Newsletter No. 545

The CUHK Distinguished Alumni-in-Residence Programme 2019 welcomed alumnus Norman Chan Tak-lam (1976/Chung Chi/Sociology) back to his alma mater for a series of interactive activities with students, staff and alumni soon after his retirement from the position of Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. In the opening ceremony held on 3 October, Mr. Chan gave a keynote speech entitled ‘Crossroads in Life’. He looked back on his career and talked about how he tackled the crises and challenges along the way. ‘Hard work is no guarantee to success; yet failure is definite should you choose to give up,’ he said. That night, he returned to Ming Hua Tang in Chung Chi College, the residential hall he lived in during his university years, and took a walk down memory lane. The younger residents heard how he used to attend classes on the grass, debate philosophy with his classmates, read all kinds of literatures and study abroad, all of which have made him who he is today. The next day, he suited up for a morning talk with engineering students about the innovation and challenges brought by FinTech to the financial sector, and for an evening class where he imparted to business students some rules and habits for a successful career. In between, he changed into purple jerseys and played a basketball match with students, staff, and alumni from different years and Colleges. Mr. Chan, who was a sports enthusiast, said the game conjured up fond memories of his good old days. 2019年度「傑出校友訪問計劃」邀得剛卸任香港金融管理局總裁的 陳德霖 校友(1976 崇基社會學)於10月初重返母校,透過多場活動與中大師生校友互動交流。 開幕典禮暨專題演講於10月3日舉行,陳 德霖以「人生交叉點」為題,回顧職場與 生活遇過的挑戰和危機,以及抱持的心 態:「努力不一定成功,但放棄就一定失 敗。要好好把握機會,但機會只會留給有 準備的人。」 當晚,他回到學生時代入住的宿舍—崇 基明華堂—與師弟妹憶述昔日青蔥歲月: 草地上課、與同窗暢談人生哲理、涉獵各 類文學作品、出國遊歷開眼界……處處流 露中大純樸而濃厚的人文情懷與全人教育 對他的啟蒙與影響。 翌日,西裝革履的他在向工程學生講解金融科技如何顛覆 金融產業後,以及向商科生分享職場制勝的竅門前,換上 紫色籃球衣,率領由來自不同書院、年代校友組成的「中大 校友明星隊」,與「中大師生隊」在籃球場上決高下。在學 時曾為運動健將的陳德霖表示非常享受在場上與隊友拼 搏的感覺,讓他重拾大學時代的青春回憶。 少小離家 老大回 CUHK Welcomes Back One of its Own 3 10 3 10 4 10 am pm 06 # 5 4 5 | 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 9