Newsletter No. 532

# 5 3 2 | 1 9 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 9 向Johnny叔叔致敬 Salute to Uncle Johnny 孔子字仲尼,網民因而為他改了一個親切的英文名字:Johnny。雖然Johnny本人很有幽 默感,但後世人除了偶爾說說這樣無傷大雅的頑皮話之外,一般都不敢亂開至聖先師的 玩笑。尊崇孔子的其中一個表現,就是設廟祭祀。世上第一座孔廟位於孔子的故鄉曲阜闕 里,建於孔子過世後第二年(公元前478年),可見祭孔已有近二千五百年歷史。 大家都知道孔子對「禮」十分重視,可想而知,祭孔(尤其是皇家祭孔的禮儀)定是相當 講究。清代的皇家祭孔儀式每年春秋二季於京城國子監文廟舉行,有時皇帝會親自主持, 有時會命其他皇室成員代祀。無論主祭者是誰,儀式都比我們拜黃大仙繁複得多,就連盛 載祭品的器皿也有特殊形制,附圖的孔廟銅質祭器可見一斑。 在皇家祭典中,祭器和食物供品的配搭非常嚴格。有着兩條菇形柱的「爵」是酒杯,相信 大家在古裝劇都有看過。至於蓋頂有水波形突棱、身作方斗形的有耳祭器叫「簠」,是用 來盛穀物的。身體圓圓、蓋上有三塊葉形裝飾的叫「鉶」,既用於孔廟,也用於太廟,用於 盛放未經調味的肉羹。 在提倡一切從簡的現代社會,或難理解皇家祭禮、祭器各種複雜繁瑣的名目與規定,以至 孔子對復興周禮的執着。其實繁複的另一面便是嚴謹慎重。在反思「敬」和儀式之間的關 係、盛大的典禮會否流於形式之時,我們實難以否定,從遠古至今,嚴謹的程序和用器都 是營造莊嚴神聖氛圍的重要途徑。在緩慢的吟唱與舞蹈伴隨下,唯我獨尊的天子俯首跪 拜,燃香的青煙裊裊升起,數十件裝着各式供饌的祭器與全豬、全牛、全羊整齊陳列…… 如果我們試着想像一下,其實不難理解這樣盛大肅穆的儀式對參祭者來說會是多麼難忘 而有感染力的共同體驗,又如何着力地宣示受祭者以至主祭者不可動搖的重要地位。 除了這批孔廟祭器之外,文物館現時的展覽「皇朝禮器」亦展出了清代皇家祭典於天壇、 地壇、太廟、太歲壇、朝日壇和夕月壇所用的祭器。歡迎大家走近清帝祈求神明指引、福 佑天下的祭祀現場,一窺祭器在營造典禮肅穆隆重氣氛上扮演的重要角色。 Heidi Wong 護肝於兒時 From a Young Liver to a Healthy Liver 根據中大肝臟護理中心於2008年至2010年的普查,香港每一百名成人中,有二十七人患 上脂肪肝。脂肪肝是指肝臟積聚過量脂肪,若脂肪重量的比例佔肝臟百分之五以上,即患 上脂肪肝。輕微脂肪肝對身體健康沒有明顯影響,既然如此,我們為何要對付這種慢性肝 臟疾病? 一切,為了我們的下一代。 中大肝臟護理中心主任 陳力元 教授說:「在上世紀六七十年代,人們三餐不繼,中年生活 環境改善才發福、患上脂肪肝,再過二三十年,到六十歲才演變為肝硬化。但現在不少肥 胖兒童已有脂肪肝,按此推算,四十歲左右肝臟便會出現問題。」無疑現在香港大多數兒 童已接種乙型肝炎疫苗,但如果他們患有脂肪肝,當他們踏入人生黃金時期,便可能患上 脂肪性肝炎,甚至肝纖維化、肝硬化。 脂肪肝分為酒精性脂肪肝和非酒精性脂肪肝。後者是胰島素對抗,身體容易積聚脂肪,而 胰島素對抗又是糖尿病的成因,因此脂肪肝與糖尿病有密切關係。中大醫學院於2013至 2014年間為1,918名糖尿病人進行的研究發現,高達七成三病人同時患有脂肪肝,一成八 病人更有嚴重肝纖維化。 腰圍是偵測脂肪肝的敏感指標。陳教授說:「亞洲人的脂肪分布集中在身體中央和內臟, 所以中央肥胖的人大多伴隨脂肪肝。我們的研究顯示,若脂肪肝病人能減腰圍兩吋,脂肪 肝便幾近消失。」脂肪肝與糖尿病不同,前者可以逆轉,甚至完全康復。若想更準確知道 肝臟的健康情況,可進行肝纖維化掃描。 肝臟在人體內發揮五百項功能,健肝則健康。護肝沒有捷徑,勤運動和節制飲食,當從兒 時做起。 According to a study conducted by CUHK's Center for Liver Health between 2008 and 2010, 27 out of 100 adults in Hong Kong were afflicted with fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease refers to the accumulation of too much fat in the liver cells (more than 5% of the weight of the organ). A mildly fatty liver is often harmless, so why don’t we turn a blind eye to it? It's all for our children. ‘People who grew up in the less affluent 1960–70s were often not adequately fed or nourished. They gained weight in their middle years when they became better off and some of them developed fatty liver disease. Another 20 or 30 years, these people advanced to old age and so did the disease to cirrhosis. Today, many obese children already have fatty liver disease. In 20 or 30 years' time, they would suffer liver disorders,’ said Prof. Henry Chan , Director of the Center for Liver Health. Despite Hepatitis B vaccination in their infancy, if these children have fatty liver disease they may fall easy prey to steatohepatitis or even fibrosis and cirrhosis when they enter their prime of life. There are two types of fatty liver: alcoholic and nonalcoholic. The latter is caused by insulin resistance which causes fat to accumulate in the body. As insulin resistance is a cause of diabetes, fatty liver and diabetes are intimately related. The Faculty of Medicine of CUHK conducted a study on 1,918 diabetic patients between 2013 and 2014 and found that 73% of them were afflicted with fatty liver disease and 18% even had severe fibrosis. One's girth is symptomatic of the fatty liver within. ‘The fat of Asians is concentrated in their middle section and internal organs. People with a prominent waistline tend to have fatty liver as well. Our study shows that if patients could have reduced their waistlines by two inches, the fatty liver would be gone,’ said Professor Chan. Unlike diabetes, fatty liver disease is reversible. If one wants to have an accurate assessment of his liver condition, fibroscan is a choice. The human liver performs 500 functions. A healthy liver is essential to good health. There is no short cut. Nurture a healthy liver from a young age with exercise and a balanced diet. M. Mak 雅 共 賞 / ART iculation 醫醫筆寫 / D octors ’ N otes 銅爵 「大清乾隆年製」款 郭家彥博士惠贈 銅鉶 「大清乾隆年製」款 懷海堂藏 銅簠 「大清乾隆年製」款 懷海堂藏