Newsletter No. 454

6 454 • 19.3.2015 校園消息 Campus News 建築系學生建「廳堂博物館」 Architecture Students Design Living Room Museum 坐落銅鑼灣時代廣場開放空地的「廳堂博物館」於1月8日揭幕。這座新建的臨時展覽場地 由中大建築學碩士生王守賢( 右 )和王俊傑( 左 )設計。兩人在去年舉辦的「時代廣場廳堂 博物館設計比賽」脫穎而出,獎勵之一是畢業前在香港中心地段建起首個建築項目,為香 港打造可共享高質藝術、文化活動及展覽的大眾空間。 兩位準建築師的得獎博物館設計「有時」為長形玻璃屋,由優雅輕盈的預製框架建起,極 為靈活,僅採用極少種類的物料,結構簡潔卻能刻劃精緻的細節,維持原有設計感,同時內 外可因應展覽調整。博物館內牆的木柵上密下疏,極具玩味。牆身下半部留空透明,營造邀 人進內的氛圍。展覽場館可應活動需求改裝為開放、半開放或封閉的空間。設計結構方便 公眾進出,亦能吸引高質藝術進駐。 On 8 January, the Living Room Museum, located at the open plaza of Times Square in Causeway Bay, celebrated its official opening. The museum is a newly built temporary gallery space designed by Samuel Wong Sau-yin ( right ) and Marco Wong Chun-kit ( left ), final year students of the Masters of Architecture degree programme at CUHK. Both won the Times Square Living Room Design Competition organized last year. One of the prizes is the opportunity to launch the two young architects’ careers by designing and building their first architectural project in the heart of Hong Kong even prior to their graduation, and to contribute to the city by creating a freely accessible space for the sharing of high quality art, cultural events and exhibitions. The winning design, titled ‘Sometimes’, is a highly flexible rectangular glass volume built up from an elegant, light-weight, modular framework of pre-fabricated parts. The simplicity of the structure and the minimal choice of materials and detailing have been carefully selected to maintain a strong design identity while allowing for possible exterior and interior appropriations as part of the exhibitions housed inside. A playful rhythm of wooden interior fins that densify towards the top separates the interior space from the visually demanding context of Causeway Bay. The lower levels of the façade are transparent to create a welcoming character. The exhibition floor itself can easily be re-configured in an open, semi-open, or closed plan in response to the needs of the curators. The structure presents itself to the public as an accessible and inviting shelter for high-quality art display. 逸夫書院廿九周年院慶典禮 Shaw College 29th Anniversary 逸夫書院於1月9日舉行二十九周年院慶典禮,邀得香港樂施會行政總裁余志穩博士任主禮 嘉賓。余博士說,他從任職政府到退休後的工作都和貧窮問題有關。貧窮的定義主要有「絕 對貧窮」和「相對貧窮」。絕對貧窮大致指吃不飽、沒錢治病、無法接受教育、對未來沒有 安全感和感到無奈。按此定義,則現時絕對貧窮多集中在非洲撒哈拉以南和部份拉丁美洲 國家。不少港人不相信香港有貧窮問題,但余博士的實際經驗說明,香港有相對貧窮的問 題。所指的是社會上有一群人沒有足夠金錢,過主流社會認為是理所當然的生活。 解決貧窮大致有兩種看法﹕一是認為只要經濟發展,便能創造就業;另一是認為政府有責 任照顧窮人,以稅收補貼他們。至於為何要幫助窮人,原因是政府有責任保障市民最基本人 權,例如生存權。再者在道德層面來說,有所謂「社會契約」﹕在一個公義社會中,有人因自 由而累積了財富。要容許財富不均,只能讓弱勢社群獲得照顧,這也是社會福利的概念。余 博士因此相信,幫助弱勢人士是政府和社會的責任。 Shaw College held its 29th Founder’s Day Celebration Ceremony on 9 January with Dr. Stephen Fisher, director–general of Oxfam Hong Kong, as the guest of honour. Dr. Fisher shared in his speech that from his time working for the government until he served in other units after retirement, he has been involved in work related to poverty. Poverty is mainly defined as either ‘absolute poverty’ or ‘relative poverty’. Absolute poverty refers to lack of food, insufficient money to fight disease, inability to receive education, no sense of safety and feelings of helplessness about the future. According to this definition, countries where absolute poverty can be found are mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Many Hongkongers do not believe there is a poverty problem in Hong Kong. Fisher’s own experience tells him that this is false. There are Hong Kongers suffering from relative poverty which means not having enough money to live as mainstream residents do. To solve the poverty problem, there are basically two types of solutions. One believes that as long as the economy is developing, employment opportunities can be created. The other holds that the government has the responsibility to care for the poor through tax income. As to why the poor should be helped, the main reason is that the government is responsible for protecting citizens’ basic rights, including the right of survival. Morally there is the concept of the ‘social contract’ which states that in a just society, there are people who accumulate wealth freely and the only reason to allow the uneven distribution of wealth is to ensure the disadvantaged are cared for. This is known as social welfare. Dr. Fisher therefore believes both the government and society should help the disadvantaged. 電子產品回收計劃 E-device Collection Campaign 全校範圍的「電子產品回收計劃」於1月27至30日舉行,由中大商學院與友邦保險合辦,藉 此提高中大教職員、學生和校友對電子產品循環再用和綠色生活的關注。該計劃亦是慈善 活動,回收的電子產品將捐給非牟利組織明愛電腦工場,待刪除舊有資料和更新程式後, 再轉贈有需要人士。 計劃的四個回收點,設於中環的中大工商管理碩士課程市區中心,以及中大校園內的 鄭裕彤樓、范克廉樓和康本國際學術園文化廣場。活動共回收到455件可循環再用的電子 產品,其中回收量最高的三款分別是手提電腦(102部)、手提電話(62部)和桌面型主機 (46部)。 The university-wide E-device Collection Campaign held from 27 to 30 January was a success. A collaboration between CUHK Business School and AIA, this meaningful initiative promoted awareness of e-waste recycling and green living among the staff, students and alumni of the University. As a charitable activity, the campaign entailed donating e-devices to Caritas Computer Workshop, a non-profit organization that erases old data and adds new software to such devices before giving them to people who need them most. Four strategic collection points were set up—Cheng Yu Tung Building, Benjamin Franklin Centre, and Yasumoto International Academic Park on campus, and the MBA Town Centre in Central. In total, 455 recyclable e-devices were collected. The top three most donated items were laptops (102), mobile phones (62), and desktops (46).