Newsletter No. 451

451 • 19.1.2015 1 451 19 • 01 • 2015 任 憑是誰,總會有過仰觀穹蒼而自小,或是驚嘆宇宙設計精妙而頹然之時。 進化論與創世論,縱非思考萬物起源的終點站,也必定是中途站。在進化 背後是否藏有無形之手,最是叫人困惑。夏其龍神父從宗教與社會角度與大家概 談一二。 政要領袖、機構要員演說頻仍,字字珠璣往往出自無名之手,已是公開秘密。雖 曰官樣文章,亦有高下之分。本期,H君便向接此重責的年輕行政人員傾授撰辭 錦囊。 言志也好,言情也好,總需從心出發,才能言之有物。表達的欲望是創作的泉源。 中大同工不乏創作旺盛之輩,朱順慈教授最近和我們分享了她過去兩年的創作歷 程,還有「充電」的經驗。大家豔羨之餘,不妨坐言起行,仿而效之。 W e have all had the experience of being overwhelmed by the grandeur of the universe and feeling our own smallness and insignificance. Evolution and creation are essential for examining the origin of the universe, even if they do not seem to offer final answers. Is there intent behind evolution? Rev. Louis Ha discusses this and more from the perspectives of religion and society. It’s hardly a secret that speeches by political leaders and heads of organizations are often penned by ghost writers. What distinguishes an excellent speech from a run-of- the-mill one? H shares a tip or two with a young executive tasked with this important responsibility. The desire to express is the fountain of creation. There are quite a number of creative minds among CUHK staff. Prof. Donna Chu of the School of Journalism and Communication shares with us her journey of creation and revitalization of the last two years. Perhaps after reading, you would want to embark on the same. 目錄 Contents 科學與信仰 友誼重拾還是戰火重燃? Science and Faith Renewed Friendship or Hostility? 2 Letters to a Young Executive 3 中大小書店 CUP Corner 4 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 5 博文貫珍 The Galleria 6 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 6 宣布事項 Announcements 7 口談實錄 Viva Voce 8 金禧承澤園揭幕 Golden Jubilee Garden of Appreciation Opens 為感謝歷年支持中大發展的社會賢達,大學於邵逸夫堂與潤昌堂之間修建金禧承澤園。2014年12月6日,逾一百五十名捐贈人、友好、校友及教 職員濟濟一堂出席揭幕儀式。 To acknowledge the generous contributions of the major benefactors of CUHK, the Golden Jubilee Garden of Appreciation was built between Sir Run Run Shaw and Y C Liang Halls. Over 150 donors, friends, alumni, faculty members and staff celebrated the opening of the garden on 6 December 2014. 朱順慈教授談其電影與小說(頁8) Prof. Donna Chu on her film and novel (p. 8) Photo by ISO staff