Newsletter No. 463

463 • 19.9.2015 3 本地生 Local Students •黃澤鉅 Wong Chak-kui 今屆最年輕文憑試考生為年僅十五歲 的黃澤鉅,應考七科中成績全達5級或 以上。醉心科學的他主修化學。 At 15, Wong Chak-kui is the youngest HKDSE candidate territory-wide. He scored 5 or above in all seven subjects he sat. He is admitted to the Faculty of Science to study chemistry. •楊雅詩 Alice Yeung 楊雅詩曾參與中大醫學院舉辦的暑期臨床實習計劃,加 深了對醫學的認識。她於中學文憑試考獲六科5**佳績, 選擇在中大修讀醫學(環球醫學領袖 培訓專修)。 By joining the Summer Clinical Attachment Programme organized by the Faculty of Medicine, Alice Yeung broadened her perspectives on medical sciences. Alice attained excellent results with 5** in six subjects in the HKDSE. She is admitted to the MBChB (Global Physician-Leadership Stream). •鍾凱霖 Chung Hoi-lam 獲民政事務局頒發首屆「多元卓越獎 學金」的鍾凱霖入讀藝術系,她在多 藝術比賽中屢獲殊榮,包括日本世界 青少年兒童繪畫比賽、歐洲青少年蒙 馬特繪畫比賽等。 A recipient of ‘Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship’ awarded by the Home Affairs Bureau, Chung Hoi-lam is admitted to the Department of Fine Arts. She has brought home many awards in various arts competitions, including the Annual World Children’s Picture Contest, and the Small Montmartre of Bitola. •黃日及黃旭 Wong Yat and Wong Yuk 年僅十四歲的黃日( 左 ) 是今年中大 錄取最年輕的學生,他與十六歲的 哥哥黃旭( 右 ) ,憑科學及數學領域 上的天賦,以及公開試之優異成績, 雙雙透過非聯招計劃獲中大錄取, 分別入讀理論物理精研和工程學。 At 14, Wong Yat ( left ) is the youngest student admitted by CUHK this year. He and his elder brother Wong Yuk ( right ), aged 16, have been admitted to CUHK via the Non- JUPAS admissions scheme with their outstanding achievements in science and mathematics areas. They are studying physics (enrichment stream in theoretical physics) and engineering, respectively. 非本地生 Non-local Students •畢雪瀅 Bi Xueying 來自內蒙古自治區的牙克石市的畢雪 瀅,是該市理科第一名。入讀專業會計 學的她很喜歡香港這個充滿活力的大 都會。 Bi Xueying is from Yakeshi, a northern city of the Mongolian Autonomous Region. She is the top scorer of the science stream in her city. Impressed by the vibrancy and diversity of Hong Kong, she chose to study professional accountancy here. •陳思涵 Chen Sihan 在安徽省英語單科考獲滿分的理科生陳 思涵,在高中時參加語言學競賽獲國家一 等獎,精於語言邏輯。他在中大修讀理學 課程。 Chen Sihan obtained a full mark in the English subject in Anhui. He excelled in linguistic logics and was awarded the first-class national award in linguistics. He is now studying science at CUHK. •許耀元 Hsu Yao-yuan 在台灣學科能力測驗考獲滿分的許耀元,獲頒獎學金入 讀環球經濟與金融學。 Hsu Yao-yuan got full marks in Taiwan’s General Scholastic Ability Test and was offered a scholarship from CUHK to study Global Economics and Finance. • Coralie Elisabeth Herrmann 來自德國的Coralie入讀工商管理學士綜 合課程,她性格活潑好動,希望透過參加 不同類型的課外活動及學會,認識新朋友 及發展個人潛能。 A student of the Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration programme, Coralie from Germany is an active person who looks forward to meeting new friends and exploring her potentials through joining various extra-curricular activities and societies at CUHK. • Radhika Narang 來自印度的Radhika,獲得 獎 學金入讀 工商管理學士綜合課程。 Radhika has won a scholarship to study the Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration programme. •杜薈敏 Toh Huey Ming 來自馬來西亞的杜薈敏,考獲大馬高級學校文憑試滿分, 獲 獎 學金入讀保險、金融與精算學/計量金融學。 Scoring full marks in the Malaysian STPM examination, Toh Huey Ming from Malaysia was granted a scholarship to study Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Quantitative Finance. T hrough the Joint University Programmes Admission System (JUPAS), CUHK admitted 2,681 students who sat the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination. Ninety-nine point seven per cent of them were Band A students. The HKSAR Home Affairs Bureau launches for the first time the ‘Multi-faceted Excellence Scholarship’ this year. Through the scholarship scheme, around 20 local undergraduate students each year are awarded full-tuition fee scholarships by the government to study a bachelor’s degree in recognition of their achievements in non-academic areas such as sports, arts and/or community service. Nine out of the 21 scholarship recipients are admitted to CUHK. The University has admitted over 500 non-local students of high calibre through the Non-JUPAS admissions scheme. Many of them, including top scorers of IB, SAT, Taiwan GSAT and Malaysia STPM, achieved outstanding results in international/ locally recognized examinations. Among non- local students, besides those recruited from 31 mainland provinces and municipalities, Macau, and Taiwan, many others are from countries around the globe, including Australia, Belgium, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Nepal, Portugal, Russia, Swaziland, Thailand, United States, etc. As for the mainland students admitted via the Unified Colleges and Universities Enrollment System, they are ranked top 0.01% in their provinces/municipalities. Fourteen students of different ethnic minorities also join the CUHK community, broadening diversity and multiculturalism on our campus. This year, 26 JUPAS and non-JUPAS students who have outstanding achievements in sports, including athletics, tennis, swimming, volleyball, handball and basketball, were admitted to CUHK through the Sports Scholarship Scheme. Eight of them are members of Hong Kong national squads. 以最佳五科成績中位數計算,收生最高分的 五個課程/專修範圍: Top five programmes/streams in terms of the median admission scores of the best five subjects are: •醫學(環球醫學領袖培訓專修) Medicine (Global Physician Stream) •環球商業學 Global Business Studies •藥劑學 Pharmacy •醫學 Medicine •計量金融學及風險管理科學 Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science