Newsletter No. 489/490

06 # 4 8 9 / 4 9 0 | 1 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 6 第八十二屆大會 82nd Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees 香港中文大學於12月1日舉行第八十二屆大會,典禮由校董會主席梁乃鵬 博士主持。三位傑出人士獲頒授榮譽博士學位,以表彰他們對促進教育、 科研及文化發展、增進人民福祉的貢獻,他們是獲授榮譽法學博士學位的 馬道立首席法官、獲授榮譽文學博士學位的歐豪年教授,以及獲授榮譽社 會科學博士學位的星雲大師(未克出席)。大會同時頒授422個博士學位, 包括1名醫學博士、399名哲學博士、15名教育博士、5名護理博士,以及  2名心理學博士。 歐豪年 教授是當今中國畫藝壇 大師,亦是嶺南畫派第三代的 佼佼者。歐教授的創作豐富而 題材多元,作品曾在香港和海 峽兩岸,以及日本和歐美各地 展出,深受各界推崇,獲獎無 數。當中包括1999年全球傑出 人士金龍獎,2000年國際炎黃 文化研究會首屆龍文化金獎, 以及法國國家美術學會巴黎大 宮博物館雙年展特獎等。創作之餘,歐教授亦在港台院校任 教,作育英才。為了提升藝術教育,歐教授更設立歐豪年文化 基金會,舉辦兒童繪畫班和水墨藝術學術研討會等。大學頒 予榮譽文學博士學位,以表彰他在書法和畫壇方面的傑出成 就,發揚中華文化傳統和推動藝術教育上的貢獻,以及他對 中大的幫助和饋贈。 Prof. Au Ho-nien is one of China’s greatest art masters and stands at the forefront of the third generation of the Lingnan school of painting. His work, which incorporates myriad styles, has been exhibited in Hong Kong and on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, as well as Japan, across Europe and the US. He has been earning applause from all sectors, and has also received numerous prizes, including the Gold Dragon Award of Global Outstanding Scholar in 1999, the first Dragon Culture Golden Award from the International Yanhuang Culture Research Association in 2000, and an award from the French National Society of Fine Arts Biennial Exhibition, Grand Palais Museum of Paris in France. Apart from painting, Professor Au held fine arts teaching posts in Hong Kong and Taiwan tertiary institutions. He spared no effort to foster talent and train the next generation. In order to expand and improve art education, Professor Au founded the Au Ho-nien Cultural Foundation in 2000, in which a great number of painting classes for children are offered and academic seminars on watercolour painting are held. The University conferred upon Professor Au the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa , in recognition of his outstanding achievements in calligraphy and painting, his contributions to the promotion of Chinese cultural traditions and the advancement of art education, and his support and generosity to CUHK. 馬道立 法官少年時代負笈英 倫,獲得伯明翰大學法律學士 學位。馬法官於倫敦實習完畢 後回港發展,先後於19 8 0及 19 93年取得大律師及御用大 律師資格,2001年獲委任為原 訟法庭法官,翌年擔任上訴法 庭法官,繼而於2003年獲委任 為高等法院首席法官,並積極 參與研究香港民事司法制度改 革。馬法官亦透過多項公職服務社會,包括上訴審裁處(建 築物)主席、環境影響評估上訴委員會小組主席、稅務上訴 委員會副主席、證券及期貨事務上訴委員會副主席、香港期 貨交易所紀律上訴審裁處委員會成員、暴力及執法傷亡賠償 委員會成員,以及香港童軍總會會長。為表揚他對維持和保 障香港社會司法根基的貢獻,大學頒授榮譽法學博士學位予  馬道立法官。 Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li was educated from an early age in England where he obtained his Bachelor of Laws from Birmingham University. After his pupillage in London, Chief Justice Ma returned to Hong Kong and was called to the Bar here in 1980. He took silk as a Queen’s Counsel in 1993. He was elevated to the Court of First Instance and the Court of Appeal in 2001 and 2002, respectively, and was appointed Chief Judge of the High Court in 2003. Chief Justice Ma was heavily engaged in the reform of the Civil Justice System in Hong Kong. His many non-legal contributions to Hong Kong society include roles as chairman of the Appeal Tribunal Panel for Buildings; the Environmental Impact Assessment Appeal Board Panel; deputy chairman of the Board of Review Panel (Inland Revenue) and the Securities and Futures Commission Appeals Panel; member of the Hong Kong Futures Exchange Disciplinary Appeal Tribunal as well as the Criminal and Law Enforcement Injuries Compensation Boards and is president of the Scout Association of Hong Kong. In recognition of his unique contribution to sustaining and preserving the legal foundations of Hong Kong, the University conferred upon Chief Justice Ma the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa . 星雲大師 是世界知名的佛教領 袖和人道主義者,同時是一位 作家、教育家及慈善家。大師 19 67年於高雄創辦佛光山道 場,致力推動「人間佛教」,現 已成為重要的一大信仰宗派。 在過去數十年間,大師於全球 創建了近三百所寺院,又創辦學 院、美術館、圖書館、流動圖書 館、出版社、書局、醫院、診所、 大學、中小學、幼兒園、育幼院 及養老院等。他成立的「佛光山 文教基金會」於2005年與中大合作,成立「人間佛教研究中 心」,除了推動佛教學術研究、培育年輕佛教學者之外,還資 助文學院進行相關研究計劃。為表揚他在文化及教育、慈善 的貢獻,以及對香港社會,特別是對中大的支持,大學頒授 榮譽社會科學博士學位予星雲大師。 Venerable Master Hsing Yun is a world-renowned religious leader, humanitarian, author, educator and philanthropist. In 1967, he founded the Fo Guang Shan International Buddhist Order in Kaohsiung to promote Humanistic Buddhism, which has established itself as one of the most important Buddhist sects among mankind as a whole. Over the past decades, Master Hsing Yun has established nearly 300 temples across the globe and has founded a variety of Buddhist institutes, art galleries, libraries, mobile libraries, publishing houses, bookstores, hospitals, clinics, universities, secondary schools, primary schools, kindergartens, nursing and retirement homes. The Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education—set up by Master Hsing Yun—and CUHK co- founded the Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism in 2005, which not only promotes research on Buddhism and nurtures young Buddhist scholars, but also sponsors related research projects by the Faculty of Arts of the University. In recognition of his contributions to cultural, educational and philanthropic causes, as well as his support for Hong Kong society in general, and CUHK in particular, the University conferred upon Master Hsing Yun the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa . CUHK held its 82nd Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees on 1 December. Dr. Norman N.P. Leung, Chairman of the Council, presided at the congregation. Three distinguished persons were conferred honorary degrees in recognition of their outstanding contributions to educational, academic and cultural progress, and the promotion of community welfare. The Honourable Chief Justice Ma Tao-li was conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa ; Prof. Au Ho-nien received the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa . The Venerable Master Hsing Yun was awarded the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa (in absentia). A total of 422 doctoral degrees were also conferred on the occasion. These included one Doctor of Medicine, 399 Doctors of Philosophy, 15 Doctors of Education, five Doctors of Nursing, and two Doctors of Psychology. 照片由佛光山提供 Photo courtesy of Foguang Shan