Newsletter No. 471

8 471 • 19.1.2016 ’ 口談實錄 Viva Voce 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 陳鍵漳 Chan Kin-cheung Kinson • 計量金融學及風險管理科學三年級生 • 和聲書院「體驗京崑戲曲課程」學員 • Year 3 Student in Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science • Student of ‘Experience Kunqu and Peking Opera’, Lee Woo Sing College 崑曲怎樣在你的青春世界裏引起觸動? 我對崑曲的興趣始於電影《霸王別姬》。讀中學時,某年張國 榮生忌,電視正播放他主演的這齣電影,我被他飾演的男旦 深深吸引。得知電影改編自小說,於是到學校的圖書館借閱。 圖書館將戲曲類書籍放在一起,電影小說旁邊是《牡丹亭》和 《桃花扇》等名劇戲文,我都細讀了,又開始在網上欣賞名家 演出,對崑曲更覺着迷。 如何踏上習旦角的路? 張國榮的精湛演技影響到我以旦角為學習目標。去年9月, 「體驗京崑戲曲課程」剛上課,我便提出要習旦角。老師也認 為我一副陰柔的嗓子,加上長頸「柳肩」,甚為合適。不過,老 師最初建議我學京劇,我還是堅持習崑曲,最終得到老師首 肯。我想,在這個課程裏能否唱崑旦,既看條件,也看意願。 「體驗京崑戲曲課程」上課情形是怎樣的? 課程共十三周,每周兩節課,通常前一節課講解京崑戲曲的文 化與特色,後一節則學戲。上課學生約二十人,不少是旁聽生, 有些很熱心的同學已經連續旁聽三個學期。同學習生角和 旦角為主,旦角導師有京劇的 金慧苓 老師和崑曲的 邢金沙 老 師。多數同學從未學戲,老師知道我們欠缺基本功,很耐心教 導。好像我們學《牡丹亭》,老師叫我們先擺好姿勢,做錯不 要緊,老師會逐個糾正。若果是傳統科班的教法,早就下藤條 下棍子了!我們學的動作不多,但要反覆練習,在家裏也聽着 老師的錄音、對着鏡子練。下課以後,同學會留下互相學習, 看誰做得好。老師見我們認真,也不介意超時,繼續教,所以 師生關係很不錯。 學崑曲,不怕人家笑你土氣落後嗎? 不怕。同學知道我學崑曲,並沒有覺得我土氣落後,反而覺得 很新奇。崑曲現在不再被視為過時的藝術、「老古董」,中國 內地掀起崑曲熱潮已有一段日子,不少年輕人會花時間欣賞 甚至學唱崑曲。更重要的是我一直喜歡中國傳統文化,除了習 戲曲,平時也有練書法,所以人家怎樣看待我不太顧慮。 唱、做、唸、打,何者最難上手? 我暫時只有學唱和做,對我而言唱最難。做手方面,我身體柔 軟度始終不及女同學,但如果不斷練習也不致太差。唱曲則 感到自己一直進步不大。我有時唱高音也挺吃力,加上崑曲咬 字有特殊的美感,唱一個字,要唱出頭、腹、尾,又講求溫婉 圓潤,字尾收結準確乾淨等,要求非常高。老師說他們科班出 身,從小到大每天練聲,我們難以企求,只好將勤補拙。 最喜歡的崑曲演員是誰?最想演的角色是? 最喜歡的崑曲演員是 張繼青 老師,她演的《牡丹亭》是我看的 第一齣崑曲;另有 張志紅 老師。她們的表演非常精彩,我尤其 喜愛她們在戲內的打扮與氣質;我最想演《牡丹亭》的杜麗 娘和《貴妃醉酒》的楊貴妃。早前在書院的巡迴演出中,我還 穿了楊貴妃的戲服拍照。雖然《貴妃醉酒》是京劇,但學習過 崑曲的人學也不難。行內稱京崑俱佳的演員為「崑亂不擋」。 課程以後,如何保持對崑曲的熱情? 選修前我沒想到課程讓我得到這麼多珍貴體驗,而且還能夠 參與公開演出,的確令我眼界大開。我自知至今仍未摸索到 崑曲的竅門,但很幸運認識到不少崑曲老師。以後我除會繼 續參加書院的課程和工作坊外,還會找身處香港的邢金沙老 師繼續學戲。 How were you first moved by Kun opera? I fell in love with Kun opera after watching the movie Farewell My Concubine . I watched it on TV years ago when I was in secondary school. It was the late Leslie Cheung’s birthday. He played the dan (main female role) in the movie. I was moved by his performance, so when I learnt that the movie was adapted from a novel, I searched for the novel in the school library. The scripts of the famous Kun operas, The Peony Pavilion and The Peach Blossom Fan were placed next to the novel. I perused them all, and started watching Kun opera on the internet. How did you start playing the dan role? My decision was greatly affected by Leslie’s acting. When the course ‘Experience Kunqu and Peking Opera’ began in September 2015, I expressed my interest in playing the dan role. The teachers believed I could play well because of my relatively feminine voice, and a physique with a long neck and sloping shoulders suited to wearing female costumes. They first suggested that I learnt Peking opera but I determined to learn Kunqu , and eventually they agreed, probably taking into account both my attributes and my desire. Can you say more about the course? It is a 13-week course, two lessons per week. The first lesson is about