Newsletter No. 457

457 • 4.5.2015 5 佛光山與中大簽訂第三期合作協議 Foguang Shan Foundation Extends Partnership with CUHK 佛光山提供 Courtesy of Foguang Shan 佛光山開山宗長星雲大師( 左 )與沈祖堯校長於4月1日在台灣佛光山簽署人間 佛教研究中心第三期合作協議,繼續人間佛教的學術研究,讓文化瑰寶可以 世代傳承,發揚光大。 中大與佛光山文教基金會於2005年簽署合作協議,在中大文化及宗教研究系 成立人間佛教研究中心,進行人間佛教學術研究及推廣交流。該中心於2014 年8月起,升格隸屬文學院,在原有工作基礎上,積極推廣佛教中外學術交流, 培養佛教研究人才。 在簽約儀式上,沈校長感謝佛光山文教基金會慨允捐款,繼續支持研究中心的 發展,並致贈書法「行到水窮處,坐看雲起時」予星雲大師。大師則回贈著作 《百年佛緣》一套。 Venerable Master Hsing Yun ( left ) of the Foguang Shan and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, CUHK Vice-Chancellor, signed the third agreement of cooperation on 1 April at Foguang Shan in Taiwan to extend the partnership between the two parties for another five years. With the generous support from the foundation in 2005, the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism has been established under the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, with the aims of engaging in academic research and promoting the beauty of Humanistic Buddhism through a wide range of activities. In 2014, the centre was upgraded and now operates under the auspices of the Faculty of Arts. After the signing of the agreement, the centre will continue to facilitate academic and cultural exchange and development of Humanistic Buddhist studies in Hong Kong and overseas. Professor Sung expressed his gratitude to the foundation for their generosity in support of the development of the centre. After the agreement signing ceremony, he presented his calligraphy to Venerable Master Hsing Yun, while the master offered his publication on Buddhism to Professor Sung. 一百零五員工獲長期服務獎 105 Staff Members Receive Long Service Awards 2014年度長期服務獎頒獎典禮於4月22日舉行,今年共有一百零五名任職滿 二十五和三十五年的員工獲獎。頒獎禮上,沈祖堯校長感謝員工多年來忠誠服務 大學,隨後,沈校長、華雲生常務副校長、許敬文及霍泰輝副校長頒獎予九名和 九十六名服務了三十五年及二十五年的員工。 The Long Service Award 2014 presentation ceremony was held on 22 April. This year a total of 105 staff members who have been with the University for 25 and 35 years received the award. In his address at the ceremony, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor, thanked the recipients for their long and dedicated service rendered to the University. Professor Sung; Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost; Prof. Michael K.M. Hui and Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; then presented the awards to nine and 96 staff who had worked for 35 years and 25 years, respectively. 姜里文教授再獲裘槎基金會優秀科研者獎 Prof. Jiang Liwen Twice Named Croucher Senior Research Fellow 繼2009至10年度獲裘槎基金會優秀科研者獎,生命科學學院卓敏生命科學教授姜里文教授( 中 )於 2014至15年度再次獲獎,表彰他在國際科學界的傑出成就,頒獎禮於4月14日舉行,由特區政府財政司 長曾俊華先生主持。 姜教授專研植物細胞生物學,過去十五年來,他與其科研團隊一直熱衷於研究蛋白質傳輸機理及細胞器 的生物形成機制。最近,姜教授的科研團隊取得突破性進展,發現一種神奇的植物特有蛋白,在調控細胞 器(液泡)的形成和降解起重要作用,成果最近刊於《美國科學院院報》期刊。 液泡是植物細胞內最大的細胞器,既是植物重要的「糧食儲存中心」,又是最大的「垃圾處理中心」。 基於其獨特的功能,研究液泡調控農作物的生理狀況(例如種子質量,抗病及營養缺陷生長),可發展 相關的生化技術以改善種子品質和植物抗逆性,提高農作物的產量。 Prof. Jiang Liwen ( centre ), Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences, has been presented the prestigious Senior Research Fellowship of the Croucher Foundation, in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the international scientific community. The award was presented by Mr. John Tsang Chun-wah, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, on 14 April. Awarded the same fellowship in 2009–10, this is the second time Professor Jiang has been honoured. Professor Jiang is a plant cell biologist who has focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms of protein transport and organelle biogenesis in plants over the past 15 years. Recently, Professor Jiang and his research team from the School of Life Sciences have identified a magic protein that regulates vacuole biogenesis and vacuole-autophagosome-mediated degradation in plant cells. These findings have been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , the official scientific journal of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. Vacuole, a large membrane-bound organelle in plant cell, is the food storage centre and waste disposal centre during plant growth and development. With these properties, vacuole controls many important aspects of crop physiology including seed germination, pathogen defense, and growth under nutrient- limiting conditions, therefore, knowledge on the underlying mechanisms of vacuole biogenesis and degradation will provide new tools for crop improvement and plant biotechnology.