Newsletter No. 488

07 # 4 8 8 | 0 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 6 公積金計劃投資回報成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Scheme 基金 Fund 10.2016 1.11.2015–31.10.2016 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 未經審核數據 Unaudited 指標回報 Benchmark Return 增長 Growth –1.86% –1.61% 0.77% 3.66% 平衡 Balanced –1.51% –2.04% 1.04% 4.28% 穩定 Stable –1.89% –2.83% 2.44% 5.44% 香港股票 HK Equity –1.46% –0.96% 3.96% 4.00% 香港指數 HK Index-linked –1.39% –1.41% 4.67% 5.23% A50中國指數 A50 China Tracker 1.61% 1.14% –5.86% –5.39% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.06% 0.01% 0.72% 0.14% 美元銀行存款* USD Bank Deposit* 0.08% 0.02% 1.00% 0.32% 澳元銀行存款* AUD Bank Deposit* –0.52% –0.64% 9.52% 7.76% 歐元銀行存款* EUR Bank Deposit* –2.48% –2.47% –0.78% –0.66% 人民幣銀行存款* RMB Bank Deposit* –1.32% –1.31% –4.11% –5.09% 強積金數據請參閱 : For MPF Scheme performance, please refer to: * * 實際與指標回報已包括有關期間內之匯率變動 Both actual and benchmark returns include foreign currency exchange difference for the month 職員審議事宜 Annual Staff Review 大學已函請各學系及部門主管,就2017年度職員審議有關(甲)、(乙)及(丙)類服務條款 非教學僱員之退休、延任、擢升、重訂職位及由定期合約轉為長期聘用事宜考慮提薦。相 關提名或意見須於2017年1月10日或以前,經部門送交人事處轉呈有關委員會考慮。職員 審議通告及資訊已上載至人事處網頁( : Staff Area>Staff Review>Non-teaching Staff )以供參考。 The University has invited department chairmen/unit heads to make recommendations concerning the retirement, extension of service, promotion, re-grading and conversion from fixed-term contract to continuous appointment of non-teaching staff members on Terms of Service (A)/(B)/(C) for the 2017 staff review exercise. Recommendations from the departments/units should be submitted to the Personnel Office on or before 10 January 2017, for further referral to the relevant University Committee(s) for consideration. The relevant circulars and information on the annual staff review exercise are now available at the homepage of the Personnel Office ( Staff Area>Staff Review>Non-teaching Staff ). 農曆新年除夕之辦公安排 Staffing Arrangements on University Holidays on Lunar New Year’s Eve 根據大學關於農曆新年除夕大學假日辦公之安排,所有部門於2017年1月27日上午須留有 職員值班。當值之(乙)或(丙)類服務條例職員可獲補假半天。 保健處、大學圖書館、資訊科技服務處之電算機操作組、保安處、交通處、物業管理處等部 門須留駐足夠人手,以維持基本服務。 The following staffing arrangements for the University holiday on Lunar New Year’s Eve will apply on 27 January 2017. Departments/units should arrange for skeleton staff to be on duty on this morning to handle urgent matters and enquiries. Offices will be closed in the afternoon. Skeleton staff (Terms [B] or [C]) on duty on this morning will be given compensation off for half a day. For essential service units such as the University Health Service, the University Library, the operations team of the Information Technology Services Centre, the Security Office, the Transport Office, and the Estates Management Office, adequate workforce should remain on duty to provide basic services. 聖誕及農曆新年發放薪金日期 Christmas and Chinese New Year Pay Dates 2016年12月份及2017年1月份之薪金將分別安排於12月21日(星期三)及1月26日(星期 四)發放。如有查詢,可聯絡薪津及公積金組3943 7240或3943 1806。 The salary payment dates for December 2016 and January 2017 will be arranged on 21 December 2016 (Wednesday) and 26 January 2017 (Thursday) respectively. For enquiries, please contact the Payroll and Superannuation Unit at 3943 7240 or 3943 1806. 工程學院二十五周年誌慶 Faculty of Engineering Celebrates 25th Anniversary 工程學院自10月起展開一連串銀禧慶祝活動,除了舉辦展覽展示二十個來自五個學系的創 新研究項目外,亦開放七大實驗室,並首度開放「香港中文大學天石機器人研究所」予校友 參觀。工程學院校友會舉辦的「校友健步行籌款」更達成二十五萬港元的籌款目標。學院並 於慶祝晚宴席間拍賣由沈祖堯校長捐出的墨寶。健步行及拍賣所得的款項將用作學院學生 獎學金之用。 The Faculty of Engineering has staged a series of events in celebration of its 25th anniversary since October. These included an achievement exhibition featuring 20 research projects that advance human life, as well as guided tours to seven engineering laboratories. The CUHK T Stone Robotics Institute was opened for the first time to present its new design and development of the robotic world to the alumni. The Engineering Faculty Alumni Association’s walkathon successfully reached the fundraising target of HK$250,000. The donation, together with the amount obtained by auctioning a Chinese calligraphy penned by Vice-Chancellor and President Prof. Joseph Sung at the Faculty’s anniversary banquet, will go to support the scholarship fund for engineering students. (左起)中大工程學院校友會創會會長林曉鋒博士、工程學院署理院長黃錦輝教授、常務副校長華雲生教授、  工程學院校友會現屆會長黃志賢先生主持祝酒儀式  (From left) Dr. Alan Lam, Founding Chairman of the Engineering Faculty Alumni Association,  Prof. Wong Kam-fai, Acting Dean of Engineering, Prof. Benjamin Wah, Provost, and Mr. Joe Wong,  Chairman of the Engineering Faculty Alumni Association, raise a toast at the ceremony 香港中文大學「開放存取日」2016 CUHK Open Access Day 2016 「開放存取」是一項國際運動,目的在於鼓勵研究人員讓公眾人士在互聯網上自由及即時 取用其研究論文,並享有各種再使用權。此舉不僅能充分展示學術機構的研究成果,而且社 會各界人士更容易發現研究論文,促進國際研究協作和聯繫。 大學圖書館於10月24日舉行首次「開放存取日」,主題為「實行開放存取—『香港中文大 學學術研究文庫』有助提升研究成果之影響力」。中大將啟用全新AIMS學術研究管理系 統,以完善管理大學之學術研究成果。「開放存取日」旨在向大學成員分享將研究成果通過 「學術研究管理系統」及「香港中文大學學術研究文庫」公開予大眾取用的好處。 開幕典禮由常務副校長華雲生教授、副校長張妙清教授、研究院院長鄔楓教授、知識轉移 服務處處長何國強教授、以及大學圖書館館長李露絲女士主持。開幕儀式包括為開放存取 標誌上的一個掛鎖解開,表明中大對「開放存取」的支持。 Open access is an international movement to encourage free and immediate online access to research papers with full re-use rights in the digital environment. It not only showcases the research excellence of an educational institution, but also enhances the discoverability of research papers by all sectors of the society, and facilitates international research collaboration and networking. The CUHK Library held the first Open Access Day on 24 October. The theme is ‘Open in Action—Enhancing Research Impact @ CUHK AIMS’. AIMS is the University’s new Academic Information Management System for managing its research outputs. This Open Access Day is to share with the university community the benefits of opening research through AIMS and the institutional repository Research Portal. The opening ceremony was officiated by Prof. Benjamin W. Wah, Provost of CUHK, Prof. Fanny M.C. Cheung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Lutz-Christian Wolff, dean of the Graduate School, Prof. Walter K.K. Ho, director of the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, and Ms. Louise Jones, University Librarian. A padlock on the logo of Open Access was unlocked during the ceremony signifying the embracement of the new system on campus.