Newsletter No. 443

443 • 19.9.2014 9 宣布事項 Announcements 蕭紅在中大 Activities in Commemoration of Xiao Hong 座談會 / Colloquium (In Chinese) 「都是自由的」─對談蕭紅 Conversing about Xiao Hong 日期 Date 8.10.2014 時間 Time 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm 地點 Venue 康本國際學術園LT1講堂 LT1, Yasumoto International Academic Park 與談人 Speakers •許鞍華導演 Ann Hui, Director •許子東教授(嶺南大學中文系) Prof. Xu Zidong, Lingnan University •黃念欣教授(香港中文大學中文系) Prof. Wong Nim-yan, CUHK 合辦 Co-organizers 書寫力量、香港文學生活館、安樂影片、商務印書館 TPOW, The House of Hong Kong Literature, Edko Films Ltd., and The Commercial Press 網上報名 Registration 展覽 / Exhibitions (Co-organized with The CUHK Library) 蕭紅與東北作家作品展 Xiao Hong and the Northeast Writers (Book Exhibition) 展期 Date 17.9.2014 – 17.10.2014 地點 Venue 新亞書院錢穆圖書館地下 G/F, New Asia College Ch ’ ien Mu Library 許鞍華電影回顧展 Ann Hui: A Retrospective Exhibition (Multimedia Exhibition) 展期 Date 17.9.2014 – 17.10.2014 地點 Venue 聯合書院胡忠多媒體圖書館地下視聽區 G/F, United College Wu Chung Multimedia Library uBuddies 2014投入服務 uBuddies 2014 in Action 為推廣關顧互助的校園文化,學生事務處學生輔導及發展組於2010 年成立了中大朋輩輔導聯網,以培養一群熱心的本科生以同路人的 身分,與朋輩分享校園生活的體會,以及成長的經驗和智慧。 第五屆的uBuddies朋輩輔導員在過去半年已接受了連串系統培訓, 包括基本心理輔導技巧和精神健康急救基礎課程,並在心理輔導員 督導下進行輔導實習等。他們亦於這學年開始,為同學策劃和提供 各種服務和活動,並透過uBuddies E-box ( hk)與本科生聯繫及提供適切支援。 新一屆的朋輩輔導員的招募行動亦已開展,詳情參閱 https://www. , 查詢請致電3943 1804與江小姐聯絡。 In order to promote a caring and supportive culture on campus, the Student Counselling and Development Service of the Office of Student Affairs established the ‘uBuddies’ Peer Counselling Network in 2010. The project is aimed at nurturing carefully selected non- final-year undergraduate students to serve as peer counsellors who can share their experiences and wisdom with fellow students. The latest batch, uBuddies ’14, have completed systematic training in peer counselling skills and mental health first aid as well as practised under supervision in the past six months. With the commencement of the new academic year, they have also been providing various peer support services and activities for the benefit of the student community, as well as managing the uBuddies E-box (ubuddies@ . The sixth batch of ‘uBuddies’ is now open for recruitment. Details are available at . For enquiries, please contact Ms. Kong at 3943 1804. 翻譯研究中心網上書店啟用 Launch of the Research Centre for Translation Bookstore 翻譯研究中心網上書店( ) 已於2014年9月1日 正式啟用,讀者可通過電子媒體輕鬆選購該中心出版的刊物及書籍。 翻譯研究中心出版多種高水準學術書籍及刊物,包括國際知名的 《譯叢》雜誌、學術刊物《翻譯史研究》,還有《譯叢》叢書、《譯 叢》文庫、「翻譯研究論叢」、「翻譯史研究論叢」,以及即將面世的 「亞洲翻譯傳統」叢書。 9月1至30日期間,中心所有出版物均以折扣優惠價出售,首次從網上 購書的讀者,將獲贈特別禮物。 The Research Centre for Translation (RCT) has launched a new online shopping system, the RCT Bookstore ( . hk/ ), where all publications by the centre are now available for ordering online. The RCT has been actively publishing prestigious publications, including the world-renowned journal Renditions , Renditions Books, Renditions Paperbacks, and Studies in Translation History , Translation Studies Research series, Studies in Translation History series, and the upcoming new English book series ‘Asian Translation Traditions’. To celebrate the launch of the bookstore, special offers are given on all RCT publications for a limited period until 30 September 2014. The centre is also offering a special gift for customers who make their first purchase. 電子產品回收計劃 E-device Collection Campaign 中大商學院聯同友邦保險合辦「電子產品回收計劃」,推廣環保助人 的訊息。現呼籲中大職員、校友及同學捐出舊電子產品*,非牟利組織 明愛電腦工場回收後,會刪除內裏的舊資料,更新程式,再轉贈有需 要人士。詳情如下: To spread the message of helping others and going green, the CUHK Business School and AIA are collaborating to launch the ‘E-device Collection Campaign’. CUHK staff, alumni and students are encouraged to donate their used e-devices* to Caritas Computer Workshop, a non-profit organization. It will erase old data and add new software to the devices before giving them to people who need them most. Details are as follows: 日期 Date / 地點Venue 時間 Time 7.10.2014 •鄭裕彤樓一樓大堂 Lobby, Level 1, Cheng Yu Tung Building 10:00 am – 6:00 pm •工商管理碩士課程市區教學中心大堂 (中環夏愨道12號美國銀行中心1樓B室) Lobby, CUHK MBA Town Centre (Unit B, 1/F, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong) 12:00 – 9:00 pm 8.10.2014 •工商管理碩士課程市區教學中心大堂 (中環夏愨道12號美國銀行中心1樓B室) Lobby, CUHK MBA Town Centre (Unit B, 1/F, Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong) 12:00 – 9:00 pm 9 – 10.10.2014 •范克廉樓地下 G/F, Benjamin Franklin Centre, Central Campus 10:00 am – 4:00 pm •康本國際學術園文化廣場 Piazza, Yasumoto International Academic Park 10:00 am – 4:00 pm 查詢詳情,請聯絡: For enquiries, please contact: 商學院本科課程辦公室唐先生 Mr. Joseph Tong, Undergraduate Office, Business School ( 39437643 * 商學院校友及企業事務辦公室程小姐 Ms. Maggie Ching, Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office, Business School ( 39434718 * * * 可回收舊電子產品包括:電腦主機及顯示屏、電腦周邊設備如轉換器及打印 機、數碼產品、手提電話、LCD顯示屏、CRT顯示屏、商業伺服器及網絡配 件等。 Recyclable e-devices include computer motherboards and monitors, peripheral computer equipment such as converters and printers, digital products, mobile phones, LCD monitors, CRT monitors, commercial servers, networking accessories, etc.