Newsletter No. 537

05 # 5 3 7 | 0 4 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 9 中大科研項目奪十四國際獎項 CUHK Receives 14 International Awards 本校十三個科研項目於瑞士日內瓦舉行的「第四十七屆國際發明展」合共 獲得十四個獎項,其中網絡編碼研究所的「分批稀疏編碼—構建智慧城 市」及外科學系和機械與自動化工程學系的「內鏡手術機械人」獲評判嘉 許特別金獎,另有一個金獎、八個銀獎、兩個銅獎及羅馬尼亞創新科技協 會特別大獎。 Thirteen projects led by researchers from CUHK have received 14 awards in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. ‘BATS: Enabling the Nervous System of Smart Cities’, the project launched by the Institute of Network and Coding took home a Gold Medal. The Department of Surgery and the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering were also awarded a Gold Medal for their project, ‘Endoscopic Surgical Robot’; both projects additionally received Congratulations of the Jury. Other awards included one Gold Medal, eight Silver Medals, two Bronze Medals and the Prize of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation–Romania. 由中大校友會聯會主辦的《摯愛》舞台劇是大學五十五周年校慶活動之 一,自去年起在全球巡迴演出,4月18至20日在深圳保利劇院作最後公演, 逾百位海內外校友出席支持。校董會主席梁乃鵬博士(左一)、段崇智校長 (右二)、中大(深圳)校長徐揚生教授(右一)及身兼編劇和主角的校董梁 鳳儀博士(左二)更於結幕領唱該劇主題曲《博文約禮歌》。該劇巡演共籌 得逾一億五千萬港元,用作中大的教研發展、書院經費及弘揚中華文藝。 Organized by the Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK, the drama, My Love , is one of the University 55th Anniversary activities. My Love featured its grand finale at Shenzhen Poly Theatre from 18 to 20 April after touring the globe. Over a hundred alumni from Hong Kong, mainland and overseas attended. The drama ended with its theme song, ‘Bo Wen Yue Li’ (Through learning and temperance to virtue), the University’s motto. Dr. Norman N.P. Leung (1st left), Chairman of the Council; Prof. Rocky S. Tuan (2nd right), Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Prof. Xu Yangsheng (1st right), President of CUHK (SZ); and Dr. Leung Fung-yee Anita (2nd left), playwright and protagonist of My Love and Member of the Council, sang as leading voices. The performance raised over HK$150 million in support of CUHK’s and its Colleges’ future development, in particular for the promotion of Chinese culture. 商學生國際個案賽奪冠 Business Students Win International Case Competition 四名工商管理學院學生擊敗來自八個國家 十五支參賽隊伍,於3月22日在匈牙利布達佩斯舉行的中歐個案競賽奪魁。 中大隊成員包括(前排左起)環球商業學二年級的羅鈞洛、國際貿易與中國 企業二年級的錢愷欣、譚學堯及吳康賢。參賽隊伍需完成兩項中歐地區企 業的複雜商業個案分析,並向以口述方式向專業的評審團簡報解決方案。 Four students from the Faculty of Business Administration outdid 15 teams from eight countries and walked away with the championship at the Central European Case Competition held in Budapest, Hungary on 22 March. The CUHK team comprising (from left, front row) Richard Law, Year 2 of the Global Business Programme and three International Business and Chinese Enterprise Programme Year 2 students including Crystal Gee, Sean Tam and Nicholas Ng. The participating teams had to solve two complex business strategy cases of companies active in the Central European region, and present their solutions in front of a professional jury. 評估機制有助提升社會服務效益 Evaluation Framework Helps to Advance Social Services 社會工作學系獲香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助,開展賽馬會「衡坊」培訓計劃,為本地非牟利機構 從業員提供證書培訓課程和實習,並結合網上學習平台,與他們分享MEL服務評核的相關知識和 經驗。 MEL是一套縝密而全面的服務評核培訓框架,適切運用,除可彰顯服務效益,社會服務機構之發 展潛力亦隨之增強。「衡坊」計劃為期三年,共提供四期課程,啟動禮於4月13日舉行,並邀得意大 利「社會效益評估」著名學者Tiziano Vecchiato 教授主講「社會服務效益評估與服務發展契機: 歐洲經驗」。 Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the Department of Social Work has launched the Jockey Club MEL Institute Project which provides a certificate training course and mentored practicum, to be augmented by an online knowledge hub, with the goal of sharing knowledge and experience of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning of (MEL) with participants. The MEL framework provides rigorous and comprehensive training in programme evaluation. With the application of the MEL framework, the effects of services are amplified, thereby improving the capacity and sustainability of NGOs. The project will last three years, providing a total of four rounds of training courses. Held on 13 April, the launching ceremony was followed by a lecture on ‘MEL culture and GIA approach to make the difference: European experience’, delivered by Prof. Tiziano Vecchiato, an internationally renowned scholar and expert in social impact assessment. 珍貴香港軍票訴訟文件 Valuable Documents of Military Yen Court Cases 日本獨立記者及歷史學家和仁廉夫先生上世紀九十年代協助一批香港市民控告 日本政府,尋求賠償日軍於二戰期間佔領香港時強逼市民兌換軍票所造成的損 失,案件最終被駁回,惟和仁先生整理了訴訟案中歷史文件,並於4月11日捐贈予 中大圖書館。 該批文獻包括七箱判案書、訴狀、案情摘要、口述歷史和媒體報導,合共數千頁 文件和十多盒錄影帶,為研究日佔香港歷史及社會狀況,以及二戰相關法律訴 訟的學者提供了重要的一手資料。 Mr. Wani Yukio, a Japanese independent journalist and historian, supported a lawsuit filed by victims in Hong Kong in 1990s seeking reparation for the military yen issued during the Japanese occupation. Though the lawsuit was rejected, Mr. Wani gathered the materials and information related to the case and donated them to the CUHK Library on 11 April. The historical documents, including seven boxes of court judgments, case summaries, oral histories of victims in Hong Kong, news reports, and video tapes, are tremendously valuable as they provide primary data of Hong Kong under the Japanese occupation, as well as the post-war law cases, for historical, sociological, and legal research. 解構柏金遜症 Deconstructing Parkinsonism 在張金菱女士慷慨捐款支持下,醫學院於4月11日成立張金菱 治療柏金遜綜合症研究中心,聯合臨床科學、腦神經科、精神 科、腦神經科學、放射學家及工程等學者,研究柏金遜綜合症 的病發機制,以研發早期檢測、治療法及預防方法。中心並將建立華人早期患者登記冊,收集數據, 預測和監察患者的早期病程發展。中心團隊亦建造了香港首部「活體多光子顯微鏡」以助研究。 On 11 April, the Faculty of Medicine established the Margaret K.L. Cheung Research Centre for Management of Parkinsonism with a generous donation from Ms. Cheung Kam-ling Margaret. The centre aims at unravelling disease mechanisms and developing early detection methods and therapeutics of Parkinsonism by combining the strength of clinician scientists, neurologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, radiologists and engineers. The centre will establish registries for early stage Parkinson’s disease in Chinese subjects to collect data for predicting and monitoring disease progression. The team of the centre has also developed Hong Kong’s first custom-built in vivo multiphoton microscope to advance the research. 摯愛圓滿謝幕 Goodbye My Love