Newsletter No. 459

10 459 • 4.6.2015 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 請掃描QR碼閱讀全文版: Scan the QR code for the full version 觀看錄像,請掃描QR碼或瀏覽以下網址: To watch the video, please scan the QR code or visit: Can you tell us about your hobbies? In my teens, I had a group of friends who were football fanatics. We still play when I visit my hometown. In Hong Kong, I play football with the CUHK team every Tuesday evening. I also play badminton. My new hobby is watching films with my two boys every weekend. We just go the cinema and grab matinée tickets for whatever film is on. I also like photography and travel. In my first summer at university, my buddies and I decided that we would go white-water rafting from Guilin to Wuzhou. But after a day and a half, we found ourselves struggling and one of us was running a fever, so we gave up at Yangshuo and took the bus home. You studied at the South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou. Are you originally from Guangxi? Were you interested in plants from an early age? I’m from Wuzhou, a small, old and picturesque Cantonese-speaking city in Guangxi. My college exam results were such that I was eligible for some good universities. But I was not interested in any particular subject. The introduction of South China Agricultural University had a picture of a forest that caught my eye, so I applied. I knew very little about plants although I had been exposed to them at a young age. My mother was sent to the countryside to serve as a ‘barefoot doctor’ for some years and she brought me with her so I was always visiting villages. During my four years as a university student in Guangzhou, my real specialty was play. After morning classes, my friends and I would go kick some ball; some students studied at night, we hardly ever did; we did study before exams but would play again when they were over. We were happy and carefree. I only began thinking about my career when I applied to study overseas after graduation. You went to Canada for your MSc and PhD, and the US for your post-doc. Could you tell us about your Canadian and American experiences? I remember arriving in Vancouver on 1 January. It was snowing when I stepped out of the airport. Nobel Laureate biochemist Prof. Michael Smith had founded the Michael Smith Laboratories at University of British Columbia to study molecular genetics in humans, animals and plants, etc. It was considered very large and extremely advanced at the time—1989, and I was lucky enough to be able to join its Plant Biotechnology Laboratory as a Master’s student. After two years, I went to Simon Fraser for my PhD to delve even more deeply into plant molecular biology. This was followed by four years as a post-doc studying protein trafficking in plant cells at Washington State University in the US. How do you feel about winning the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship twice? I’m very happy and grateful to have received the award twice. I joined CUHK as a teacher in 2000. It was only in 2007, after having resided in Hong Kong for seven years and obtained my permanent ID card, that I was eligible to apply for the Croucher Senior Research Fellowship. The