CUHK Research

中醫中藥研究與發展 撥款:3,299萬港元 暫定研究時限:2001年至2011年 本項目旨在推動中醫中藥研究的現代化,採 取以療效為基礎的中醫藥科學驗證模式,為 多類西方醫學仍未能徹底治療或預防的疾病 尋找互補或另類療法。目前已有五條草配方 的臨床療效、作用機理和應用安全獲得驗 證。本項目將深入研究針對糖尿足癒合和心 血管保健的配方,研究成果除了可為選定的 配方作臨床療效證明外,亦會制定中藥臨床 研究與藥物鑑證的模式,為藥物開發及中藥 商品化作好準備。 母體血漿胎兒核酸研究中心 撥款:3,128萬港元 暫定研究時限:2008年至2015年 產前診斷是不可或缺的產科醫療服務,但現 今羊膜穿刺術之類的方法則具創傷性,對胎 兒可能有不良影響。本項目的統籌隊伍於 1997年首次發現孕婦的血漿內存有胎兒的脫 氧核糖核酸,由此開啟了無創產前診斷,此 方法現時亦已為全球各地採用。本項目在中 大統籌下,由本港和國際科研人員合作,探 討多個極受關注的問題,例如唐氏綜合症的 無創產前診斷,為全世界帶來安全的產前診 斷服務。 網絡編碼研究所 撥款:8,027萬港元 暫定研究時限:2010年至2017年 數據經計算機網絡傳輸時均以儲存和轉送模 式進行,但路由節點不會改變這些數據。本 項目的研究團隊十多年前己提出網絡編碼的 基本概念,即數據在傳輸過程中可作合併和 加以處理,網絡通訊(如互聯網)亦因而得以 更有效可靠,也更穩定安全。本項目建立頂 尖的網絡編碼研究所,進行的尖端研究包括 網絡編碼理論及其在互聯網、無線通訊、信 息安全、數據存儲和生物信息等範圍的應用。 Chinese Medicine Research and Further Development Funding approved: HK$32.99M Indicative project time-frame: 2001–2011 The objective of the project was to promote the modernization of Chinese medicine. The efficacy driven approach was adopted to establish an evidence-based scientific model for Chinese medicine research, with a view to identifying complementary or alternative treatments for clinical problems that were not adequately solved by modern medicine. Five selected herbal formulae had been fully explored for their clinical efficacies, underlying mechanisms of action and safe applications. The project further studied two formulae for promoting ulcer healing and cardiovascular health. It not only gathered clinical evidence of the efficacy of selected herbal formulae, but also established models for clinical trials and drug authentication for Chinese medicine, thereby paving the way for drug development and commercialization. Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids Funding approved: HK$31.28M Indicative project time-frame: 2008–2015 Prenatal diagnosis is an indispensable component of maternity health care. Definitive diagnostic methods in current use, e.g., amniocentesis, are invasive and pose a risk to the unborn child. In 1997, the project coordinator and his research team discovered, for the first time, the presence of fetal DNA in the plasma of pregnant women, offering new possibilities for non- invasive prenatal diagnosis. This method is now used globally. The Center, as a conglomerate of local and international researchers coordinated by CUHK, addresses a number of high-profile unsolved questions, including non-invasive molecular methods for the diagnosis of fetal Down syndrome. The ultimate goal is to make safe prenatal diagnosis available around the world. Institute of Network Coding Funding approved: HK$80.27M Indicative project time-frame: 2010–2017 The paradigm for data transmission through a computer network has long been store-and-forward . An intermediate node in routing does not alter the data being forwarded. Over a decade ago, the project team introduced the fundamental concept of Network Coding, allowing for the combination and processing of data along the way, making network communications (e.g., the Internet) more efficient, reliable, robust and secure. This project builds the world-leading Institute of Network Coding to conduct cutting-edge research on the theory of Network Coding and its various applications on the Internet, in wireless communications, information security, data storage, and bioinformatics. 47 CUHK RESEARCH