Newsletter No. 456

456 • 19.4.2015 1 456 19 • 04 • 2015 黃 梅時節,雨濕霧濃,把中大山城暈染得如畫中仙境。此際傳來朦朧詩鼻祖北島獲 得金花環獎美譽的消息,真是應時不過。 在這連牆壁都能哭出淚來的日子,本刊同事走進擁有千百珍藏的中大文物舘的修護工作 室,了解副館長姚進莊教授和修復師謝光寒領導的呂壽琨水墨畫修護計劃,認識裝裱藝 術,當中的考量、技術和工序。 文物修護計劃如大學不少學術教研和學生發展活動一樣,得賴仁人君子捐資成全。協助 大學師生達成理想,是否名流巨賈、跨國企業才有能力?拓展及籌募處處長周瑤慧女士平 實道來,原來一切源於一份情意。 S pring descends upon the campus, shrouding everything in fog and turning it into a misty paradise. What coincidence that one of the fathers of obscurist poetry Bei Dao has received the coveted Golden Wreath Award. On these days of humidity so high that even walls can cry, the Newsletter enters the restoration studio of the Art Museum to learn about the ‘Conservation of Lui Shou- kwan’s Paintings’ project led by museum associate director Prof. Josh Yiu and conservator Xie Guanghan, and the technicalities and considerations in mounting and remounting art works of great value. Support for art restoration, like many of the University’s academic research and student development activities, relies in great part on the generosity of benefactors. But can only the rich and powerful help to realize the dreams of academic staff and students? Director of Institutional Advancement, Ms. Janet Chow, explains that it all originates in the heart. 目錄 Contents 書畫裝池的隱形藝術 The Invisible Art of Restoring Scroll Paintings 2 花.詩.樂.書的交織 Interweaving Flowers with Poetry, Film and Music 4 字裏科技 Tech Talks 5 舌尖上的中大 CUHK f+b 5 校園消息 Campus News 6 宣布事項 Announcements 7 口談實錄 Viva Voce 8 . . . 周瑤慧:你我都是善長 (頁8) Janet Chow: We can all be donors (p. 8) Photo by ISO staff 最有詩意的走馬燈 The Poetic Revolving Lantern 學生應博群花節的主題而賦詩,部分詩作印在走馬燈上供大家欣賞( 頁4 ) Students were invited to contribute poems to the I • Care Floral Festival. Some of their works were printed on a revolving lantern ( p. 4 )