Newsletter No. 486

04 # 4 8 6 | 4 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 6 細味中國藝術與文化 A Taste of Chinese Art and Culture 和聲書院一直積極向中大學生及社區推廣中華文化,繼在暑期舉辦「中 國文化藝術月」活動,於10月初與香港振興京崑傳承中心再次合辦「姹 紫嫣紅–中國傳統戲曲曲藝推廣巡演」。承蒙上海戲劇學院附屬戲曲 學校支持,邀得上海崑劇團、上海評彈團及上海淮劇團來港示範表演 多項京劇及崑曲戲目。表演除在校內邵逸夫堂舉行外,更首次假尖沙 咀街坊福利會會堂加演兩場,一共吸引接近一千六百位對戲曲有興趣 的公眾人士及學生到場欣賞。 是次巡演有多位戲曲名家參與演出,包括國家一級演員沈昳麗演出崑 劇和國家一級演員高博文演出評彈,還有上海唯一京劇男旦演員牟元笛 等。觀眾大飽耳福之餘,亦欣賞到將近失傳的蹺功技藝。書院「體驗京 崑戲曲課程」學員亦有份參與演出,一嘗真正踏台板的滋味,亦同時汲 取經驗。而每晚的最後一個表演項目,是由京崑宗師俞振飛弟子、中大 榮譽院士顧鐵華博士帶領一眾演員演唱《大唐貴妃 • 梨花頌》,以紀念 已故京劇大師梅葆玖,為表演畫上完美的句號。 戲曲以外,和聲書院亦於9月底邀請了樹葉吹奏藝術大師、國家級非物 質文化遺產傳人邱少春到院,教授三百名學生以樹葉吹奏歌曲,宣揚 愛護環境及欣賞大自然。樹葉吹奏藝術可謂「青山不墨千秋畫,綠葉 無弦萬古琴。」 Lee Woo Sing College has been actively promoting Chinese culture to CUHK students and the community. Following the ‘Chinese Arts and Culture Month‘ held in summer, the College and the Hong Kong Kunqu Opera Promotion Centre jointly presented the ‘Cha Zi Yan Hong—Traditional Chinese Operatic Arts Promotion Tour’, supported by Affiliated School of Operatic Singing, Shanghai Theatre Academy, in early October. Actors from Shanghai Kunqu Opera Troupe, Shanghai Pingtan Troupe and Shanghai Huai Opera Troupe performed a number of Peking Opera and Kunqu opera demonstrations to the audience. In addition to performance in CUHK Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, it was the first time to have two performances held at a community hall in downtown, the Tsim Sha Tsui District Kaifong Welfare Association. The events attracted 1,600 public members and students who were interested in the opera. A number of renowned opera performers, including Shen Yili and Gao Bowen, both national first-class actors, and Mu Yuandi, the only male ‘Dan’ actor in Shanghai, performed well-known repertoire during the tour. Students from the College’s Experience the Kunqu and Peking Opera Programme were given a chance to perform on stage as well. Dr. Koo Tihua, the disciple of Kunqu magnate Yu Zhenfei and Honorary Fellow of CUHK, led the performers to sing the Tang Dynasty Imperial Concubine to commemorate the Peking opera master Mei Baojiu as the finale of each performance. In addition to Chinese operatic activities, the College invited the leaf whistling master and successor of national intangible cultural heritage, Qiu Shaochun, at the end of September, to instruct 300 students to play songs with leaves, so as to promote environmental protection and appreciation of nature. 朱棣文教授談科研說潔淨能源 Prof. Steven Chu on Research and Clean Energy 1997年諾貝爾物理學獎得主朱棣文教授應聯合書院邀請,於10月17至22日到訪該院,擔任2016至17年度的 「到訪傑出學人」,並分別於18日及20日主講「科學逍遙遊」及「走出能源及氣候變化的死胡同」,吸引近一千 三百名中大師生及公眾人士出席。是次訪問由聯合書院基金會及卓智基金資助。 朱教授以鐳射冷卻和原子捕集的研究獲頒諾貝爾獎。他於2009至2013年出任美國能源部長,是首位擔任 內閣首長的科學家,亦是任期最長的能源部長。朱教授現為美國史丹福大學威廉  • 凱南物理學講座教授兼分 子和細胞生理學講座教授,積極推廣可再生能源和核能研究,並認為減少應用化石燃料是應對氣候變化的 關鍵。 首講「科學逍遙遊」在尖沙咀香港科學館演講廳舉行,朱教授細說其不同階段的心路歷程:從美國加州大學 柏克萊分校當研究生開始,到貝爾實驗室和史丹福大學,着手研究鐳射冷卻和原子捕集的基本物理理論,以及 利用分子個體進行高分子物理和生物實驗等體會。他也談及擔任勞倫斯柏克萊國家實驗室所長和美國能源 部長期間,對氣候變化的關注。最後,他概述應用納米材料於生物、生物醫藥和電池等方面的研究。 第二講「走出能源及氣候變化的死胡同」則於邵逸夫堂舉行。朱教授 指出 近年因依賴化石燃料而顯現的種種後 遺症,以及勾勒能源大環境急速轉變的面貌,繼而探討如何藉有效運用能源和採用潔淨能源減低成本。兩個講 座的錄像稍後亦會上載於 iTunes U。 Prof. Steven Chu, 1997 Nobel Laureate in Physics, was invited to visit United College from 17 to 22 October, as the College’s Distinguished Visiting Scholar in 2016–17. Professor Chu delivered two public lectures entitled ‘A Random Walk in Science’ and ‘Energy, Climate Change and a Low Cost Path Forward’ on 18 and 20 October, respectively. Close to 1,300 CUHK students, staff members and members of the public attended the lectures. The visit of Professor Chu is supported by the United College Endowment Fund and the Philomathia Foundation. Professor Chu was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research in laser cooling and atom trapping. He was the first scientist to hold a cabinet position and the longest serving Energy Secretary (2009–2013) in the USA. Professor Chu is William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Physics and Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University. He advocates for more research into renewable energy and nuclear power, and believes that to shift away from fossil fuels is essential to combating climate change. The lecture on ‘A Random Walk in Science’ was held at the Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum, Tsim Sha Tsui. Professor Chu shared his experience beginning with his graduate student days at the University of California, Berkeley, and his times at Bell Labs and Stanford as he journeyed from testing fundamental theories of physics to laser cooling and trapping of atoms to experiments in polymer physics and biology with individual molecules. He also discussed his growing concern over climate change during his tenure as the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Secretary of Energy. He concluded with his current work in nano- materials for applications in biology, biomedicine and batteries. In the second lecture on ‘Energy, Climate Change and a Low Cost Path Forward’, which took place at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall on campus, Professor Chu described recent consequences related to the use of fossil fuels, and the rapidly changing energy landscape before turning to how energy efficiency and clean energy sources were becoming the low cost option to our energy needs. The lecture recordings will be uploaded to iTunes U later on.