Newsletter No. 528

L ate autumn once again marked the time to bid farewell to CUHK students. On 15 November, CUHK held its 85th Congregation for the Conferment of Degrees, with Dr. Norman N.P. Leung , Chairman of the University Council presiding over the occasion and conferring 4,150 bachelor’s and 5,672 master’s degrees. It was the first time Prof. Rocky S. Tuan , Vice-Chancellor and President, attended a Congregation and shared his thoughts with the new graduates. In his speech, he told the stories of three CUHK students and invoked his own example to call on students to remain true to their aspirations and passion, and be steadfast in their pursuit of what is beautiful and good. He urged students not to stop learning, and to keep pursuing the truth. Lauding Excellent Teaching and Research November also marks the golden time to harvest and honour past efforts. The Congregation doubled as the stage for the inauguration of the Choh-Ming Li Professorship and award ceremonies for outstanding teachers and researchers. May all aspirations, and toil along the way, be not lost. Amy L. 03 # 5 2 8 | 0 4 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 8 卓敏教授席 Choh-Ming Li Professorship •鄒軍教授 Prof. Zou Jun 卓敏數學教授 Choh-Ming Li Professor of Mathematics 2018年度博文教學獎 University Education Award 2018 •工商管理學院范亭亭教授 Prof. Fan Tingting, Faculty of Business Administration •工商管理學院賴漢榮博士 Dr. Lai Hon-weng John, Faculty of Business Administration •醫學院阮君毓博士 Dr. Yuen Kwan-yuk Jacqueline, Faculty of Medicine 2017年度校長模範教學獎 Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2017 •文學院張歷君教授 Prof. Cheung Lik-kwan, Faculty of Arts •工商管理學院尹振英教授 Prof. Wan Chun-ying Lisa, Faculty of Business Administration •教育學院梁鳳蓮博士 Dr. Leung Fung-lin Elean, Faculty of Education •工程學院鄭國強教授 Prof. Cheng Kwok-keung Michael, Faculty of Engineering •法律學院習超教授 Prof. Xi Chao, Faculty of Law •醫學院吳梓新博士 Dr. Ng Chi-sun, Faculty of Medicine •理學院陳國威教授 Prof. Chan Kwok-wai, Faculty of Science •社會科學院周保松教授 Prof. Chow Po-chung, Faculty of Social Science •通識教育崔佩怡博士 Dr. Chui Pui-yi Apple, General Education 2017年度青年學者研究成就獎 Young Researcher Award 2017 •文學院胡嘉明教授 Prof. Wu Ka-ming, Faculty of Arts •工商管理學院高蕾蕾教授 Prof. Gao Leilei, Faculty of Business Administration •教育學院莊紹勇教授 Prof. Jong Siu-yung Morris, Faculty of Education •工程學院張立教授 Prof. Zhang Li, Faculty of Engineering •法律學院夏竹立教授 Prof. Julien Chaisse, Faculty of Law •醫學院李惠慈教授 Prof. Li Wai-chi Polly, Faculty of Medicine •理學院吳藝林教授 Prof. Wu Yilin, Faculty of Science •社會科學院白營教授 Prof. Bai Ying, Faculty of Social Science 2017年度研究生學術成果獎 Postgraduate Research Output Award 2017 •文學院李子歸女士 Ms. Li Zigui, Faculty of Arts •工商管理學院黃菲菲女士 Ms. Huang Feifei, Faculty of Business Administration •教育學院顧璇博士 Dr. Gu Xuan, Faculty of Education •工程學院竇琪女士 Ms. Dou Qi, Faculty of Engineering •醫學院許建坤博士 Dr. Xu Jiankun, Faculty of Medicine •理學院劉松先生 Mr. Liu Song, Faculty of Science •社會科學院何青青女士 Ms. He Qingqing, Faculty of Social Science 各科頒授學位數目 Number of Degrees Awarded 本科課程 Undergraduate Programmes 4,150 文學士 Bachelor of Arts 563 工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration 912 文學士和教育學士 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education 92 * 教育學士 Bachelor of Education 51 工程學士 Bachelor of Engineering 380 法學士 Bachelor of Laws 72 # 中醫學學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine 25 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 231 護理學士 Bachelor of Nursing 245 藥劑學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy 49 理學士 Bachelor of Science 911 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Science 619 碩士課程 Master’s Programmes 5,672 * 四十六名文學士畢業生同時獲得教育學士學位 Including 46 graduates who were simultaneously awarded the Bachelor of Education degree # 一名法學士畢業生同時獲得社會科學學士學位 Including one graduate who was simultaneously awarded the Bachelor of Social Science degree 秋 冬之際,又到驪歌高奏的畢業 季節。剛過去的11月15日,中 大舉行第八十五屆大會,由大 學校董會主席 梁乃鵬 博士主禮,頒授四千 一百五十個學士及五千六百七十二個碩士  學位。 段崇智 校長上任以來首次出席畢業禮並致 辭。在講台上,他引述三位中大學生的故事 和自身經歷,勉勵學生永保初心和對事情 的真誠熱情,勇於追求知識和真理。 褒揚卓越教研 秋收冬藏,11月同時是點算成果、慶祝豐收 的季節。除頒授學位,大會還舉行卓敏教 授席就職典禮,頒發傑出教學及研究獎予  二十七名優秀教研人員。 願來時初心、一路耕耘,莫失莫忘。