Newsletter No. 469/470

469/470 • 19.12.2015 7 劉明康 教授為資深金融學家及中國銀監會前主席,現為中山大學嶺南學院名譽院長、香港銀行學會資 深會士、中大全球經濟及金融研究所BCT銀聯集團傑出研究員及商學院榮譽教授。劉教授歷任多間 銀行及政府部門要職,被譽為解決國內銀行系統問題的專家。在2003年劉教授臨危受命出任首屆中 國銀監會主席,監管當時存在大量不良貸款的中國銀行業。劉教授曾獲全球風險管理學會授予全球風 險管理大獎,以及《亞洲銀行家》雜誌授予終身成就獎。中大頒授榮譽社會科學博士學位予劉明康教 授,以表彰他對銀行業發展的卓著貢獻。 Prof. Liu Mingkang is a financial expert and former Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. He is currently Honorary Dean of Lingnan College at Sun Yat-sen University, Senior Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers, BCT Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Global Economics and Finance, and Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Business Administration at CUHK. In 2003, Professor Liu was appointed as the first Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, to regulate China’s troubled banking industry. The University conferred upon Professor Liu the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa , in recognition of his significant contributions to the banking industry. Leo Rafael Reif 博士是美國麻省理工學院(學院)校長、美國國家先進製造夥伴督導委員會聯席主席 及美國電子電機學會院士。Reif博士對學院及教育界貢獻重大,包括制訂讓學院抵禦環球金融危機的 策略、推廣由教員主導以解決種族和多元化問題的政策等。他認為高等教育應公平和普及,因此積極 推動將大學課程內容免費上載到互聯網,及後促成學院與哈佛大學共同推出網絡教學平台 edX,讓全 球人士可享有豐富的學習資源。Reif博士曾獲頒美國總統青年科學家獎、美國半導體研究公司的亞里 士多德獎、美國翠貝卡顛覆性創新獎,以及美國2015年 Frank E. Taplin,Jr. 公共知識份子獎等多項殊 榮。中大頒授榮譽法學博士學位予Reif 博士,以表揚他對高等教育的傑出貢獻。 Dr. Leo Rafael Reif is President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Co-Chairman of the Steering Committee of the National Advanced Manufacturing Partnership in the US, and a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Dr. Reif has made important contributions to MIT and the education sector. He led the design and implementation of the strategy that allowed MIT to weather the global financial crisis, and promoted a major faculty-led effort to address challenges around race and diversity. Dr. Reif also spearheaded the formation of edX with Harvard University that brings free online learning resources to people around the world. Dr. Reif has received a number of honours in the US, include the Presidential Young Investigator Award, the Aristotle Award of Semiconductor Research Corporation, the Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Award, and the 2015 Frank E. Taplin, Jr. Public Intellectual Award. The University conferred upon Dr. Reif, in absentia, the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa , for his remarkable contributions to higher education. 吳為山 教授是蜚聲國際的中國當代雕塑大師,現任中國美術館館長、中國美術家協會副主席及中國雕 塑院院長。吳教授首創中國現代寫意雕塑之風,致力在作品中融滲及展現中國文化精神,對中國當代 雕塑創作的發展貢獻良多。他致力將當代中國藝術推向國際,組織與參與國際展覽並屢獲大獎,包括 英國攀格林獎、法國羅浮宮國際美術展金獎等。吳教授與中大淵源深厚,現為中大榮譽院士及藝術系 客座教授。為表揚吳教授在弘揚中國藝術與文化的貢獻,大學頒授榮譽文學博士學位予吳為山教授。 Eminent sculptor Prof. Wu Weishan is Director of the National Art Museum of China, Vice-President of the China Artists Association and President of the China Academy of Sculpture of the Chinese National Academy of Arts. Professor Wu pioneered a new style of Expressive Sculpture, which seeks to integrate traditional Chinese philosophy with aesthetics, blazing a new trail in contemporary Chinese sculpture. He is also committed to promoting Chinese art in the international arena and has won numerous awards overseas, including the Pangolin Award of the Society of Portrait Sculptors in the UK and gold medal of the Louvre International Art Exhibition in France. Professor Wu is an Honorary Fellow at CUHK and an Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Fine Arts. The University conferred upon Professor Wu the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa , for his contributions to Chinese art and culture. 日本醫學家 山中伸彌 教授現為京都大學iPS細胞研究與應用中心主任,亦是三藩市格拉德斯通研究所 高級研究員,以研發誘導性多功能幹細胞(iPS細胞)而聞名,2012年與英國發育生物學家Sir John Bertrand Gurdon 獲得諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。山中教授同時也致力於科普推廣工作,鼓勵普羅大眾 認識科學,其卓越成就為他帶來無數獎項及榮譽,包括邵逸夫獎、美國阿爾拔 • 拉斯克基礎醫學研究 獎。中大頒授榮譽理學博士學位予山中教授,以表揚他對醫學科研的傑出貢獻。 Prof. Shinya Yamanaka is Director of the Centre for iPS Cell Research and Application at Kyoto University. He also serves as a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco. One of the world’s leading stem cell researchers, he pioneered the iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cell technology and received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2012 with the British developmental biologist Sir John Bertrand Gurdon. Professor Yamanaka has also been active in promoting science among the general public. Professor Yamanaka has received the Shaw Prize and the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award. The University conferred upon Professor Yamanaka the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, for his phenomenal achievements in medical research.