Newsletter No. 486

05 # 4 8 6 | 4 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 6 攜手建綠色校園研討會 Joining Hands in Promoting Green University 中大、南京大學、國立中央大學、北京師範大學、浙江大學及國立成功大學於9月30日在中大校園簽署「兩岸三 地綠色大學聯盟合作協議書」,並合辦綠色大學聯盟研討會,主題為綠色校園建設。各校的校園發展、建設管 理和校園規劃及可持續發展範疇代表分別發表報告,並分享心得,交流意見。 出席聯盟合作協議書簽署及研討會開幕儀式的各院校領導代表包括中大副校長霍泰輝教授(左三)和協理 副校長馮通教授、南京大學副校長潘毅教授(左二)、國立中央大學副校長李光華教授(右二)、北京師範大學 副校長郝芳華教授(左一)、國立成功大學副校長陳東陽教授(右一)及浙江大學校長助理李鳳旺教授(右三)。 綠色大學聯盟始於2011年,由中大聯同南京大學及國立中央大學成立,旨在推動三地院校結合資源,建立平台, 創造合作機會,將綠色理念與科學研究和人才培養融會。成員院校歷年來輪流舉辦學術交流活動、學生環保交 流營及環保競賽。聯盟日漸擴展,並於今年中加入北京師範大學、浙江大學及國立成功大學三校新成員。 On 30 September, representatives from CUHK, Nanjing University (NJU), National Central University (NCU), Beijing Normal University (BNU), Zhejiang University (ZJU) and National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) met on campus and jointly signed a cooperative agreement on Cross-Strait Green University Consortium. The agreement signing ceremony was followed by the jointly organized seminar on Green Campus Development. Chief officers from the six member universities in campus planning, estate and facilities management, as well as sustainability offices presented reports on the theme, shared their views and exchange ideas to promote green campus. Officiating at the agreement signing and opening ceremony of the seminar were Prof. Fok Tai-fai (3rd left), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Vice-President of CUHK; Prof. Pan Yi (2nd left), Vice-President of NJU; Prof. Lii Kwang-hwa (2nd right), Vice-President of NCU; Prof. Hao Fanghua (1st left), Vice-President of BNU; Prof. Chen Tung-yang (1st right), Vice-President of NCKU; and Prof. Li Fengwang (3rd right), Associate Vice-President of ZJU. Developed by CUHK, NJU and NCU in 2011, the consortium aspires to consolidate resources and drive initiatives that incorporate green concepts into research and education. The three institutions have been organizing academic exchange activities and student camps and competitions since the establishment. The consortium was expanded to have more member universities across the regions including BNU, ZJU and NCKU in mid 2016. 伍宜孫書院仁澤書房揭幕 Plaque Unveiling of Yan Chak Study Room 由知名堪輿學家蔡伯勵先生主持的香港順龍仁澤基金會,一直資助 伍宜孫書院的服務學習計劃,讓學生到世界各地幫助弱勢社群,擴闊 視野和學習處世做人。為表謝意及為學生提供舒適的溫習環境,書院 邀請建築學院顧大慶教授(中)和張葦弦先生為自修室翻新設計,達 至美化及實用兼備,並命名為「仁澤書房」,更邀得蔡先生為書房牌 匾親筆題字。書院院長李沛良教授(右)亦乘此機會感謝院監及特邀 院務委員劉世鏞校友(左)。從書院開辦至今,劉先生一直積極協助 推動各項發展,包括師友計劃和與順龍仁澤基金會的合作。 With the generous donation from the Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation—chaired by Mr. Choi Park-lai, specialist in Chinese geomancy, the Wu Yee Sun College is able to develop a series of Service Learning Programme for the students engaging in social services. Through serving the community, students learn and gain international exposure thereby enhancing their personal growth and development. To recognize the generosity of the foundation and to provide a more comfortable studying environment for the students, the College invited Prof. Gu Daqing (centre), School of Architecture, and Mr. Zhang Weixian to re-design the study room and named it as Yan Chak Study Room. Mr. Choi graced the study room by writing its name in Chinese calligraphy. Prof. Rance P.L. Lee (right), Master of the College, also acknowledged the efforts made by Mr. Lau Sai-yung (left), college overseer and affiliated fellow, on the College’s development since its establishment, including initiating the Mentorship Programme and facilitating the cooperation with the foundation. On 30 September, about 300 students and the University management gathered in the dining hall of Morningside College to attend the International Night–Welcoming Dinner, which was a new initiative of the Office of Student Affairs in this academic year. The event, which attracted students from mainland China, as well as students from other parts of Asia and other continents, promoted cultural diversity on campus. To kick off the event, Prof. Fok Tai-fai (6th left, back row), Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng (4th left, back row), Associate Vice-President and University Dean of Students; Prof. Jimmy Yu (5th left, back row), Head, United College; Prof. Sir James Mirrlees (5th right, back row), Master, Morningside College; Prof. Rance P.L. Lee (4th right, back row), Master, Wu Yee Sun College; and honourable guests led the procession of catwalk models in their folk costumes to stream in the hall in a fashionable way. By showcasing their unique folk costumes and saying hello in their own languages, the models brought all the participants to a quick trip around the globe. The Stand-up by Vivek Mahbubani (2nd right, front row)—the ‘Funniest Comedian in Hong Kong’—pushed the night to a new high. With his Indian ethnic background and local main-stream education, he shared many of his cultural challenges and gave some tips to our incoming students, like learning to say three magical local words which guarantee friendship— Ngo Bei Cin , literally meaning ‘I pay the bill’. 國際迎新夜 International Night 學生事務處於9月30日晚上假 晨興書院宴會廳首辦「高桌晚 宴–國際迎新夜」。約三百位 來自內地、亞洲、歐洲、美洲、 非洲、大洋洲的學生和本地學 生及大學管理層濟濟一堂,推 廣校園多元文化,度過一個歡 愉的晚上。 副校長霍泰輝教授(後排左六)、協理副校長及大學輔導長吳基培教授 (後排左四)、聯合書院院長余濟美教授(後排左五)、晨興書院院長 莫理斯教授(後排右五)、伍宜孫書院院長李沛良教授(後排右四),以 及其他嘉賓帶領一眾穿着民族服裝的模特兒魚貫進場,晚宴隨即開始。 同學們除了在台上展示其獨特的民族服裝外,更以各自的語言跟大家打 招呼,讓參加者火速體驗世界各地文化。 有「香港最爆笑藝人」之稱的Vivek Mahbubani(前排右二)隨後登場, 表演棟篤笑,把氣氛推至高峰。Vivek與大家分享他生長於印度家庭, 並在香港主流學校就讀的經驗及挑戰,更送了不少錦囊給新生,例如教 他們三個必學、且在任何場合都受人歡迎的本地用字─「我俾錢」,引 得哄堂大笑。