Sustainable Campus Spring 2013

S ustainable C ampus 可持續校園 二零一三年春 Spring 2013 1 本期通訊 In This Issue ■ 新世代建築師的搖籃 AIT Building: A Cradle of Architectural Talent ■ 委任能源監察員 Appointment of Energy Wardens 毗鄰港鐵大學站的綜合教學大樓,前臨吐露港的一面全劃為教室。「讓學生向着最美的方向,可以 有更多靈感。」建築學院院長何培斌教授說。 An Integrated Teaching Building of the School of Architecture, which is located next to the University MTR Station, reserves the sea view to young learners. ‘Let the students enjoy the most beautiful view. They will get more inspiration,’ said Prof. Ho Puay-peng, director, School of Architecture. 位 於車站路旁的綜合教學大樓,於2012年秋落 成,是中文大學校園最年輕的建築物之一,是 建築學院教學與研究的大本營。如果一座建築可透過 其外貌和結構傳達任何理念與情感的話,這座外觀明 淨、內部建設符合環保原則的大樓,正體現了建築學院 師生建設美好環境的願景。 建築學院院長 何培斌 教授說它的特色有三︰「首先,為人 服務,凝聚人,令裏面的人覺得舒適;其次,容納活動, 更把活動的氣氛昇華;第三,肩負起教學作用。」 何教授進一步解釋:「學生可以見到我們是怎樣處理材 料、處理空間、處理光線、處理人的活動,我們會利用 這個建築作為教材,讓學生研究不同的概念。」 為莘莘學子締造理想的學習環境,是為人師表的心願, 何教授也不例外︰「學習環境必須不覺侷促或受掣肘, 這樣,人的思想才能夠開闊,這是最要緊的。我覺得新 大樓的環境可以令學生的思想更加無拘無束。」地靈自 然人傑,希望在此茁長的年輕建築師在未來能施展抱 負,以創見為建設綠色社區作出貢獻。 O n Station Road, there is a very young building with a curious name, and smart, sleek but environmentally friendly interiors. It’s called An Integrated Teaching Building (AIT Building) and it is home to the University’s School of Architecture. Completed in autumn 2012, the AIT Building is the hub of teaching, learning and research for the school. Prof. Ho Puay-peng , director of the school, said the building is special for three reasons. ‘First of all, it is designed to serve, to gather, and to make people inside feel at ease. Secondly, it accommodates various kinds of events and helps to enhance their atmosphere. Thirdly, it is a teaching building.’ ‘Students can see how we manage building materials, how we approach light and space, and handle human activity. We can use this building as teaching material, letting students study its different aspects,’ Professor Ho explained. Every teacher knows an inspiring environment is important for learning. Professor Ho shares that view. ‘A learning environment must be comfortable and unrestricting. This is important as it is conducive to broadening the mind. I believe the AIT Building surely can help to liberate students’ thinking.’ A blessed place produces talented people, as the saying goes. Alongside with excellent faculty, the AIT Building is all set to nurture capable and environmentally-conscious architects in the decades to come. 綜合教學大樓模型 Model of AIT Building ■ 要聞快訊 Newsbreak 新世代建築師的搖籃 A Cradle of Architectural Talent AIT Building: