Newsletter No. 485

07 # 4 8 5 | 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 6 盧煜明教授添兩殊榮 Prof. Dennis Lo Receives Two Prestigious Awards 李嘉誠醫學講座教授兼化學病理學系系主任盧煜明教授上月分 別獲頒「未來科學大獎─生命科學獎」及「湯森路透引文桂冠 獎─化學」,以表揚他憑藉血漿DNA診斷技術,開創「無創產前 診斷」方法的革命性貢獻,讓百萬計的孕婦受惠。 有「中國諾貝爾獎」之稱的未來科學大獎於2016年成立,設「生命 科學獎」及「物質科學獎」,得獎者各獲頒一百萬美元獎金。獎項 的頒授對象不限國籍,但其研究項目須主要在大中華地區完成, 兼具原創、長期重要性和巨大的國際影響。 湯森路透自2002年起,每年根據來自其權威的引文資料庫Web of Science ™ 分析科學研究引文,透過客觀數據鑑別在化學、物理 學、生理學或醫學及經濟學領域中最具影響力的科研者,以頒授 「引文桂冠獎」。盧教授自1997年起發表的十四份關於「無創性 產前診斷」科研文獻,至今已被引用了超過六千次。 Prof. Lo Yuk-ming Dennis’s seminal contribution to the widely-used non-invasive prenatal test based on the original discovery of fetal DNA in maternal blood has brought him another two top honours. The Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology recently receives the Future Science Prize–Life Science Prize, and has been named this year’s Thomson Reuters Citation Laureate–Chemistry for his discovery which has benefited millions of pregnant women globally. Established in 2016, the Future Science Prize, seen as the Chinese version of Nobel Prize, includes two categories: namely Life Science and Physical Science, with US$1 million award for each. Laureates of the prize will be selected regardless of their nationalities, as long as their achievements are original and innovative, have long-term significance or has passed test of time; and are completed mainly in the Greater China region. Since the year 2002, the annual Citation Laureates, organized by Thomson Reuters, mines scientific research citations within their global search and discovery platform Web of Science™, and identifies highly cited papers to honour the most influential researchers in chemistry, physics, physiology or medicine, and economics. According to scientific research citation data on the platform Web of Science™, 14 research papers that Professor Lo published on non-invasive prenatal diagnosis have been cited over 6,000 times since 1997. 遴選下任大學校長諮詢會 In Search for the Next Vice-Chancellor 大學校董會於2016年6月成立 校長物色及遴選委員會,就下 任校長聘任事宜向校董會提供 意見。在進行全球選聘前,遴 選委員會於10月4及5日在蒙民 偉樓舉辦兩場諮詢會,邀請大 學成員及持份者,就期望下任 校長所需具備的條件及個人特 質提出意見,約一百二十名學 生、教職員及校友出席。 諮詢會由校董會兼遴選委員會 主席梁乃鵬博士(右四)主持, 大部分成員包括利乾先生、陳志新博士、陳家亮教授、霍泰輝教授、華雲生教授,以及大學教務長及秘書長 吳樹培先生均有出席。諮詢會結束時,吳先生強調,遴選委員會會慎重考慮所有收集的意見,整理後會上載 至網頁,供大家參閱。 In June 2016, the University Council established the search committee to advise on the appointment of the next Vice-Chancellor to succeed Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung. Before a worldwide search was launched, the search committee organized two consultation forums on 4 and 5 October at Mong Man Wai Building to collect University members’ views on the expected qualities and personal attributes of the next Vice-Chancellor. About 120 students, staff and alumni attended the forums. The forums were hosted by Dr. Norman N.P. Leung (4th right), Chairman of the Council and the search committee. In attendance were Mr. Chien Lee, Dr. Chan Chi-sun, Prof. Francis K.L. Chan, Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, members of the search committee; and Mr. Eric S.P. Ng, University Registrar and Secretary. To round up the forums, Mr. Ng emphasized that the views collected will be thoroughly considered, compiled and uploaded to the website later. 寰宇實習拓視野 Global Internship, Global Vision 今年暑假五百多位中大生把握離岸學習機會,參加了由學生事務處舉辦的 「寰宇暑期實習計劃」,分別在四十八個國家實習,當中有廿二個國家或 地區位處「一帶一路」。學生事務處處長梁汝照先生(左一)表示,實習生 汲取工作經驗之餘,也鍛鍊自己的獨立能力和開拓世界視野。 公共衞生學三年級生何珈其(右二)在紐約的聯合國總部實習,他就聯合 國的十五年可持續發展目標,參與撰寫《世界生態報告》。「我每星期都 有機會與各國大使交流,又可以旁聽不同議題的國際會議,即使實習已經 完結,我仍會繼續撰寫和翻譯中文版的報告。」赴荷蘭鹿特丹實習的工商 管理四年級生吳鈞惠(右三)在巿場策劃公司分析社交媒體,並為公司制 訂有關社會企業責任的措施。她讚嘆當地人發展經濟之餘,又不忘保留文 化、歷史和自然生態。 環球商業學系五年級生邱卓婷(左二),曾到雲南格萊珉銀行實習,該銀行 由諾貝爾和平獎得主、孟加拉籍教授穆罕默德 • 尤努斯所創,透過貸款給 農民和窮人,協助他們脫離貧窮。卓婷坦言是次實習打破自己對金融業的 原有看法,「銀行不一定只服務有資產的人,當對象是窮人時,圖利和助人 皆可並存,事情不是非黑即白。」 工商管理二年級生鄭智韜(左三)到北京的中信信託有限責任公司實習, 他說:「從各項陽光私募金融投資信託計劃的合同擬定,到信託計劃開放 日處理客戶訴求等,均加深了我對內地金融生態和市場的認識,為日後發 展做好預備。」他特別感謝公司導師熱心指導以外,還相贈金融參考書。 This summer, more than 500 students seized the cross-border learning opportunity Global Internship Programme offered by Office of Student Affairs. They have left their footprints in 48 countries, among which 22 countries or regions are along the Belt and Road routes. According to Mr. Raymond Leung (1st left), Director of Student Affairs, interns not only gained work experience, but also nurtured their independence and global horizon. Kelvin Ho (2nd right), a Year 3 public health student, worked in the United Nations Headquarters in New York City as an intern. He participated in drafting the World Ecology Report with respect to 15-year sustainable development goals. ‘Every week, I exchanged views with delegates from different countries and sat in international meetings on various issues. I will continue to draft and translate the report into Chinese, even though I am back.’ Janet Ng (3rd right) is a Year 4 student from the Integrated BBA Programme. She was responsible for social analytics and corporate social responsibility initiatives in a market consulting corporation in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She was amazed by the locals’ dedications to cultural, historical and ecological conservation while pursuing economic development. Cherry Yau (2nd left) is a final-year global business student who interned at Yunnan Grameen Bank founded by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Bangladeshi professor Muhammad Yunus. The bank aims at poverty alleviation by offering loans to farmers and the poor. She discovers that the internship has liberated her from her rooted view in financial industry. ‘The bank can serve not only customers with asset but also the poor. We don't need to see profit-making and poverty relief as antitheses.’ Chester Cheng (3rd left), who is from the Integrated BBA Programme, spent his summer internship in CITIC Trust Co., Ltd. in Beijing. ‘From drafting the contracts of Sunlight private equity trust programmes to handling customer enquiries on the open day, I have deepened my understanding of the mainland financial ecology and market. These help me better prepare for my future.’ He was grateful for the guidance of his corporate mentor, who even gave him a financial reference book as a gift.