Newsletter No. 456

4 456 • 19.4.2015 花.詩.樂.書的交織 Interweaving Flowers with Poetry, Film and Music j 本土音樂組合鍾氏兄弟演唱為本年花節創作的主題曲《未種的花》 The Chung Brothers, a local band, performing the theme song Those Unplanted Flowers which was composed for the festival k 電影《念念》放映及座談會上,導演張艾嘉(右)和主角李心潔暢談創作歷程和演出體會 After the screening of the film, Murmur of the Hearts , Ms. Sylvia Chang (right), director, and Ms. Angelica Lee, actress, share their journey of creation and realization through performance l 沈祖堯校長客串朗誦弘一法師的《淨峰種菊臨別口占》 Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, reading a poem by Buddhist monk Hong Yi m 都說中大人愛閱讀,即使是舉行至零時的「深夜讀堂」,亦不乏捧場客 No wonder CUHK people are said to be book lovers. Night Reading was well-attended until its closing at midnight n 園遊會舉行之日正是農曆二月十四日,在未圓湖上添新月,意謂未滿未圓 Setting a crescent moon above Lake Ad Excellentiam to symbolize incompleteness and match the date of the party being held, i.e., the 14th day of the second month of the lunar calendar o 草地上黃色大門本意讓學生書寫未說的話,後來改以竹簡代替 The Yellow Door was first conceived to be a space where students could write out their unspoken verses but later students were given bamboo slips to write on instead p 在聯合草坪上,台灣作家劉克襄與師生分享他在香港旅行發現不為一般人知的自然美景 Liu Ka-shiang, Taiwanese author, shares on the United College lawn his discoveries of Hong Kong’s lesser- known natural scenery j k l m n p o 這 個春日,校園如常繁花盛開,有所不同的是,多了詩意、美樂和書 香。I ‧ CARE博群花節3月重臨,以「未種的花」為題,通過為期一個月的 多項活動,包括講座、郊遊、讀書會、電影放映及座談會,鼓勵師生在此愜意校 園,譜未譜的曲,寫未寫的詩,畫未畫的畫,讀未讀的書,傾聽內心未說的話。 博群花節的壓軸節目是4月2日在未圓湖舉行的園遊會,既有別具新意的藝術 擺設作伴,棋盤、茶點與客家傳統小吃供來賓消遣和享用,更有音樂演奏及詩 歌朗誦等表演。花節雖已落幕,譜曲、寫詩、畫畫、讀書則無妨繼續。 T his spring, the campus is immersed in a sea of flowers as usual, but this year, it’s also filled with poetry and music. With the theme of ‘Those Unplanted Flowers’, the one-month long I • CARE Floral Festival was held again in March. Activities held included lectures, outings, a reading club, and film screening and sharing, to encourage students and staff to express themselves through music, poetry, words and images. On 2 April, the festival held its finale party beside Lake Ad Excellentiam, which was decorated with sculptures and special lighting effects. Chessboards, Chinese tea and traditional Hakka snacks were prepared for the participants’ enjoyment. On the lawn, students, alumni and teachers shared music and poetry.