Newsletter No. 481

是甚麽原因吸引你來中大修讀民族音樂? 我兒時的志願是當醫生,但要在醫科與音樂之間二選其一, 我還是會選擇音樂。來中大之前,我在美國修讀歌劇演唱學 士課程,當時我已對不同民族的音樂很感興趣,希望透過文 字去論述音樂帶給人的感覺,以及音樂對文化帶來的影響。 我比較過中大跟其他院校的課程後,覺得中大的碩士課程確 實較適合我,就決定報讀。 為何選擇加入中大研究生會? 這跟我在美國讀書的經驗有關,當時獨自在外地,很希望找 到一個地方能帶給我家的溫暖。在獲得中大研究院取錄後, 我參加了他們舉辦的迎新營,認識了研究生會的舊莊員,覺 得這個團體不錯,很有家的感覺,而且我希望能為同學作 出貢獻,就加入了研究生會,可以說我跟這團體還是很有 緣分。 為甚麽選擇「研匯」作為今屆幹事會的名稱? 「研」指研究生,而「匯」,是取其匯聚的意思。研究生會希 望可以匯聚不同文化與學術背景的同學,組成一個大家庭, 並為他們提供優質的活動及福利。 可否分享一下你讀碩士期間的研究與學習經驗? 我的碩士論文主要研究台灣的近代佛教音樂。近代佛教音樂 融匯了現代流行音樂的編曲和旋律,加入佛教的元素,例如 以經文作為曲詞並用吟誦的方式演繹。另外,除了小提琴跟 鋼琴等傳統樂器外,近代佛教音樂還會用上法器,利用木魚 及磬鐘的聲音帶出純樸肅穆的感覺,激烈的時候就會用太 鼓,以達致振奮精神的效果。 我是佛教徒,相信善念,而台灣的人間佛教發展蓬勃,所以 我特意選擇研究這個地方的佛教音樂。今年4月我曾在花蓮 一所寺廟住了半個月,廟裏一位師父也是修讀音樂的,能夠 在當地學習音樂與佛學,實在非常難得。 你會奏甚麽樂器?有甚麽音樂表演或比賽的經驗? 我從小學習小提琴跟結他,最近基於修讀民族音樂的關係, 接觸到中阮,這樂器有點像中國式結他,到現在已經學了大 概十個月。之前在美國讀書時,我曾以北美賽區選手身分, 參加第二屆華人星光大道歌唱比賽,並躋身北美八強,後來 更跟幾個志同道合的朋友自組了名為Band Momentum的 樂隊。 比賽的經驗可有助你當研究生會會長? 參加音樂比賽和領導一個群體一樣,需要有個人魅 力,指的是一種內在的自信,在緊急關頭能保持沉 着冷靜。做領袖的挑戰更大,因為他必須具備良 好的時間與人事管理能力,以及隨時補位、願意 貢獻時間和服務大眾的精神。 你將帶領「研匯」展開什麽新的計劃?畢業後有何 抱負? 「研匯」上半年着力舉辦文化活動,致力推動校內不同 文化的融合。開學後,我們計劃在校內舉辦一些類似 「饑饉三十」的社會服務項目,以及職業導向活動,如 招聘會或校友分享會等。 至於個人的計劃,因為我喜歡教書,碩士畢業後,將申 請繼續攻讀博士,希望以後能成為一位音樂教授,把 我的研究成果和體會,和所有熱愛音樂的人分享。 Why did you choose to study ethnomusicology at CUHK? When I was young I wanted to become a doctor. But if I had to choose between music and medicine, it’s always music that came first. I became interested in learning about music from different cultures when I was an undergraduate student in opera singing in the US. I wished to write about what music could bring to people and to cultures. After comparing institutions that offer postgraduate programmes in ethnomusicology, I found that CUHK’s was the most suitable for me and I am glad that I went for it. What are the reasons for joining CUPSA? This has to do with my experience in the US. When you are alone in a foreign country, you are naturally attracted to any place that makes you feel like home. When I first came to CUHK, I was introduced to the then CUPSA Executive Committee members at the orientation camp. I quite liked the Association, which gave me a feeling of being home. So I joined the Association because I wanted to have more opportunities to serve other students. It was serendipity that brought me and CUPSA together. Why this year’s Executive Committee is called ‘PostGreat’? ‘Post’ refers to postgraduate students and ‘Great’ refers to great hearts and talents. Our mission is to connect and serve students with great hearts and talents from different backgrounds. Would you share your research topics and related learning experience with us? My thesis is on contemporary Buddhist music in Taiwan. Contemporary Buddhist music has incorporated many elements of popular music so as to reach a wider audience. The line between the two has become very fine. The lyrics one hears are often taken directly from the sutras and the singing takes the form of chanting. And on top of traditional instruments such as the violin and the piano, wooden clappers and bells would sometimes be used to create an aura of purity and solemnity. Taiko drums would also be employed to invigorating effects. I am a believer of Buddhism. Humanistic Buddhism is flourishing in Taiwan, which made me want to research on Buddhist music in Taiwan. This April I stayed at a temple in Hualien for two weeks and learned more about music and Buddhism from a Buddhist nun there. What musical instruments do you play? Have you participated in any competitions? I can play the violin and the guitar. Recently, I started to learn zhongruan . Zhongruan is like Chinese guitar. While I was still in the US, I participated in the Chinese Million Star, a singing competition in Taiwan, and even made the final eights in the US chapter. I also formed a band with some friends and we called ourselves ’Band Momentum‘. How has your experience in music competitions supported your role as the President of CUPSA? Charisma is essential for both participating in a singing competition and leading an organization. I mean the inherent confidence that can keep you calm and poised at critical moments. On top of charisma, being a leader also requires excellent time and relationship management skills, as well as a willingness to sacrifice time to serve others. What are your plans for ‘PostGreat’ and what are your future plans? In the past few months, ‘PostGreat’ focused on promoting cultural integration on campus. From September, ‘PostGreat’ will also be holding charity activities and career events such as recruitment talks and alumni sharing sessions. As for me, I plan to follow my passion for teaching by applying for a PhD. I hope to become a music professor and make available my experience and research findings to all those who share the same passion in music. 張王才萱 Rosa Zhang • 中大研究生會會長 • 音樂系民族音樂學碩士研究生 • 2016 President, The Postgraduate Student Association of CUHK (CUPSA) • M.Phil. student in Ethnomusicology 12 # 4 8 1 | 1 9 . 0 8 . 2 0 1 6 參加音樂比賽和領導一個群體一樣, 需要有 個人魅力 , 指的是一種 內在的自信 , 在緊急關頭能保持沉着冷靜 。 Charisma is essential for both participating in a singing competition and leading an organization. I mean the inherent confidence that can keep you calm and poised at critical moments. Photo by ISO Staff