂皿邁向科學家之路(頁2) Hearing impaired student Tom Tam achieves academic success against all odds (p. 2) Photo by Cheung Wailok@Hiro Graphics 由建築師到院長 The Architect of Architecture Education 建築學院新任院長陳丙驊教授為本刊拍照時,巧遇參加迎新營的學生。(頁8) Prof. Nelson Chen, new director of the School of Architecture, bumps into a group of O camp participants during the photo shoot. (p. 8)