Newsletter No. 457

4 457 • 4.5.2015 共商大學發展計劃 Strategic Planning Forum 為制訂2016至2020年的策略計劃,大學於4月中至5月間舉辦七場論壇,作為第一輪 諮詢,以收集校內同仁、學生及其他持份者的意見。首場論壇於4月16日舉行,以文、 商、教育、法律及社會科學學院教職員為對象,由沈祖堯校長( 中 )、華雲生常務副校長 ( 右二 )及許敬文教授( 左一 )、霍泰輝教授( 左二 )和張妙清教授( 右一 )三位副校長主 持,近百名教職員出席發表意見。 校方強調草擬策略計劃時,會慎重考慮中大的現況,明確描繪大學的願景,並提出具體 的優化方案。經過連串的諮詢後,會設置迭代程序,即策略計劃在初稿和接近定稿的 階段,都再會進行傳閱和諮詢。因此,在計劃書的最終版本呈交教務會和校董會審議之 前,最少會有三輪諮詢。 預計草擬工作於2015年年底完成,並於2016年年初定稿。屆時計劃書將提交教務會認 可,並呈大學校董會通過,隨即正式向外公告。 諮詢論壇尚餘三場( 詳見附表 ),請大家踴躍參與,表達意見,未克出席者,亦歡迎於 網上留言。 To draft the University’s new Strategic Plan 2016–2020, seven forums are held from mid April to May as the first round of consultations to collect views from staff, students and other stakeholders. Held on 16 April, the first forum was intended for Faculty members of Arts, Business Administration, Education, Law and Social Science. Hosted by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( centre ), Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah ( 2nd right ), Provost; Prof. Michael K.M. Hui ( 1st left ), Prof. Fok Tai-fai ( 2nd left ), and Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung ( 1st right ), Pro-Vice-Chancellors, close to a hundred staff attended the forum and expressed their opinion. The planning process will include a reflection of the University’s current state, followed by articulation of our aspirations and plans to become better. Upon the completion of the consultation forums, there will also be an iterative process when an initial plan and a near-final plan will be circulated for further rounds of consultations, i.e., there will be at least three rounds of consultations before the final plan is submitted to the Senate and Council. It is anticipated that a draft will be completed at the end of 2015, with a view to have a finalized plan in early 2016 for endorsement by the Senate and approval by the Council before a public launch. 學術圓桌會議誌慶中大加大結盟半世紀 Academic Roundtable to Celebrate 50 Years of Partnership with University of California System Three more consultation forums will be held in May ( see table ), please attend to share your views. Those who cannot attend are welcome to give feedback online. 日期 Date 時間 Time 地點 Location 主要參與者 Primary Intended Audience 7–5–2015 星期四 Thursday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm 蒙民偉樓 LT1 Mong Man Wai Building LT1 非教學職員 Non-academic Staff 7–5–2015 星期四 Thursday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm 李兆基樓 LT6 Lee Shau Kee Building LT6 工、醫、理學院教職員 Faculty members of Engineering, Medicine and Science 8–5–2015 星期五 Friday 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm 李兆基樓 LT5 Lee Shau Kee Building LT5 學生 Students 網址 Website: 大學於4月10日在校園舉辦學術圓桌會議,慶祝與加州大學系統開展學術交流五十周年。 中大早於1965年與加州大學系統結盟訂立學生交換計劃,創本港學界之先河。中大亦是加州大學系統在香港 的首位合作夥伴,多年來一直與加州大學海外學習計劃拓展學生交流。 學術圓桌會議以「香港與加州:培養新世代環球領袖的策略方針、思維及創見」為題,由會議聯席主席之一 的沈祖堯校長及加州大學海外學習計劃副院長何琇瑜教授共同主持,更邀得大學教育資助委員會秘書長 安禮治博士講述香港推行國際化的新策略。 多位來自香港及美國的資深教育家,就國際教育及交流的嶄新議題分享真 知灼見,探討課題包括國際教育的策略、授課語言在國際教育中擔當的角 色、不同海外學習計劃的機遇與挑戰,以及美國學生在中國交流時面對的 問題等。主講嘉賓包括中大教務長及秘書長吳樹培先生、香港科技大學工 學院副院長羅康錦教授、香港大學副校長何立仁教授,以及加州大學洛杉 磯分校國際事務副校長范芝芬教授。 To mark the 50th anniversary of CUHK’s first exchange partnership which was established with the University of California (UC) system in 1965, the University hosted an academic roundtable on international education and exchange on 10 April. Being a forerunner in international education, CUHK was the first university to pioneer international exchange in the territory and the first local partner of the UC system. Themed ‘Hong Kong and California: Strategic Initiatives, Ideas, and Innovations for the Next Generation of Global Leaders’, the roundtable was co-chaired by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Ho Hsiu-su, associate dean, the University of California Education Abroad Program. Dr. Richard Armour, Secretary-General of the University Grants Committee spoke on new initiatives in internationalization in Hong Kong. Other seasoned educators from Hong Kong and the US discussed rising issues in international education and exchange, covering strategies in international education, the role of the language of instruction in international education, opportunities and challenges in various overseas learning programmes, and issues faced by US students while on exchange in China. Some of the speakers included Mr. Eric Ng, Registrar and Secretary, CUHK; Prof. Hong K. Lo, associate dean, School of Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Prof. Ian Holliday, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the University of Hong Kong; and Prof. Cindy Fan, Vice Provost for International Studies, UCLA. 校園消息 Campus News