CUHK Research

資訊科技 撥款:5,100萬港元 暫定研究時限:2000年至2005年 本項目的目標是使香港成為國際資訊科技領 域中的重要一員,從而帶動香港轉型為資訊 科技社會,發展高增值的經濟體系。項目有 三個研究範疇,分別為現已作商業應用的異 類網絡的多媒體資訊傳送、互聯網上分散式 阻斷攻擊,以及互聯網技術。各範疇均成果 豐碩,研究員亦在國際權威性學術期刊和會 議上發表了二百一十份論文與研究報告,深 化了跨院校的合作,亦加強了本地研究員與 國際頂尖學者的聯繫。 植物及農業生物科技中心 撥款:6,382萬港元 暫定研究時限:2000年至2011年 糧食短缺是全球發展中國家急須解決的問 題。本項目的目的是利用嶄新生物科技,增 加農作物產量,以及改善其品質,如提升營 養和增加抗逆性。研究小組更嘗試於作物植 物中生產增值產品。項目的策略是建立生產 生物科技作物的渠道,由珍貴種質資源中鑑 別有用基因,再轉化這些基因入目標作物 (如水稻),以培養出新品種,經田間試驗及 安全測試後,生產新農作物父母本供農業生 產之用。 Information Technology Funding approved: HK$51M Indicative project time-frame: 2000–2005 The project aimed to put Hong Kong on the world map as one of the key players in information technology, thereby contributing to the transformation of Hong Kong into an information technology society with a strong value-added economy. The project focused on three areas: multimedia delivery over heterogeneous networks, which has now been applied commercially; distributed denial of service attack on the internet; and internet technology. Large quantities of high quality output have been produced. The research team contributed a total of 210 papers to prestigious international journals and conferences, and has strengthened inter- institutional collaborations and connections with well-known researchers around the world. Centre for Plant and Agricultural Biotechnology Funding approved: HK$63.82M Indicative project time-frame: 2000–2011 Food shortage is a pressing problem in developing countries around the world. It was the mission of this project to increase crop production and enhance quality (by, for example, improving nutritional value and increasing stress tolerance) through biotechnology. The project team also attempted to generate value-added products from crop plants. The strategy of the project was to build a pipeline for biotechnology crop production by identifying useful genes from elite germplasms, transferring those genes into designated crops (e.g., rice) to produce new lines, conducting field trials and safety assessment, and finally delivering a set of parental lines for agricultural production. 中大卓越學科領域 CUHK Areas of Excellence Projects 大學教育資助委員會自1999年起推出「卓越學科領域計劃」,向香港大專院校提供專 項研究資助,迄今已批出六輪撥款,共選定了十八個項目,其中由中文大學研究人 員領導者佔七項。 The Areas of Excellence Scheme was launched by the University Grants Committee in 1999 to provide funding for research projects to tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. Six rounds of Areas of Excellence exercise have been undertaken and 18 projects have been selected for the grant, of which seven are led by researchers of CUHK. 46 中大研與學