Newsletter No. 545

床蝨特工隊 Bed Bug Impossible 床蝨藏於家具縫隙,毋須吸血亦可存活達數個月,繁殖力強,極難根治。由中大師生組 成的「香港滅蝨研究行動組」早前調查常見的吸血蟲及其影響,發現近三成受訪者受 床蝨困擾,出現過敏、煩惱、失眠、皮膚痕癢,亦構成居民的經濟負擔。蝨患問題遍及 各區,不同階層的家居也可能出現。 行動組成員與非牟利機構合作研究床蝨問題,除了社區探訪,亦通過網上問卷調查全 港家居蝨患的情況,收集床蝨樣本進行全港範圍的系統分析。他們正研發有效、便宜、 不影響人體及環境的滅蝨方案,長遠希望發展綜合防治方法以減輕香港的蝨患問題。 Bed bugs can hide in cracks in furniture. Given their ability to live for a few months without sucking any blood and their high fertility, bed bugs are extremely difficult to eradicate. Formed by CUHK professors and students, the Hong Kong Anti-Bed Bug Research Action Group studied the impact of common domestic blood-sucking bugs and discovered nearly 30% of local residents are frustrated by bed bugs. The bug bites will trigger human allergic reactions, physical annoyance, insomnia, itching bite marks, and cause financial burden. Statistics also show that the problem is across districts and income groups. In collaboration with non-governmental organizations, the group has examined the domestic bed bug condition through community and home visits and collecting data via an online survey for systematic analysis. An effective, affordable, harmless human and eco-friendly bed bug control solution is being developed. In the long run, the group anticipates developing a comprehensive approach to ease the problem of local bed bugs. 美滿生活的秘方 The Secret Ingredients of a Happy Life 幸福人生如何達至?古往今來已有無數哲人、詩人、神學家嘗試給出答案。在9月23日 舉行的第七場「智慧的探索」公開講座上,社會科學院院長趙志裕教授也嘗試回答: 成長型思維是我們在生活各範疇開啟幸福之門的重要鑰匙。 成長型思維指的是相信不論天賦高低,每個人都可以透過後天用心學習、切磋砥 礪,以展現才華。趙教授以「心想事成:美滿人生心理學」為題,配以大量科學實證 闡述,當學生明白自身的學習能力並非像眼睛的顏色般是牢固的特徵,而是像肌肉一 樣,可以通過勤懇的鍛煉長大茁壯,他們在學校的表現會較好。同樣地,擁有成長型 思維的人會相較固定型思維者更有機會維持及改善親密關係、向其他專業學習令自 己事業有成、接納不同文化從而推進社會創新以至世界大同。 趙教授提醒,「一念之間,轉變人生」說時容易做時難。「從個人層次到人際關係層 次、從事業層次到社會層次,你會發現愈往深走,貫徹成長型思維就愈難。」 How can we attain happiness? It is a question asked by philosophers, poets and theologians since time immemorial. In the seventh instalment of ‘The Pursuit of Wisdom’ Public Lecture Series held on 23 September, Dean of Social Science Prof. Chiu Chi-yue also tried to weigh in: It is through growth mindset that we can attain happiness in different aspects of life. Growth mindset refers to the belief that one’s talents can be developed with effort, learning and dedication. In his lecture entitled ‘Mindset and Success: the Psychology of a Flourishing Life’, Professor Chiu illustrated with scientific evidence that when students learn that their academic ability is not a fixed trait like eye colour, but instead is like a muscle that can grow and develop with hard work, they do better in school. Similarly, compared with people with a fixed mindset, those with a growth mindset are more likely to sustain and improve their romantic relationships, to learn from other disciplines and thus advance their careers, and to embrace different cultures and facilitate a harmonious and innovative society. Professor Chiu reminded the audience that ‘changing your mind, changing your life’ might be easier said than done. ‘The further you go from personal to interpersonal levels, from vocational to societal levels, the harder you will find it to follow through with the growth mindset.’ 成為美國國家發明家協會的一員 Getting a Foothold in NAI 中大已加入美國國家發明家協會(NAI),有助開拓更多合作機會。中大科研所產生的 經濟效益獲進一步認可,研究人員也藉此獲得新渠道與各領域專家加強溝通交流。 CUHK has joined the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), which opens up more opportunities for collaboration. As an NAI member, the economic impact generated from academic discovery at CUHK will be increasingly recognized. It also offers CUHK researchers a direct channel of communication with others in their areas of specialization. 共磋照顧者支援 On Carer Support 「勵智協進會三十周年紀念研討會—照顧者支援」於9月25日假康本國際學術園 召開,逾二百位復康工作者和照顧者赴會探討智障人士照顧者面對的壓力處境, 商討推動政府設立個案管理制度。不同照顧者亦上台分享個人經驗,社會工作學系 黃敬歲教授以家庭生命周期概念,闡述家庭在不同階段和過渡期面對的挑戰,指出 成立個案管理系統之重要。 The Intellectual Disabled Education and Advocacy League 30th Anniversary Seminar on Carer Support was held on 25 September at the Yasumoto International Academic Park. More than 200 participants from the disability field and carers attended the Seminar and discussed on the stressful situations faced by the carers of people with intellectual disabilities as well as the appeal for establishment of case management system by the government. Various carers who have children with intellectual disability at different stages shared their personal experience. Prof. Phyllis Wong of the Department of Social Work explained the challenges faced by carers in different stages and transitions in the concept of family life cycle and pointed out the importance of setting up a case management system. 當生物醫學工程師也來文化一番 When the Biomedical Engineers Get Cultural 超過一百四十位生物醫學工程學系師生參與9月9日的迎新晚會,他們來自四大洲二 十一個國家,彼此在晚會分享家鄉食物,一起做小測驗和欣賞文化表演,在場有專業 DJ播放音樂,讓大夥兒一直跳舞至尾聲。Roo Rayeon覺得晚會有助他結識不同年 級的學生,他說:「這個晚會匯聚很多國際生,他們以匯報或影片介紹自身國家。」 Aiana Baekova欣賞是次活動能凝聚師生,連繫系內國際生。 Over 140 biomedical engineering students and staff from 21 countries spanning over four continents took part in the welcoming party on 9 September. They shared food of their hometowns, played quiz games and enjoyed cultural performances. Music was played by a professional DJ who kept the crowd dancing till the end of the party. Roo Rayeon found it a good opportunity to meet students from different years. He said, ‘There were many international people on this occasion. They introduced their countries with their presentation slides or videos.’ Aiana Baekova shared that the event had fostered a sense of community and brought the international students together. 08 # 5 4 5 | 1 9 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 9