Newsletter No. 489/490

07 # 4 8 9 / 4 9 0 | 1 9 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 6 香港中文大學醫院動土典禮 Ground Breaking Ceremony of the CUHK Medical Centre 香港中文大學醫院於12月8日舉行動土典禮,邀得香港特區政府食物及衞生局局長高永文醫生(右六)、常任  秘書長(衞生)聶德權先生(右四)、衞生署署長陳漢儀醫生(左五)、醫院管理局行政總裁梁栢賢醫生(右 二)、中大校董會主席梁乃鵬博士(右五)、中大醫院董事局主席利乾先生(左六)、香港賽馬會主席葉錫安 博士(中)、中大校長沈祖堯教授(右三)、中大醫院董事局董事鄭維健博士(左四)、中大醫學院院長陳家亮 教授(右一)、中大醫院執行董事馮康醫生(左二)、民政事務總署沙田民政事務專員陳婉雯女士(左三)及  中國建築國際集團有限公司主席兼行政總裁周勇先生(左一)任主禮嘉賓。超過二百名嘉賓及大學成員蒞臨 典禮。 中大醫院由中大全資擁有,除了提供全面的醫療服務,亦將成為臨床研究、醫護教育與培訓的重要基地,既 將為廣大市民提供可負擔的醫療服務,也承諾接收由醫院管理局轉介的專科門診及日間手術個案,以協助 紓緩公營醫療服務的壓力。 The ground breaking ceremony of the CUHK Medical Centre was held on 8 December. Officiating guests at the ceremony included Dr. the Honourable Ko Wing-man (6th right), Secretary for Food and Health, HKSAR Government, Mr. Patrick Nip (4th right), Permanent Secretary for Food and Health (Health), HKSAR Government, Dr. Constance Chan Hon-yee (5th left), Director of Health, HKSAR Government, Dr. Leung Pak-yin (2nd right), Chief Executive, Hospital Authority, Dr. Norman N.P. Leung (5th right), Chairman of the Council, CUHK, Mr. Chien Lee (6th left), Chairman, Board of Directors, CUHK Medical Centre, Dr. Simon S.O. Ip (centre), Chairman, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Prof. Joseph Sung (3rd right), Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK, Dr. Cheng Wai-kin (4th left), Member, Board of Directors, CUHK Medical Centre, Prof. Francis K.L. Chan (1st right), Dean of Medicine, CUHK, Dr. Fung Hong (2nd left), Executive Director, CUHK Medical Centre, Miss Amy Chan (3rd left), District Officer (Sha Tin), Home Affairs Department and Mr. Sammy Zhou (1st left), Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, China State Construction International Holdings Limited. About 200 honoured guests and members of the University attended the ceremony and celebrated the new milestone in local health care services. The CUHK Medical Centre is wholly-owned by CUHK. It will provide a full range of affordable private medical services and serves as a key base for clinical research, health care education and training. It has committed to help alleviate the current pressure on the public health care sector by taking up referrals of specialist outpatient and day procedure cases from the Hospital Authority. 康本健守博士新書發布會 Launching Ceremony of Dr. Alex K. Yasumoto’s Book 康本健守博士《海外從商記》新書發布會於12月2日在康本國際學術園舉 行,由康本健守博士(左)、校長沈祖堯教授及大學出版社社長甘琦女士 主禮。「康本國際交流獎學金計劃」得獎學生,以及一眾受惠於康本博士 捐贈的部門代表亦有出席典禮。康本博士捐設的「康本國際交流獎學金計 劃」為全校最大的學術交流獎學金計劃,至今已有超過四千名學生受惠。 《海外從商記》的日文原著於2015年出版。中文譯本由北京大學外國語學 院助理教授岳遠坤博士翻譯,並由中文大學出版社出版。內容講述康本博 士在海外營商的生活觀察與理解,當中更包括他在香港經商的體會。 The Launching Ceremony of Dr. Alex K. Yasumoto’s book Yasumoto’s Passage to International Business was held at Yasumoto International Academic Park on 2 December. The Ceremony was officiated by Dr. Alex K. Yasumoto (left), Prof. Joseph Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President, and Ms. Gan Qi, director of the Chinese University Press. Recipients of the Yasumoto International Exchange Scholarship Scheme and departmental representatives who benefitted from Dr. Yasumoto’s donations also attended this joyful occasion. The Yasumoto International Exchange Scholarship Scheme, established and supported by him, is the largest exchange scholarship scheme in the University, benefiting over 4,000 students at CUHK. The original Japanese version of the book was published in 2015. Its Chinese version is translated by Dr. Yue Yuankun, assistant professor of the School of Foreign Languages of Peking University, and published by the Chinese University Press. Dr. Yasumoto shares in his book his experiences of expanding international businesses, especially in Hong Kong where he started his overseas career. 2016 中大校友日 Alumni Homecoming Day 2016 逾五千五百位校友及親屬參與11月26日於校園舉行的「中大校友日」。開幕禮上,中大署理校長華雲生教授 代表大學接受「中大校友傳承基金」籌款委員會捐贈的一百一十萬港元籌款支票。今年大會新增多項精彩 節目,如由六十多個手作精品攤位組成的「手作市集」及大中小學入學講座等。 Over 5,500 CUHK alumni and their loved ones returned to campus to participate in Alumni Homecoming Day on 26 November. At the opening ceremony, the representatives of ‘2016 Alumni Homecoming Anniversary Classes Fundraising Committee’ presented a cheque of HK$1.1 million in support of the CUHK Alumni Torch Fund to Acting Vice-Chancellor and President Prof. Benjamin W. Wah. The event also included new features, such as a handicraft market hosted by over 60 alumni artists, as well as a series of talks on how to apply for primary and secondary schools as well as universities in Hong Kong. OneELED暨校友聯誼 OneELED cum Homecoming 文學士(英國語文研究)及教育學士(英國語文教育)同期結業雙學位 課程(ELED)於9月10日假何添樓舉行OneELED暨校友聯誼活動,逾  一百四十位學生及畢業生、學業指導老師、ELED諮詢委員會會員及實習 啟導計劃導師出席。OneELED旨在鼓勵專業交流和經驗分享、促進英語 教學專業人員相互支持、介紹課程最新動向,以及維繫與學生和校友的關 係。今年以跨學科語言(LAC)為主題,邀得香港大學教育學院練美兒教 授和張翠玲博士論述語言及內容整合學習的理念與研究項目,任職聖芳濟 書院的ELED校友吳家洛先生分享於學校實行LAC的經驗。 On 10 September, the BA (English Studies) and BEd (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree (ELED) Programme organized the OneELED cum homecoming at Ho Tim Building. The event was attended by students and graduates, academic advisors, ELED Advisory Committee members and Community of Practice mentors. OneELED aims to encourage professional exchanges and experience sharing, promote mutual support among English teaching professionals, provide updates of the ELED Programme, and uphold commitment among ELED students and alumni. This year, the theme of the OneELED was Language Across the Curriculum (LAC). Prof. Angel Lin and Dr. Tracy Cheung, from the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong were invited to discuss concepts and projects of Content and Language Integrated Learning in Hong Kong. ELED alumnus Mr. Ng Ka-lok from St. Francis Xavier’s College was also invited to share his works and practices of LAC in his serving school.