knowledge of Kunqu and Peking opera; the second practice. There are about 20 students, but many are auditing. Some of the more enthusiastic students have attended the course for three consecutive semesters. Students mainly learn to play the sheng (main male role) and the dan roles. For dan , Ms. Jin Huiling teaches Peking opera while Ms. Xing Jinsha teaches Kunqu . Most of us have never learnt opera before, so the teachers are very patient. For example, when we were learning The Peony Pavilion , the teachers would correct our poses one by one. We have not learnt many poses and moves but we have to practise over and over again. At home we practise in front of mirrors while listening to the audio tapes provided by the teachers. We stay behind after class, and the teachers would stay behind too. Do you mind people seeing you as old-fashioned? No. When I tell my friends about what I’m learning, they find it fascinating. In mainland China, Kun opera is no longer considered outdated art. Teenagers spend time to listen to and learn it. Kun opera is now at the height of its popularity. More importantly, I like Chinese culture very much. Besides learning Kun opera, I practise Chinese calligraphy. I don’t really care what people say. Singing, acting, recitation and acrobatics, which part of Kunqu do you find most difficult? I have only learnt to sing and act, and of the two, singing is more difficult. For acting, I am less flexible than girls, but I believe practice makes perfect. My progress in singing has been slow. I sometimes struggle to hit the high notes. Kunqu singing is skill-intensive and highly meticulous with word articulation. The opening consonant, the single vowel or diphthong and the ending consonant of each word must be projected with smoothness and clarity. Who is your favourite actress? What roles do you want to play? My favourite actress is Zhang Jiqing . She’s in the first Kunqu I ever saw, The Peony Pavilion . I like Zhang Zhihong , too. Their performances are exceptional. I am particularly attracted by their exquisite costumes and temperaments; I want to perform Du Liniang in The Peony Pavilion and Yang Yuhuan in The Tipsy Concubine . Last year in the Chinese opera performance organized by Lee Woo Sing College, I wore the costume of Yang Yuhuan and had some really nice photos taken. The Tipsy Concubine is a Peking opera, but it is not too hard for good Kunqu learners to pick up. How will you maintain your enthusiasm for Kunqu after the course? I never expected to learn so much from the course, and I was fortunate enough to perform in the College. Although I am still a beginner, I have met some great teachers who can help me to continue my learning. In future, besides joining the College’s courses and workshops, I will keep learning Kunqu from Ms. Xing Jinsha, who lives and works in Hong Kong. Photo by ISO staff