Newsletter No. 520
09 # 5 2 0 | 1 9 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 8 醫藝兼善 Art as Therapy 眾所周知 ,愉快的心情對健康有莫大幫助。恆久保持心境開暢,免疫力增,疾病的預防及治 療都事半功倍。 現代神經科學也告訴我們,美麗的圖畫及動聽的音樂,會令眶額皮質更活躍,刺激中腦區 域釋出多巴胺,帶來興奮及鼓舞等反應。藝術除病保健,絕對有科學基礎。 同學同事在大學保健處等待見醫生,抬頭可以看到牆上多幅校園油畫,由 陳鏗 先生於2016 年賜贈。山水養眼,色彩怡神,醫生未見,藥未開,小恙好大半矣。 5月24日,邵逸夫堂舉行了簡單而隆重的儀式,書法家兼甲骨文權威 謝春玲 博士送贈十二幅 她的甲骨文書法作品給保健處,更向在座賓客深入淺出地講解了各個字的型義和歷史。 謝博士特別選了一些吉祥爽利的字如「安」、「樂」、「康」、「寧」、「龍」和「馬」等交保健 處永久展出。此外還有與醫療有關的,如「殷」和「毓」。甲骨文的「殷」字(左),一人腹下 有另一人手持器具,有治療之意。至於「毓」字(右),母親胯下,胎兒倒頭出生,為「育」字 雛型,兼有「生育」、「教育」之意。 保健處處長 陸偉昌 醫生感謝謝博士慷慨捐贈之餘,說理想的治療環境不單病人需要,長 時間在醫務所工作的醫護人員,更會受益不少。他相信謝博士的墨寶兼具美感與知性, 為保健處添上靈秀,頗為配合保健處同仁與時俱進,醫藝兼善,為大學成員提供優質服 務的宗旨。 端午節的花草世界 The Flora of Tuen Ng Festival 在剛過去的端午節,大家參與了甚麼應節活動呢?問起屬於端午節的關鍵字,你可能第一時 間會想到屈原(一說伍子胥)、龍舟、糭子,或者「未食五月糭,寒衣未入櫳」的民間智慧。 較為熟悉傳統習俗的讀者則可能會知道除病驅瘟的艾虎、雄黃酒,以及要被驅除的五毒 (蠍、蛇、蜈蚣、蟾蜍和壁虎)。但大家有沒有想過端午節原來可以是個賞花玩草的節日 呢?這件文物館藏「粉彩描金端午節紋飾盤」乍看之下與端午關係不大,但卻為我們揭示了 這個節日背後的花草芬芳! 這隻圓盤底以紅彩書「慎德堂製」四字楷書款。慎德堂在圓明園內,是清道光帝晚年生活 的行宮。因此,道光帝的御用官窯,除了「大清道光年製」的帝皇年款,亦常用「慎德堂製」 的堂名款。換言之,這圓盤應是為端午節而特別燒造的宮中陳設瓷器之一,可謂出身不凡。 盤內有兩種花。第一種是粉紅色的蜀葵,從名稱可知這種花的原產地在四川,因為花期正 是端午前後,所以在很多地方它都有「端午花」的別稱。至於另一種則是紅色的石榴花。石 榴花是所謂「天中五瑞」之一(另外四瑞為菖蒲、艾草、蒜頭和龍船花),傳說在端午節當天 把它們插在門上可以辟邪。南宋戴復古〈揚州端午呈趙師〉有「榴花角黍鬥時新」之句,角 黍就是大家熟悉的糭子,可見石榴花與端午節的密切關係由來已久。 除了花之外,端午節也與草大有關聯。盤上五彩絲帶香包中藏的驅瘟藥草固然是一例,但 更好玩的相信是現在已經不再流行的「鬥草」。鬥草分文武,所謂「文鬥」者,就是參加者 比賽採摘花草,採完後還要正確辨認品種,最後數量最多者勝出,這種文鬥在不少小說如 《紅樓夢》中均有很生動的記載;至於「武鬥」,就是雙方各執一根花草之莖,交叉拉扯, 莖斷者輸。北京故宮博物院藏有一幅乾隆時的《群嬰鬥草圖》,描繪的就是這種武鬥的熱 鬧場景。 雖然端午節已過,但在吃剩下的糭子時,不妨也賞賞花,玩玩草,體驗一下古人的生活! 殷 Yin 毓 Yu IT IS NO SECRET THAT happiness and health are directly related. A consistently happy person gets a much bolstered immune system which, better than an apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Modern neuroscience has demonstrated that beautiful pictures and melodious music stimulate the orbitofrontal cortex, sending messages to the mesencephalon (midbrain) to release dopamine, giving rise to feelings of excitement and encouragement. Art’s therapeutic value has a firm scientific footing. While waiting to see a doctor at the University clinic, it’s not hard to see oil paintings of various campus scenes hanging on the walls. The paintings were gifts from the painter, Mr. Chen Keng . The colours and the sceneries are pleasing to the eyes and reassuring to the minds of the patients waiting in front of them. At a small but warm ceremony held at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall on 24 May, Dr. Xie Chunling , famed calligrapher and an authority on oracle bone inscriptions, donated 12 of her oracle bone calligraphies to the University Health Service (UHS). Dr. Xie also took the guests on a tour of the structures and meanings of the inscriptions. The calligraphies given to UHS for permanent display include inscriptions of good bodings: ‘peace’, ‘happiness (also music)’, ‘health’, ‘tranquillity’, ‘dragon’ and ‘horse’. Some are related to health care, such as yin and yu . In the former pictograph (left), one can see a primitive form of treatment, as a person is holding an instrument to the abdomen of another. In the latter (right), a child is born, head down, from a mother. This pictograph is the rudimentary form of the word yu meaning both ‘to give birth’ and ‘to educate’. Dr. Scotty Luk , director of UHS, stressed the importance of the therapeutic environment in modern medicine and pointed out that the healthcare personnel need such an environment as much as the patients. He believed that the aesthetic and intellectual appeal of the oracle bone inscriptions bestowed by Dr. Xie will be a much welcome boon to his team in providing quality services to the University community. 粉彩描金端午節紋飾盤 景德鎮窯 清道光,1821 – 1850年 口徑28.5厘米 鍾棋偉先生惠贈 Large Dish with Dragon Boat Festival design Jiangdezhen ware, famille rose-decorated porcelain Qing, Daoguang, 1821–1850 MD 28.5 cm Gift of Mr. Anthony Cheung 雅 共 賞 / ART iculation 無 私 私 語 / N o S ecret
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