Newsletter No. 463

2 463 • 19.9.2015 特寫 Feature 秋之奏鳴曲 Autumn Sonata 愛心月餅慶中秋 Mid-autumn Festival Visit 在  9月5日,中大與基督教香港信義會馬鞍山長者地區中心及縱橫社會責任網絡,合辦「中大愛心月餅慶中秋」活動。 校長 沈祖堯 、副校長 許敬文 及協理副校長 馮通 ,以及一百位「中大 ‧ 關懷服務團」義工,與長者共度中秋佳節。 沈校長除了在地區中心與一百位長者玩遊戲及大展歌喉外,還帶領「中大 ‧ 關懷服務團」探訪居住於馬鞍山的長者,送上印有 「中大CUHK」字樣的「愛心月餅」及福袋。 O n 5 September, CUHK co-organised the ‘Visiting the Elderly with CUHK Mooncake Event’ with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong’s Ma On Shan District Elderly Community Centre and Strategic CSR Network. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung , CUHK Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Michael Hui , Pro-Vice-Chancellor; and Prof. Fung Tung , Associate Vice-President, joined 100 volunteers from the CUHK  • Care Service team to celebrate the festive season with the elderly. During his visit to the community centre, Professor Sung played games and sang songs with over 100 seniors. After that, he led the volunteers from the CUHK  • Care Service team in visits to senior residents in Ma On Shan and delivered ‘CUHK Mooncakes’ and gift bags to them. 「九五之尊」籌款之夜 An Evening with the Best of the Best 當 天晚上,和聲書院假香港會議展覽中心舉辦的「九五之尊籌款之夜」,筵開共一百二十八席,邀得超過二十位政商名人 擔任表演嘉賓,為中大籌募教育經費,籌得一千六百萬元善款。 是次晚宴節目豐富,表演嘉賓由六歲到八十八歲,包括書院贊助人 李和聲 博士與 馮康 醫生的京胡演出,書院院監會主席 梁鳳儀 博士( 左圖左 )演出的《帝女花》,院監會前成員 黃宜弘 博士與一眾社會賢達表演社交舞,沈祖堯校長與和聲書院合唱團合唱 《獅子山下》等。 I n the evening of the same day, Lee Woo Sing College held a fundraiser called ‘An Evening with the Best of the Best’ at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Aimed at raising fund for CUHK, it was a large scale singing and dancing performance with over 20 renowned celebrities of Hong Kong as its performers. The event was attended by more than 1500 guests and attracted HK$1.6 million in donations. The event featured a large variety of performance items. Aged from 6 to 88, the performers included College patron Dr. Lee Woo-sing , who played the Jinghu with Dr. Fung Hong ; Dr. Anita Leung ( left in left photo ), chairman of the College’s Committee of Overseers, who performed Cantonese Opera; Dr. Philip Wong , former member of the College’s Committee of Overseers, who performed ballroom dancing with a host of celebrities; and Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, who sang Below the Lion Rock with the Woo Sing Choir. 踏入9月,悠長的暑假結束。校園彷彿又蘇醒活躍起來。 With the end of the summer break, the CUHK campus sprang to life again from a long period of quiescence in September. 本科生入學典禮 Inauguration Ceremony 到 了9月7日,中大舉行本科生入學典禮,沈校長致辭 時引用孔子的說話:「志於道,據於德,依於仁,游於 藝。」勉勵新生要多閱讀經典和討論時事以尋找正確之道, 尊重別人以獲得他人尊重,多參與社區活動以服務弱勢社 群,並最少學習一種中國藝術。 另外,2009年醫科畢業生、2010年羅德學人 鄭華哲 醫生也 在典禮演講,向新生談到當年獲獎學金往美國當交換生, 接觸了美術政治等學科,開闊了他的視野。他認為在中大唸 書,各種機會多的是,而且往往是出人意表的。機會出現的 時候,別因為它不似預期而抗拒。提出勇氣擁抱未知,必有 所得着。 O n 7 September, CUHK held the Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduates. In his welcoming speech, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung shared his views on university education with the young men and women by quoting Confucius: ‘I set my heart on the Way, base myself on Virtue, lean upon Benevolence for support and take my recreation in the Arts.’ He urged them to find their way of justice by reading the classics and discussing contemporary issues, earn the respect of others by respecting them, serve the underprivileged by taking part in community service programmes, and enjoy the arts by taking up at least one Chinese art. Dr. Timothy Cheng , a 2009 medical graduate and 2010 Rhode Scholar, shared with the freshmen his experience as an exchange student on scholarship when he was an undergraduate, and how the studies in fine arts and political science courses in the US broadened his vision. He assured the new students that opportunities are abundant at CUHK, and they always come about unexpectedly. One should take courage to embrace opportunities and should not shun them because they look strange and different. 2015年的中大新生 New Students of the 2015 Intake 中 大今年共錄取二千六百八十一名聯招生,99.7% 為 Band A考生。 由香港特區政府民政事務局頒發的首屆「多元卓越獎學金」, 每年全額資助約二十名在體育、藝術、社會服務等非學業方面 表現卓越的中學生入讀學士課程。2015學年全港共有二十一 人獲獎,當中九人是中大新生。 中大今年藉非聯招計劃錄取了逾五百名非本地本科新 生,都是在國際或當地認可考試中成績優異之輩,包括 在 IB、SAT、大馬高級學校文憑及台灣學測中考獲滿分的考 生。這些非本地生除來自內地三十一個省市、澳門及台灣 外,還有來自澳洲、比利時、德國、印度、印尼、日本、韓國、 吉爾吉斯坦、馬來西亞、尼泊爾、葡萄牙、俄羅斯、史瓦濟 蘭、泰國、美國等地。 透過內地全國統一招生計劃錄取的內地高考生,高考成績 在所屬省市皆名列前茅,位列全省前0.01%。今年也錄取了 十四名少數民族考生,令中大校園的文化面貌更多元。 此外,中大今年透過「運動員獎學金」共錄取了二十六名聯 招及非聯招本地學生,當中八人是香港隊代表,分別在田 徑、網球、游泳、排球、手球及籃球等運動有傑出表現。