Newsletter No. 520

10 # 5 2 0 | 1 9 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 8 How do you feel about being awarded outstanding student for three years in a row? It’s like serial surprises. Being awarded for my work as the choir officer of the Woo Sing (WS) Choir—which I regarded as doing my best only—under the category of Engagement in Arts and Culture Appreciation in 2016 was a surprise to me! A year later, I was surprised again by receiving the award for organizing green activities. This year, I did not expect to get it the third time, but nonetheless got it for my services to the College. I’m grateful to Prof. Stanley Hui , Dean of Students, WS College, and Ms. Ruth Chung , honorary music director of the WS Choir, for nominating me for the award and my parents for their full support. The award is not only the recognition and bonus of my work, but also drives me to strive for excellence. What do you appreciate the most in the College? It’s its caring environment. I’ve lived in hostel for the past four years. Hostel tutors will visit each room and deliver fruits to cheer us up during exam periods. They could just leave the fruits in the pantry but instead they deliver warmth and care as well by visiting every room and student. There was a time when a hallmate took time to make some soup for all the hostel students. Life in WS College is filled with love and care. You are an active member in the WS Choir and voluntary services. Why? I was a choir member in primary and secondary schools. I saw the good performance of the WS Choir at the College’s orientation dinner and joined it without giving a second thought. One of my assignments in the College General Education course was visiting a home for the aged. While I learnt a lot from the elderly who shared their life experiences with us though we had never met before, I saw that their plight was also due to uneven wealth distribution and inadequate social security. This fuels my passion for voluntary services to contribute to the society. Any unforgettable moments? The WS Choir was invited to represent CUHK to take part in the Pine League Performance last November at Peking University. Other participating universities included Tsinghua University and National Taiwan University. As the performance dates clashed with the exams, I had to explain to our members on Lee Wing-shan 李泳珊 連續三年獲嘉許,有甚麼感受? 是連續三個意外。第一年獲獎是屬於藝術及文化欣賞組別, 嘉許我擔任和聲合唱團幹事的工作,自忖只是盡力做好本份, 深感意外。未料翌年因積極舉辦環保活動而得獎,意料之外。 今年又憑藉書院服務三度獲獎,亦是另一組別,怎不意外!先 要感激書院輔導長 許世全 教授及合唱團榮譽音樂總監 鍾少琼 女士的提名,以及父母的全力支持。獎項不僅是一個認可、額 外的獎賞,更鼓勵我要繼續努力。 你最欣賞書院哪些特點? 最是欣賞書院處處洋溢着關愛的精神。四年來我都是住在宿 舍,每當考試時,宿舍導師會走訪每一房間,送上水果,為我 們打氣。其實導師們大可把水果放在廚房,讓我們自取,但他 們卻不辭勞苦跑遍整幢宿舍,噓寒問暖。還有一次,一位宿生 特意煲了愛心老火湯送給全體宿生享用。書院上下同仁的關愛 就是滲透在這些日常生活瑣事。 為何熱衷於書院合唱團及義務工作? 在小學和中學已參加合唱團,在書院迎新晚宴看到和聲合唱 團的演出,水準相當高,不假思索便加入了。修讀書院通識科 的其中一項課業,是到護老院探訪長者,雖是初次見面,但他 們大方地向我訴說過去經歷,一方面固然獲益良多,另方面 深感資源分配不均,社會保障制度不足,令這些長者辛勞大半 生,也得不到合適的照顧,從而促使我決心繼續義務工作,希 望能為社會貢獻一己力量。 有甚麼難忘的經驗? 去年9月和聲合唱團獲邀代表香港中文大學參與11月底在 北京大學舉行的「2017松聯盟合唱節」,除北大外,尚有清華 大學和國立台灣大學同台演出。因為演出剛好遇上期末考,要 向團員講述如何申請補考,以釋疑慮。時間方面也很緊迫,每 星期只有一次兩個小時的練習,至於最後的表演項目─四間大 學合唱更是在演出當天才有一次綵排,結果演出圓滿順利,既 興奮又難忘。 為何選擇中大專業會計學? 是因一個美麗的誤會而作的決定。唸會計的姐姐告訴我,會 計不難,加減乘除而已。反正我本也想唸商科,便選了專業會 計學。入讀後才知原來一點都不簡單,背後隱含許多法規和學 問。坦白說,會計不是我最喜歡的科目,卻是了解金融財務的 重要工具,我也不抗拒。 你先後在北京和香港實習,感覺如何? 自知志不在會計,刻意不找會計公司實習,而是自行申請到一 家北京的初創公司及恒生環球銀行部實習。前者做了約一個 月,負責翻譯文件為英文,並上載互聯網。該公司做事方式類 近外國的創科公司,拘束少,鼓勵員工自由發揮。在恒生實習 的八個月裏,工作是撰寫每月營運、內部風險報告等,加深了我 對商業世界的瞭解。 談談你到海外及內地交流的體驗。 我分別到了西澳大學、復旦及清華作一至三週的短期 交流。澳洲學生在課堂上遇有不明白,會立即提問, 且踴躍發言表達意見,這在香港是較少見。內地之行 感受最深的,是認識一些鮮有機會接觸的專業人士, 如外交使節,了解他們的工作,眼界大開。 明年畢業後有甚麼計劃? 計劃先工作一段時間,並考取特許金融分析師 資格,亦會以校友身分繼續參與和聲合唱團及 義務工作。 • 專業會計學四年級生 Year 4 Student of Professional Accountancy Programme • 2016、2017及2018和聲書院傑出學生獎得獎人 Recipient of Lee Woo Sing (WS) College Outstanding Student Award in 2016, 2017, 2018 the procedure of applying for make-up examinations to settle their worries. Another issue was inadequate time for practice. We only got a two-hour practice session per week, not to mention the finale joint performance by the four universities had only one rehearsal before the show. Given that, we managed to give a wonderful performance. It was really exhilarating. Why the Professional Accountancy Programme at CUHK? It began with a misunderstanding. My sister, also an accounting major, told me it’s easy stuff. Simple arithmetic will do. Since I intended to study business anyway, why not? But the more I learn, the more I realize accounting is not as simple as what I had thought. There’s so much more—regulations and practices—behind the numbers. To be honest, accounting is not my favourite subject, but it’s useful in financial analysis. How do you feel about your internship in Beijing and Hong Kong? I do not have my mind set on a career in accounting. So I applied for internship in a Beijing startup company and the Global Banking Division of Hang Seng Bank, respectively. I worked for a month in the startup company and was responsible for translating the information kit into English and uploaded it to the Internet. The working environment was free and the staff were given a free hand which is similar to any overseas startup. For the eight months in the bank, my job was compiling monthly operational and internal risk reports which has enriched my understanding of the real business world. Please talk about your exchange experiences. I went to the University of Western Australia, Fudan University and Tsinghua University for one to three weeks exchanges. Australian students would ask questions if they don’t understand and are proactive in expressing their views. This is not common in Hong Kong’s classrooms. During the trip to the mainland, we got to meet some people whom one doesn’t normally meet—such as diplomatic personnel—and learn about their work. It was an eye-opening experience. What are your plans upon graduation? I plan to work and sit for the Chartered Financial Analyst exam. I will stay at the WS Choir as an alumna and will also continue my voluntary work. 口 談 實 錄 / V iva V oce