Newsletter No. 525

05 # 5 2 5 | 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 8 締結人工智能學術聯盟 Global AI Academic Alliance Established 段崇智校長日前代表大學出席 在上海舉行的2018世界人工 智能大會。會上,中大與麻省 理工學院、悉尼大學、清華大 學等全球十五所高等院校,以 及人工智能企業商湯科技共 同成立「全球高校人工智能學 術聯盟」。聯盟透過跨學科、 跨地域合作建立學術交流平 台,並培訓人才,以推動人工 智能技術長遠發展。大會由國家發展和改革委員會、科學技術部、工業和信息化部和中國科學院等多個部 門合辦,雲集全球人工智能領域的學者和政商界精英,就技術及未來發展交流討論。 Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan recently attended the 2018 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai. At the conference, CUHK joined hands with 15 universities around the world, including MIT, the University of Sydney, Tsinghua University as well as SenseTime, the world's leading AI company, to establish the Global AI Academic Alliance. The alliance was founded to boost cross-disciplinary exchanges and promote international collaboration on AI technology, constructing mechanisms and platforms to provide opportunities for AI study, talent training and research developments. The conference was co-organized by a number of institutions such as the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It brought together the world's most influential AI scientists, academicians, entrepreneurs and government officials and initiated high-level dialogues on leading AI technologies and prospects of the AI industry. 重點科研單位獲正名國家重點實驗室 State Key Laboratory Status Affirmed 中大五所國家重點 實驗室夥伴實驗室 於9月20日獲正名為 國家重點實驗室, 有助日後與內地不 同科研單位加強合 作。五所實驗室從 事的研究範疇為轉 化腫瘤學、農業生 物技術、藥用植物 應用、合成化學以及消化疾病。段崇智校長表示,對國家科技部予以中大 的肯定和支持深感榮幸,中大將會繼續與內地不同科研單位緊密合作,在 教育、科研及產業化三方面繼續發展,貢獻國家。 Five Partner State Key Laboratories of CUHK, with specialties on translational oncology, agrobiotechnology, bioactivities and clinical applications of medicinal plants, synthetic chemistry, and digestive disease, were retitled State Key Laboratories on 20 September to offer them more flexibility to collaborate with different mainland research and development institutions. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan was glad to see CUHK receiving such support and recognition from the Ministry of Science and Technology. CUHK will continue to collaborate closely with mainland research institutes and contribute to the national advancement of education, scientific research and knowledge transfer. among them was Mrs. Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of HKSAR, who was also one of the pall bearers alongside Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, and others. Professor Tuan described Professor Kao in his eulogy as ‘a meticulous and insightful scientist whose accomplishments have inspired technological innovations throughout the world’ and also ‘a far-sighted and broad-minded thinker who left an indelible mark on higher education’. Referring to the application of fibre optics in endoscopy, Prof. Joesph Sung, former Vice-Chancellor and a governor of Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease, described Professor Kao’s invention as a lasting contribution to humankind. Dr. Tony King, Professor Kao’s third cousin, and Prof. Chen Lian-kuan of the Department of Information Engineering both fondly recalled Professor Kao’s brisk whistle in their speeches. The CUHK Chorus then presented the late professor’s favourite song, The Moon Represents My Heart , as an endearing ending note to the funeral. Professor Sir Charles Kao, the third Vice-Chancellor of CUHK (1987–1996), passed away on 23 September at the age of 84. His wake and funeral were held at the Hong Kong Funeral Home on 7 October and 8 October, respectively. Thousands of people gathered at the Hong Kong Funeral Home on 7 October to pay their last respects to the ‘Father of Fibre Optics’, whose pioneering work in the development and application of fibre optics in the area of communications had won him a Nobel Prize in Physics. Lady Gwen Kao delivered her message of thanks: ‘I am very grateful and appreciative for the care and concern shown to the family during this sad time.’ She will carry out the last wishes of Professor Kao by raising the awareness of Alzheimer’s disease in the society and by supporting the patients and their families through the Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease. The funeral on 8 October was attended by over 450 government officials, leaders of the education and other sectors, colleagues, students, relatives and friends, 中大第三任校長(1987 – 1996)高錕教授於9月23日離世, 享年八十四歲。公祭及告別儀式於10月7日及8日於香港 殯儀館舉行。 10月7日,數以千計市民前往香港殯儀館向這位開創光纖 傳訊科技並因此獲頒諾貝爾物理學獎的「光纖之父」作最 後致敬。 高錕夫人黃美芸女士表示:「我非常感謝各界在這段悲傷 時刻給予我們關懷及支持。」她未來會秉承高教授的遺願, 透過高錕慈善基金推動社會對腦退化症的認識,並為腦退 化症患者及其家屬提供服務。 10月8日,超過四百五十人出席告別儀式,包括特區行政 長官林鄭月娥女士、政府部門首長、學術界及各界領袖、同 事、學生以及一眾親友。林鄭月娥女士更與段崇智校長及 其他人士為高教授扶靈。 段崇智校長致悼辭時形容高錕教授「研思精微,見解精闢, 推動了全球的科研創新;他同時慧眼高瞻,胸襟廣濶,成就 了偉大的教育事業」。前校長兼高錕慈善基金董事沈祖堯 教授提到光纖科技在醫學內窺鏡上的應用,指出高教授的 研究對人類造福廣遠。此外,高錕教授的表親金通旦醫生 和中大信息工程學系陳亮光教授在憶述與故人的情誼時, 不約而同回味他那動聽瀟灑的口哨聲。中大合唱團獻唱 高教授鍾愛的《月亮代表我的心》,更令整個告別儀式添上 溫馨情意。 光榮作別煊燦人生 Grand Finale to a Great Journey