first award came in 2009 and it gave momentum to my research in the next few years. The new award should be a great boost to our Research Grants Council-funded Areas of Excellence project on organelle biogenesis and function. You’re clearly a brilliant researcher. You also won an exemplary teaching award. How would you describe your teaching style? Teaching is my first priority. A teacher must take his work very seriously and endeavour to give his very best. I always tell the students I’m supervising, don’t come looking for me when I need to teach. In my 15 years at CUHK, I have taught over 10 courses of varying class sizes. In a large class, say, one with over 250 students, I favour tutorials over class discussions. In small classes of 20 students, I will pose questions and get the students talking. Have you encountered a student who really impressed you and whom you think will go on to do great things? I can name 10 off-hand. Regina Choy , now a scientist in the US, is one of them. She received a Croucher Scholarship to conduct PhD research under Nobel Laureate Prof. Randy Schekman at UC Berkeley. She then did her postdoctoral training at UC San Francisco as a Croucher postdoctoral fellow. Another former student, Miao Yansong was awarded a Human Frontier Science Programme Post-doctoral Long-term Fellowship, after finishing his MPhil and PhD at CUHK (who received the CUHK Young Scholars Dissertation Award 2009 and Postgraduate Research Output Award 2009–2010). He went to UC Berkeley for his post-doc and is now a Nanyang assistant professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. 你對自己兩度獲得裘槎基金會優秀科研者獎有何感受? 我很開心也很感激。我在2000年加入中大,七年之後在2007 年取得永久居民身分證,我才合資格申請這個獎。2009年我 首次獲獎,對於其後幾年的研究幫助很大。今年第二次獲獎, 對我們現在的細胞器生物合成及功能研究也會很有益處,這 項研究是得到研究資助局資助的卓越學科領域計劃項目。 你的研究工作十分出色,也曾獲得模範教學獎。你會怎樣形 容自己的教學風格? 對我來說,教學是第一優先的工作。我認為當教師必須認真、盡 責、盡力。所以我對我實驗室的學生說,我要上課教學時,就不 要來找我。我在中文大學十五年,教過超過十個課程,大班小班 都有。大班的有超過二百五十個學生,我就會較着重導修課,而 不是課堂討論。至於二十人的小班,我會多發問,要學生發言。 有否遇過給你很深刻印象的學生,覺得他將來會有一番成就? 我隨便可以數出十個。比如,現在在美國當科學家的 蔡惠恩 ,她 獲得裘槎博士生獎學金,負笈加州大學柏克萊分校,師從諾貝爾 得主 Randy Schekman 教授唸博士,之後再獲裘槎博士後獎學 金,在加州大學舊金山分校從事博士後研究。另一名學生 繆岩松 在中大取得碩士和博士學位後(他曾獲2009年的年青學者論文 獎和2009至10年的研究生學術成果獎),獲得人類前沿科學計 劃的長期獎學金,去了加州大學柏克萊分校從事博士後研究,現 在是新加坡南洋理工大學的南洋助理教授。 談談你的嗜好好嗎? 我少年時代認識了一群愛踢足球的朋友,現在我回鄉探望他們 時,仍會一起踢球。在香港,我每個星期二傍晚都與中大足球隊 一起踢球。我也打羽毛球。我的新嗜好是每個週末帶兩個兒子 去看電影,早上即時到電影院就買票進去看,看甚麼都無所謂。 我也喜歡拍照和旅行。唸大學第一年的暑假,我和幾個朋友在桂 林玩漂流,原本打算一路漂到梧州,但經過一天半後就受不了, 其中一人發燒,所以我們到陽朔就放棄,最後要坐巴士回梧州。 你在廣州的華南農業大學讀書。你是廣西人嗎?是否自小就 對植物感興趣? 我來自梧州,那是廣西一個風景漂亮的古老小城,那裏是講白話 的。我的高考成績足以申請重點大學,但我當時沒有特別喜歡某 一科目,剛巧看到華南農業大學的介紹裏有一張森林的照片,我 被它吸引,所以就申請了。那時我對植物沒有甚麼認識,不過我 小時候也頗多接觸植物,因為我母親曾經在農村當赤腳醫生,我 常跟着她到農村去。 我在廣州唸大學的四年可說是專修玩樂。早上上完課,下午就和 朋友去踢足球;有些學生晚上會溫習,我們很少這樣。到考試前 當然會溫習,但一考完又去玩了,很開心自由。到了大學畢業後 申請出國留學,我才開始考慮事業。 你在加拿大唸碩士和博士,在美國從事博士後研究,可以講 講你在這兩地的經歷嗎? 我是在1月1日到達溫哥華的,還記得踏出機場時正在下雪。曾獲 諾貝爾獎的生物化學家 Michael Smith 教授在英屬哥倫比亞大學 創立邁克爾 ‧ 史密斯實驗室,研究人類、動物和植物等的分子基 因學,在當時1989年是很大型和非常先進的實驗室。我很幸運加 入其植物生物技術實驗室當碩士研究生。兩年後我去了西蒙菲 莎大學唸博士,更加深入研究植物分子生物學。之後四年我在美 國華盛頓大學從事博士後研究,研究植物細胞的蛋白質運輸。 姜里文教授 生命科學學院細胞及分子生物學 課程主任 兩屆裘槎基金會優秀科研者獎得主 Prof. Jiang Liwen Director of Cell and Molecular Biology Programme, School of Life Sciences Two-time Winner of Croucher Senior Research Fellowship Photo by ISO staff 口談實錄 Viva Voce ’