Newsletter No. 488

06 # 4 8 8 | 0 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 6 法律學院十周年院慶 Faculty of Law Celebrates 10th Anniversary 2016至17年度的學生大使計劃就職典禮於11月7日在康本國際學 術園舉行。超過一百八十位本地及海外學生通過入學及學生資助處 的甄選,成為中大學生大使。協理副校長兼入學及學生資助處處長 王淑英教授(前排左八)於學生大使就職典禮致歡迎辭,並與六位 學生大使代表舉行啓動儀式。學生大使將擔當大學與中學之間的橋 樑,協助中學生更深入了解大學生活及文化。 法律學院於11月12日舉行十周年院慶晚宴,近五百位嘉賓、校友 及師生聚首一堂。出席嘉賓包括法律教育及培訓常設委員會主席 陳兆愷法官、東亞銀行董事局主席兼行政總裁李國寶爵士、英國 牛津大學聖休學院校長Elish Angiolini、澳洲聯邦法院榮休法官 Annabelle Bennett、英國劍橋大學法律學院Christopher Forsyth 教授、校長沈祖堯教授、三位前校長金耀基教授、李國章教授、 劉遵義教授、法律學院創院院長Mike McConville教授等。大會 製作了一個巨型沙漏計時器,由法律學院院長Christopher Gane 教授啟動,寓意法律學院帶著過往累積的成就基礎及眾人的祝願 邁進下一個十年。 另外,法律學院與全球中國研究計劃於11月5日合辦「一帶一路 法律問題國際學術研討會」。多位海外及本地知名學者、專家和執 業人士於討論環節中分享見解。副校長、全球中國研究計劃聯席 召集人張妙清教授及Christopher Gane教授為研討會致歡迎辭。 大會並邀得德國外交部國務秘書Markus Ederer博士發表演講。 研討會期間同時舉行由法律學院多位教授參與編寫的《Legal Dimensions of China ’ s Belt and Road Initiative》新書發布會,期 望新書能為一帶一路的現況提供實用的指引。 As the highlight of its 10th Anniversary celebratory events, the Faculty of Law held its Anniversary Gala Dinner on 12 November. The event attracted nearly 500 distinguished guests, alumni and faculty members to share the joy. Distinguished guests included the Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Chan Siu-oi, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Legal Education and Training, Dr. the Hon. Sir David Li Kwok-po, Chairman and Chief Executive of the Bank of East Asia, the Rt. Hon. Dame Elish Angiolini, QC, Principal of St. Hugh's College of University of Oxford, the Hon. Annabelle Bennett, AO, SC, Retired Judge of the Federal Court of Australia, Prof. Christopher Forsyth, Sir David Williams Professor of Public Law of University of Cambridge, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Joseph Sung, three former Vice-Chancellors Prof. Ambrose King, Prof. the Hon. Arthur Li, Prof. Lawrence Lau and Founding Dean of Faculty of Law Prof. Mike McConville. A mega sand timer was presented during the Gala Dinner. Faculty Dean Prof. Christopher Gane set the timer in motion to kick off the event, meaning to bring forward the Faculty’s accomplishments and all the best wishes to the next decade. As part of the celebratory events, the Faculty of Law and the Global China Research Programme (GCR) jointly organized an International Symposium on ‘Legal Aspects of China’s Belt and Road Initiative’ cum Book Launch on 5 November. Leading overseas and local academics, practitioners and officials engaged in thematic discussion sessions on the topic. The Symposium invited Prof. Fanny M. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and GCR Co-Convenor, and Prof. Christopher Gane, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Dr. Markus Ederer, State Secretary, Federal Foreign Office of Germany, to deliver a speech. A new book Legal Dimensions of China’s Belt and Road Initiative , with contributions from various members of the Law Faculty, was released at the Symposium, offering practical guidance on the current status of the Belt and Road Initiative. The Inauguration Ceremony of Student Ambassador Scheme 2016–17 was held at Yasumoto International Academic Park on 7 November. This year, over 180 local and international students were selected by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid as CUHK Student Ambassadors. The Associate Vice-President and Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, Prof. Wong Suk-ying (8th left, front row), delivered a welcome speech and officiated the kick-off ceremony with six Student Ambassador representatives. The Student Ambassadors would serve as a bridge between the University and secondary schools in promotion of the unique characteristics and culture of the University to prospective students. 學生大使就職典禮2016 Inauguration Ceremony of Student Ambassador Scheme 2016 (由左至右)Mike McConville教授、金耀基教授、Christopher Gane教授、陳兆愷法官、沈祖堯校長、李國章教授及劉遵義教授  (From left to right) Prof. Mike McConville, Prof. Ambrose King, Prof. Christopher Gane, the Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick Chan, Prof. Joseph Sung, Prof. the Hon. Arthur Li and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau