Sustainable Campus Spring 2013

2 大樓的心臟—中庭 成功的建築應該有一個 凝聚各樓層的使用者的焦 點。因此,大樓的中庭,甫 進大門口便會見到。不論你身處哪個位置,圖書館、設計工作 室、展覽室、課室還是教職員辦公室,目光和注意力都會落在 中庭。中庭儼如大樓的心臟,雖然這個心臟是虛的,但它起着 貫串整體的作用。 中庭開放式的設計,可以容納各類型活動,規模小的如學生 評圖、研討和開會,較大型的有2012年開學禮、建築學院二十 周年晚會、國際會議和大型展覽等。中庭舉辦的活動愈多, 凝聚力便會愈強。除了中央寬廣的空間,四周有樓梯、走廊和 天橋穿插,人在上面信步走過,展示出流動的生命力。不少學 生都愛在這裏留連,與朋友聊聊天、喝喝咖啡。 全天候學習空間 為了善用圖書館藏,並讓學生有清靜的地方溫習,建築圖書館 二十四小時開放。每晚最少有五十名學生進館,以建築學院 近二百七十名學生而言,數字已經不錯,通宵開放期間不設 管理員,但學生均自律用功。館內電燈在無人使用時會自動 關閉,節省電力。 唸建築的學生往往要不眠不休地趕功課,故此,設計工作室 亦是全日開放,充分照顧他們的需要。每間均附設小型玻璃 房工作間,木工機器和激光切割機等一應俱全,這樣的設置 在其他學校很少有。學生由繪圖到製作模型都可以在一處地 方集中完成,除了提升學習效益,亦鼓勵他們多製作模型。 用料平實簡樸 大樓牆身是一片灰色的清水混凝土,許多人看了會疑惑地問︰ 「是否尚未完工?」這其實是一種手法,讓建築材料如混凝 土、木板、鋼材等等,以原有顏色如實展現。若是配搭得宜, 原色是最好的。 大樓採用簡單建材,不需要從遠方採購,減省了運費和燃料, 牆身不需髹漆,內部裝修以簡單為主,如院長和學院辦公室 的家具,以原木夾板架疊而成,貫徹簡約風格。大樓的建築開 支跟興建一間標準中學相若,符合經濟原則。 糅合環保設計 新大樓致力達到本地環保建築標準——綠建 環評(BEAM Plus)鉑金級別認證所釐定的要 求,它為可持續設計概念樹立了一個範式,例 如中庭的設置是為了引入自然風,當四周窗戶打 開時便毋須開冷氣。日光從天窗透進來,可以減 少開燈。天窗採用隔熱金屬屋面和節能雙層鍍 膜玻璃,玻璃上的一個個黑點,其實是太陽能電 池(BIPV),現可為頂層的浴室供應暖水,其發 電潛力仍需進一步測試。 中庭上方的淺綠色研討室,引入了全港唯一的 冷樑,它較一般使用壓縮機的空調設施省電。 室內其他地方會用送風機,取代冷氣機。此 外,在天台花園試耕,種植攀生植物綠化牆身 等項目正陸續開展,務求實踐中大作為綠色大 學的宗旨。 中庭 Atrium 天台花園 Roof garden Photos: Arch Design Architects Ltd., School of Architecture 相片由雅砌建築設計有限公司和建築學院提供 “ Atrium—Heart of AIT Building A successful building design must have a focus for users on different floors. The atrium, which can be seen from the entrance, serves this purpose. Whether you are in the library, studio, exhibition area, classroom or staff offices, your attention will naturally be drawn to the atrium. It’s the heart of the building which though hollow connects up the different parts of the building. The open design of the atrium aims at flexibly accommodating different kinds of activities, e.g., student presentations, seminars and discussions, as well as more sizeable events such as the inauguration of the 2012 academic year, the 20th anniversary gala dinner of the school, international conferences and large-scale exhibitions. The more activities are held, the stronger the bonding it will foster. Up and around the huge space of the atrium are staircases, corridors and bridges used by teachers and students who lend them much vitality. Students like to hang out at the atrium, having a chat over coffee. Round-the-Clock Facility The architecture library is open 24 hours daily to make full use of library resources and provide an 何培斌教授 Prof. Ho Puay-peng 大樓採用開放式設計,歡迎各界參觀。有興趣到此一遊的師生校友,不妨參考 何教授以下的導賞,感受每個角落的特色。 Embracing an open house design, the AIT Building has received many visitors since its opening. Now let us go on a ‘tour’ curated by Professor Ho. ideal venue for students to study at night. According to figures, some 50 students use the library every night. The school currently has only 270 students. No librarian is on overnight shift but students are disciplined and well behaved. The library’s lights have motion sensors and when there’s no movement around, the lights will go off to save electricity. Architecture students often work overnight on their projects. To meet their needs, the studios are also open 24 hours. Next to each, there’s a small workshop with glass walls equipped with a full set of wood work machinery and laser cutter. This rare arrangement among local tertiary institutions allows students to draw and construct models in the same place. These facilities help to boost learning outcomes and encourage students to devote more time to model-making. Plain and Simple The building’s fair-faced concrete walls have led some visitors to ask if the AIT Building is still under construction. It isn’t and it looks this way because the school prefers to preserve the original tones of the concrete, plywood and steel. If matched well, natural colours are the most beautiful. The building materials are simple and easily available, which means lower transportation and energy costs. The walls need no paint and simplicity rules the interior design. For example, the furniture in the director and staff offices are made of stacks of raw plywood which is in line with the minimalist