Newsletter No. 452

6 452 • 4.2.2015 校園消息 Campus News 辨識及預防前期衰老 Identification and Prevention of Pre-frailty 中大及賽馬會流金匯於2014年4至10月期間聯合進行了社區衰老狀況 篩查,結果發現六十五歲或以上的社區人口中,超過半數已踏入前期衰 老,平均每八人便有一位出現衰老問題,高運動量的長者則較少出現衰 老。研究又顯示,長者的衰老狀況與所患的慢性疾病及用藥數量有關。 及早辨識社區整體衰老狀況,有助社福機構提供針對性的醫護服務,以 減慢甚至逆轉社區衰老。  中大內科及藥物治療學系系主任兼何善衡老年學及老年病學研究中心 總監胡令芳教授(中)指出:「隨着人口老化,預計社區整體衰老情況漸 趨普遍,令醫療及社會服務設施的需求大增,對社會構成沉重負擔。然 而,衰老並非老化過程的必然結果。只要長者持之以恆參與運動及腦力 訓練活動,也能夠保持健康及獨立的生活。」  CUHK and Jockey Club Cadenza Hub jointly conducted a screening for frailty in the community in 2014, revealing that more than half of the community-dwelling population aged 65 or above are pre-frail and about one in eight are frail. It also reveals the correlation of frailty with the number of chronic diseases and medications. Those who have higher physical activity levels show fewer signs of frailty. Timely identification of frailty in the community can facilitate healthcare services provider to offer proper intervention.  Prof. Jean Woo ( centre ), chairman of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics and director of the S.H. Ho Centre for Gerontology and Geriatrics at CUHK, explained, ‘As the population ages, the number of people with frailty is expected to increase, adding burden to the healthcare and social service system. However, frailty is not an inevitable consequence of ageing. Older people who maintain regular physical exercise and cognitive training are more likely to remain healthy and live independently.’ 划艇錦標賽九院爭霸 Nine Colleges Compete in Rowing Championships 第十一屆香港中文大學划艇錦標賽在1月10及11日於沙田城門河舉行,九所書院近二百名學生參加。比賽項目 包括男女子單人雙槳艇、雙人雙槳艇、四人單槳有舵手艇、八人單槳有舵手艇、校友賽和友校邀請賽。新亞書 院院長黃乃正教授、晨興書院院長莫理斯教授、和聲書院院長劉允怡教授、敬文書院院長楊綱凱教授、善衡書 院院長辛世文教授、逸夫書院副院長陳活 彜 教授、各書院輔導長及體育部講師到場為參賽者打氣。最終逸夫 書院勇奪全場總冠軍及女子組全場冠軍,新亞書院獲男子組全場冠軍。 On 10 and 11 January, nearly 200 athletes from nine Colleges took part in the 11th CUHK Rowing Championships on Shing Mun River, Shatin. Competition events included Men’s and Women’s Single Scull, Double Scull, Coxed Four and Coxed Eight, Alumni Race and Invitation Race. Prof. Henry Wong, Head of New Asia College; Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Master of Morningside College; Prof. Joseph Lau, Master of Lee Woo Sing College, Prof. Kenneth Young, Master of C.W. Chu College; Prof. Samuel Sun, Master of S.H. Ho College; Prof. Woody Chan, Associate Head of Shaw College; the Colleges’ Deans of Students and PEU lecturers went to hearten up the players. The Overall Champion and the Women’s Overall Champion went to Shaw College, while New Asia College bagged the Men’s Overall Champion. 丘成桐談數理與人文 Yau Shing-tung on Science and Humanity 中大博文講座教授、數學科學研究所所長丘成桐教授於1月9日主持講 座,以「數理與人文」為題,分析科學與人文的關係,講解人文訓練對於 優秀科學家的重要意義。 丘教授以古今中外的文藝及科學創作為例,指出數理與人文有着微妙的 共通點。他認為,現代科學的基礎是公理與哲學,無論在西方或中國, 科學突變或革命都以哲學思想為背景。透過比較蘇軾的文學創作和愛 因斯坦的廣義相對論,丘教授巧妙揭示了文藝創作與科學創作的共通 之處。 Prof. Yau Shing-tung, Distinguished Professor-at-Large and director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences at CUHK, gave a talk titled ‘Science and Humanity’ on 9 January. He shared his insights on the relationship between science and humanity and the importance of humanitarian qualities to excellent scientists. With examples from the history of arts creation and science research of both China and the West, Professor Yau pointed out that science and humanity are common in certain ways. He believes that axioms and philosophy are the foundations of modern science and any revolutions and developments of science are supported by philosophical ideas. By comparing poem creation by Su Shi, one of the famous Chinese poets, and the study on general relativity by Albert Einstein, he demonstrated the similarities between arts and science.