Newsletter No. 466

466 • 4.11.2015 5 「中大像素」探索中大舊貌與新顏 New ‘CUHK in Pixels’ Image Database Shows Many Faces of CUHK 中大半世紀以來累積的珍貴相片盈千累萬,儼然一 個大寶庫,等待發掘。年前資訊處建立「資訊處刊物 數碼資料庫」,將資訊處出版的中大刊物數碼化,供 各界人士取用,甚受歡迎;現再創新猷,推出「中大 像素」相片庫,分享大學創校至今記錄珍貴時刻的相 片。網站現已啟用( in-pixels/ ),亦可從中大網頁首頁登入。 「中大像素」版面簡潔,使用方便。相片現分為「校 園」、「書院」、「學習」等八個類別,訪客可選入其中 一個類別隨意欣賞,亦可利用搜尋功能,彈指之間找 到心儀相片;每張相片均顯示內容標籤、拍攝時間等 資料,部分更有「相片來源」,附有網址連結,讓大家 發掘相片背後的故事。「中大像素」現存相片數量逾 一千五百張,日後會不斷增加。 資訊處處長曹永強先生說:「中大歷年來拍下不少相片,捕捉校園裡許多人、事、物,是中大 人的共同回憶。成立『中大像素』目的是透過展示這些相片,鼓勵校內同仁分享珍貴影像。」 他期待「中大像素」內容會繼續擴充:「首階段我們計劃網羅在大學出版物內出現過的相 片,稍後希望校內各部門也能積極參與,提供相片,共同建設一個真正全校性的相片庫。」 CUHK has accumulated thousands of photos taken over the last five decades—treasures waiting to be mined and, recently, they have been. Some years ago the Information Services Office (ISO) launched the ‘ISO Publication Digital Archive’ featuring digitized versions of University publications. The archive has been well received by CUHK members and the public. Now the ISO presents ‘CUHK in Pixels’, a database of images capturing momentous occasions of the University since its founding. A website ( ) has been created for the purpose, that can be accessed via the official CUHK website. With a neat layout and a user-friendly interface, ‘CUHK in Pixels’ features images in eight categories, including ‘Campus’, ‘College’, and ‘Learning’. Visitors can browse photos by clicking the categories or find photos by keyword search. Every photo contains details like ‘tags’ and ‘time shot’. Some photos have information on ‘source’ which when clicked will show you the backstory. Over 1,500 photos have been uploaded so far, and the number will continue to increase. Mr. Tommy Cho, Director of Information Services, said, ‘The faces, events and landscapes on campus have left many beautiful images which make up the collective memory of the University. The archive is an effort to promote and democratize the visual culture on campus by making these valuable memory traces accessible to everyone.’ He saw it as a continuous and growing resource: ‘Our first steps are to make available all the photos that have appeared in the University publications. In later stages we hope that other units may follow suit and contribute their photos to make it a truly University-wide image resource.’ 中大與艾伯塔大學加強學術聯繫 CUHK Reaffirms Partnership with University of Alberta 艾伯塔大學校監Ralph Young 先生率領一行七人代表團,於 10月14日到訪中大。代表團 成員包括常務副校長Steven Dew博士( 左 )、國際關係與 招生處常務理事暨助理副校長 (國際)黃岑博士和中國學院 院長侯秉東先生等,由本校校 長沈祖堯教授( 右 )、協理副校 長張偉雄教授、以及中大香港 亞太研究所聯合所長趙永佳教 授接待。 兩校代表交換最新發展及科研 動向,並審視兩校現有合作和在世界大學聯盟中共同參與的項目。中大與艾伯塔大學於1996年簽署學術 交流備忘錄,成為合作夥伴,並於1999年簽署另一份備忘錄,制訂本科生交流計劃。是次訪問,沈祖堯 校長和Steven Dew博士在兩校代表見證下續簽兩份備忘錄,深化兩校的合作關係。 A seven-member delegation led by Mr. Ralph Young, Chancellor, University of Alberta, visited CUHK on 14 October for the purposes of strengthening ties and reaffirming partnerships in academic collaboration and student exchange. Members of the delegation include Dr. Steven Dew ( left ), Provost and Vice-President; Dr. Cen Huang, Executive Director of International Relations and Recruitment and Assistant Vice-President (International); and Mr. Gordon Houlden, Director of the China Institute, among others. The delegates were warmly received by Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( right ), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Gordon Cheung, Associate Vice-President; and Prof. Stephen Chiu, Co-Director, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies. Representatives of both universities exchanged the latest developments and information on research programmes of their respective institutions. They also reviewed existing collaborations and engagements in the Worldwide Universities Network, to which both universities belong. In the presence of representatives from both universities, Professor Sung and Dr. Dew took the opportunity to renew two Memoranda of Understanding—the first signed in 1996 for academic collaboration, and the second signed in 1999 for undergraduate student exchange. 校園消息 Campus News 聯合書院五十九周年 United College 59th Anniversary Celebrations 聯合書院在10月中旬慶祝五十九周年院慶,書院及學生會攜手舉行了一連串 活動,包括院慶活動開幕禮、聯合起跑、大笪地等。 院慶典禮在10月16日舉行,邀請書院校董會主席張煊昌博士和南豐集團行 政總裁梁錦松先生擔任主禮人並致辭。活動高潮為當晚的千人宴,逾千名嘉 賓、校友和師生參與盛會。 The United College celebrated its 59th anniversary in mid-October with a series of celebration activities, including the opening ceremony, UC Run, the outdoor bazaar, etc. The 59th anniversary ceremony was held on 16 October. The College invited Dr. Thomas H.C. Cheung, Chairman of the College Board of Trustees and Mr. Leung Kam-chung Antony, Group Chief Executive Officer, Nan Fung Group to officiate at the ceremony and deliver speeches. The celebration climaxed with the ‘Feast-for-a-Thousand’ held in the same evening. Over a thousand College staff, students, alumni and guests enjoyed the dinner.