Newsletter No. 485

08 # 4 8 5 | 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 6 A Scripto-Pictorial Celebration of Longevity Huang Binhong (1865–1955) is primarily famous for his paintings, but from the classicism of his calligraphies can be seen traces of Chinese landscape paintings, particularly in the use of luxuriant layers of thick dark ink. He was an ardent imitator after the styles of Ouyang Xun, Chu Suiliang and Yan Zhenqing, famous calligraphers in the Tang Dynasty. The latter’s influence shows in particular in Huang’s bronze scripts. Several characters in this heptasyllabic couplet have not yet weaned from their hieroglyphic prototypes. Done in his typical style of inky and weighty strokes, the couplet is a remarkable illustration of how Huang has successfully merged calligraphy and painting. The couplet is a gift from CUHK’s third Vice- Chancellor, Prof. Charles K. Kao , and his wife to the Art Museum. Huang inscribed the calligraphy in 1948, when he was 84. The couplet was a gift to his close friend Gao Chuiwan (1878–1958) in celebration of Gao’s 70th birthday. An artist and bibliophile, Gao was the grandfather of Prof. Charles K. Kao (b.1933). Huang and Gao’s close relationship dates back to their younger days when both were fans of art and literature and concerned about national affairs. Gao was a key member of ‘Nanshe’, a literary group during the Chinese Revolution of 1911 and Huang was a supporter of the Hundred Days’ Reform in 1898. According to the inscription, Gao’s eldest son Jun Jie presented the Chuiwan Tower Collection of Poems to Huang, which brought back fond memories with Gao. In the inscription, Huang modestly claimed that his work was ‘unskillful and careless, though in the hope to amuse you’, which underscores the close relationship between the author and the recipient. Huang was no stranger to Hong Kong or doing life-drawings here. He put down on canvases his passage through Hong Kong on his way to Guangzhou in 1928— The Hong Kong Landscape portrays Hong Kong’s sea view from a summit, and The Picturesque Hong Kong depicts the Deep Water Bay and the Repulse Bay. He was hailed by Ta Kung Pao as the best painter when it comes to depicting Hong Kong scenery. Huang’s bonding with the city is revived with Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao’s generous gifting of the Heptasyllabic Couplet in Bronze Script—a gift from Huang to Professor Kao’s grandfather Gao Chuiwan—to the Art Museum. (This couplet is now showcased in the ‘Spirit of Sharing’ Exhibition at Gallery IIB of the Art Museum) The inscription in running scripts: Mr. Pa Sou (Gao’s alias) celebrates his 70th birthday in the 12th month of the year dinghai . His sagacious son Jun Jie published Chuiwan Tower Collection of Poems for him and sent it to me. Many of the rhymes were of pleasure of friendship and landscape. Old friends enjoying longevity together, I cannot help reading them over and over again with heartfelt thanks. Therefore I composed this couplet referring to epigraph and eulogy and wrote in seal script of the Zhou dynasty, it is unskillful and careless, though in the hope to amuse you. Huang Binhong of the Huangshan, at the age of 84. 黃賓虹(1865 – 1955) 金文七言聯 1948年 水墨紙本立軸 高錕教授伉儷惠贈 尺寸 畫心:各 140.5 x 25釐米 連裝裱:各182x 32 釐米 Huang Bin Hong (1865–1955) Heptasyllabic Couplet in Bronze Script 1948 Hanging scroll, ink on paper Gift of Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao Dimensions Calligraphy on paper: 140.5 x 25 cm each With frame: 182 x 32 cm each 雅 共 賞 / ART iculation 墨濃意深忘年交 黃賓虹(1865 – 1955)以繪畫馳名當世,而他 的書法甚具古意,融入了焦墨山水中黑、密、 厚、重的特色,渾厚華滋,這是因為他能夠將 學問融會於書法與繪畫之中。黃賓虹喜愛臨 習歐陽詢、褚遂良、顏真卿等唐代書法名家, 特別是顏真卿的筆法來源於篆籀等古代書 體,讓黃賓虹書寫鐘鼎銘文時別具韻味。這 對金文七言聯,其中「擇」、「文辭」、「勒」、 「舊」等字是未完全脫離象形的結字,而此 作品如黃賓虹的繪畫一樣,墨色黝黑,用筆 凝重有力,是黃賓虹將繪畫與書法融和的 佳例。 此聯由中大第三任校長 高錕 教授及夫人惠 贈文物館,書於1948年。聯句兩旁行楷題字 所書丁亥年,合為公元1947年,嘉平則指陰 曆12月,即已進入公元1948年。當時黃賓虹 已經八十四歲高齡,為祝賀晚輩兼摯友高吹 萬(1878 – 1958)七十大壽而書,故曰「開古 稀」。高吹萬即高燮,別號葩叟,是高錕教授 (1933年生)的祖父,他是擅於書畫及富藏 書的文人,也是辛亥革命時的文學團體「南 社」的骨幹成員。黃賓虹年輕時亦曾支持維 新運動,兩老均熱愛書畫藝術,關心國家興 亡,因此格外投緣。按題字所記,當時黃賓虹 獲高吹萬之長子君介惠贈《吹萬樓詩集》, 當中「多 謌 詠山水友朋之樂」,有感昔日共遊 的同伴今日亦已登德高長壽之境,再三展讀 集中作品,不勝感佩,所以用古籀書寫楹聯 一副以賀。此聯書法線條老辣,頗見拙趣,已 達人書俱老之境。黃賓虹自謙「荒率不工,聊 博笑正」,可知他與受書者友誼深厚。 黃賓虹不止一次來港遊覽及寫生,其中一次 在1928年,他往廣州前經過香港,「以畫為 證」,所畫下的風景,成為了《香港寫景圖》 與《香港風景》圖,前者描寫「香港登高峰望 遠海」的景色,後者則繪畫香港深水灣、淺 水灣二灣的風光,被《大公報》譽為「畫香港 之第一人」。如今高錕教授伉儷將黃賓虹送 贈祖父高吹萬的金文七言聯惠贈本館,再度 連繫了黃賓虹與香港的因緣。 (此聯現於文物館展廳二B「好古同樂」展覽中展出) 釋文 Translation of the couplet 華采擇金新鼓鑄,文辭勒石舊盤游。 New drum cast with vibrant gold Literary works engraved for memorable gathering 書家鈐印 Square seals with white characters 黃賓虹(白文方印) Huang Binhong (the calligrapher) 綠雪軒(白文方印,黃賓虹書齋名稱) Lùxue Xuan Green Snow Balcony (the calligrapher’s studio)