Sustainable Campus Summer‧Autumn 2008

網上版請閱覽 Web edition available at 本通訊以再造紙印製 This newsletter is printed on recycled paper. � 要聞快訊 Newsbreak 重大維修 為了盡量減少對校園社區的騷擾,校方把重大的校園維修工程集中在夏季進行。三十年來,邵逸夫堂和碧秋樓首 次換上新裝。邵逸夫堂的內部維修已大部分完成,碧秋樓的工程則需持續一段時間。工程進行期間,引起不便之 處,幸得有關人士體諒,大學深表感激,懇祈再稍忍一時,待工程順利完成。 邵逸夫堂 邵逸夫堂建於1981年,獲大學教育資 助委員會資助,在今年暑假大幅翻 新,主要是為該堂興建辦公室。過去, 由於缺乏空間,辦公室只能在後台的 化裝間臨時搭建。維修後,邵逸夫堂 將有正式的辦公室和較大的化裝間。 工程包括重組空間和擴建支援設施、 裝置新的防火和電線系統以提升安全 設備,以及內部粉飾。 擴建工程約需時兩個月,翻新的部分 則很快便可供使用。 碧秋樓 建於約三十年前的碧秋樓( 下圖 ),今夏提升電力系統,包括裝置不間斷電源,以配合由資訊科技服務處策劃的電 腦設施升級。空調系統將予調整,藉着冷氣耗盡前的熱交換作能量回收,以提高能源效益。各個服務部門的空間 亦將重新布局,騰出封閉空間,採用開放設計等,務使地盡其用。基本設施諸如自動噴水滅火系統、管道和排水系 統,以及樓梯等將予改善。工程已於2008年5月啟動,預期在2009年復活節左右完成。 Major Renovations Major renovations on campus were carried out during the summer in order to minimize disturbance to the campus community. Two buildings, Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and Pi Ch’iu Building received their first facelift in three decades. While the interior renovation of the first project is largely completed, the second one will continue for some time. The University thanks those affected for their tolerance and hopes they can bear with the project for just a little bit longer. Sir Run Run Shaw Hall Sir Run Run Shaw Hall ( above ), constructed in 1981, received a much needed overhaul this past summer, with funding from the University Grants Committee (UGC). One important aimwas to build offices for the hall. In the past, the hall had had to set up make-shift offices in the dressing room backstage due to lack of space. But after renovations, it will have proper offices and a larger dressing-room. The works mainly involved spatial reorganization and building an extension for supporting facilities, safety enhancement including new fire protection and wiring systems, and interior refurbishment. Except for the extension which will be completed in a couple of months, the new hall will be ready for use very soon. Pi Ch’iu Building Pi Ch’iu Building ( below ), built some 30 years ago, is upgrading its electrical system. This includes the installation of uninterrupted power supplies to complement the upgrading of computer facilities planned by the ITSC. The air-conditioning systems are also rearranged so energy can be used more efficiently while allowing for energy recovery by means of heat exchange before chilled air is exhausted. There will also be spatial rearrangments among service departments to free up enclosed space, adopt an open plan layout, etc., so that space can be used with greater efficiency. Basic facilities such as sprinkler systems, plumbing and drainage, and staircases are also enhanced during this exercise. The project began inMay 2008 and is expected to finish around Easter 2009. 新書院院址附近的安全措施 隨着晨興書院和善衡書院的建築工程展開,大學採取新的 安全措施。 大學道近通往五旬節會樓低座路口處,新鋪設了斑馬線 ( 上圖 )。學生在大學道上的巴士站下車後,橫過這條三車 道的大路將更安全。同時,行人從大學道前往五旬節會樓 低座時,可使用一條新鋪的紅磚路,這行人路與建築地盤 之間,有一車路分隔。原有貼近地盤的舊行人路,現已變 成一條有蓋的小徑( 下圖 )。這些新的設施不但將服務上 述宿舍的住客,亦方便那些欲使用公共升降機前往高座, 然後往大學保健醫療中心或蒙民偉樓的人士。 Safety Measures near New College Sites Following the commencement of works on the sites of Morningside College and S.H. Ho College, new safety measures have been adopted. Students disembarking on University Avenue near the driveway leading to Pentecostal Mission Hall Complex Low Block can now cross the three-lane avenue safely—by means of a new zebra-crossing ( above ). Also, pedestrians heading to the Pentecostal Mission Hall Complex Low Block from University Avenue can use a newly paved red- brick footpath ( below, lower left ) separated from the construction site by the driveway. And the old footpath adjacent to the site is now turned into a covered walkway ( below, lower right ). These new structures not only serve residents of the said hostel, but also commuters wishing to take the public lift to High Block and from there, to the University Health Centre or the Mong Man Wai Building. 校園發展計劃報告上載 校園發展計劃(CMP)顧問公司已完成《首階段持份者交 流活動報告書》,並上載於CMP網頁 cmp/b5/ 以供閱覽。第二階段的持份者交流活動即將展 開,再次期待大學所有成員的持續參與。 CMP Report Uploaded The consultant of the CMP project has completed the Stage I Stakeholder Engagement Report which is now available on the CMP website at cmp/en/ . The continued participation of all members of the University is important in the second stage of stakeholder engagement which will commence soon.