Newsletter No. 549/550

06 # 5 4 9 / 5 5 0 | 0 4 . 0 1 . 2 0 2 0 Vice-Chancellor Scan to read the result 掃描閱讀結果 chemicals detected in the water samples according to the drinking water standards set by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. As for the air test results that have come back, the levels of contaminants were also below the reference levels stipulated by various regions around the globe and the World Health Organization, as well as within the ranges observed in Hong Kong in previous years. Additionally, the University has appointed another independent accredited laboratory to test for tear gas residues including 2-Chlorobenzalmalononitril (commonly known as CS) by means of ambient air, surface swab and water sampling. The results that have come back so far show that the levels of tear gas residues were below reporting limits and not significant. The remaining test results will be announced as soon as they are available. In response to the concerns in the aftermath of last November’s conflicts over the level of harmful chemicals on campus, CUHK has appointed an independent accredited laboratory to collect air, water and soil samples at various locations and at different times on campus for testing. Some of the results were released on 6, 12 and 20 December 2019. The results that have come back so far show that the levels of contaminants in the soil, water and air samples are below their respective limits as required by the related reference documents, which means the health hazards of the contaminants in the soil and water samples are negligible. The harmful chemicals tested include Dioxins, Cyanide, Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs). Results have shown that the levels of these chemicals in the soil samples were below the Risk- Based Remediation Goals (RBRGs) for Soil (Public Parks) as stated in the Guidance Manual for Use of Risk-Based Remediation Goals for Contaminated Land Managemen t published by Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department. Neither was any significant amount of these 因應去年11月的衝突後或有污染物殘留校園,校方早前委 託獨立認可實驗室於不同時間在校園各處抽取空氣、水及 泥土樣本化驗,並先後於2019年12月6、12及20日公布檢 測結果。根據目前收到的化驗報告,泥土、水和空氣樣本中 污染物均沒超標,對健康不會產生明顯影響。 化驗針對的污染物包括二噁英、總氰化物、總多氯聯苯及 多環芳香烴。結果顯示,泥土樣本的污染物含量均低於 香港環保署發出的《按風險釐定的土地污染整治標準的 使用指引》中「按風險釐定的土壤污染整治標準(公園)」 之數值,而水樣本污染物含量亦確定低於美國國家環境保 護局建議的飲用水標準規定之最低數值。至於已收到的空 氣檢測結果,其顯示之污染物含量亦在香港往年錄得的數 值範圍內,並低於全球不同地區及世界衞生組織訂定的參 考水平。 此外,大學亦委託另一獨立認可實驗室抽取環境空氣、表 面擦拭及水樣本,檢驗校園內的催淚彈殘留物,包括簡稱 CS的鄰-氯代苯亞甲基丙二腈。根據目前收到的化驗報 告,各樣本中的污染物含量均低於報告限值,並不顯著。 餘下之空氣及催淚彈殘留物測試結果,大學收到後會盡快 公布。 跟進校園環境安全事宜 Following up on Campus Environmental Safety Scan to read the full story 掃描閱讀全文 minded citizen heavily involved in public administration. He sits on several public bodies such as the Hong Kong Housing Authority, the Trade and Industry Advisory Board, the Consumer Council, the Competition Commission, and the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service. He ended this interview with some advice to young people and CUHK students. ‘While applying themselves is a given, I hope that they could diversify their learning experience, and interact with people of different backgrounds. To me, leadership is about empathizing with other people, as well as bringing people from diverse backgrounds to work together. You must understand why people see things as they do; if you only focus on each other’s differences, you are never going to reach a consensus.’ Eliza Chan CUHK. The merger between Dragonair and Cathay Pacific in 2006 landed Alan the position of management trainee with Cathay Pacific. Before joining Fusion Bank, he was the Chief Operating Officer of Asia Miles from 2016 to 2019. The leap from the airline industry to banking seems to be a prodigious one, but to Alan, his core duty remains the same, and that is how to connect and engage different parties to popularize products or services. One of the challenges faced by virtual banks is the engagement of staff from banking and non-banking backgrounds. To use his own bank as an example, they have assembled expertise from traditional banking and Fintech industries. As Chief Marketing Officer, Alan not only has to engage customers, he also has to design an internal process that allows people from different backgrounds to give their best. As a facilitator, he endeavours to drive his team to collaborate seamlessly. Besides being a savvy senior executive, Alan is also a civic- 金融科技近年大有進展,虛擬銀行亦在香港興起。2019年, 八間虛擬銀行獲香港金融管理局發牌,富融銀行是其中之 一。這間銀行的市務總裁一職,落在 雷紹麟 身上。 一路走來,這名充滿活力的高級管理人員曾涉足多個行業。 他出身於中大物理系,2004年畢業後加入港龍航空,由管理 見習生做起。2006年,港龍與國泰航空合併。他改到後者工 作,繼續磨練自己的管理技巧。2019年任職於富融前,他在 亞洲萬里通當了三年營運總裁。 從航空界跨進銀行業,雷紹麟似乎別開蹊徑。但對這個管理 人來說,兩者其實大同小異,關鍵都在聯絡各界、推廣業務。 虛擬銀行面臨的挑戰之一,是吸納銀行業內乃至業外的人 才。雷紹麟以自己的銀行為例,指他們有在傳統銀行界及金 融科技界搜羅精英。身為市務總裁,雷紹麟不單要接洽顧 客,也要為銀行內部制定措施,幫助來自各行各業的同事發 揮所長。團隊上下通力合作,就是他這個協調專家的宏願。 雷紹麟既是個老練的行政人員,也是個積極參與公共管理的 公民。他身負多項公職,服務的機構包括香港房屋委員會、工 業貿易諮詢委員會、消費者委員會、競爭事務委員會和紀律 人員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會。 訪問尾聲,他對中大人與非中大人的後進有此贈言:「大家 固然要勤勉用功,但我也希望年輕人多學不同的東西、多接 觸不同的人。我心目中的領導人才,須要具有體諒別人和使人 和衷共濟的能力。大家要設身處地,理解他人所想。若單單 着眼於彼此的差異,我們永遠不能達至共識。」 Driven by advances in Fintech, virtual banking is taking off in Hong Kong. In 2019, eight virtual banks were granted licenses by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, of which Fusion Bank is one. Alan Lui is currently Chief Marketing Officer of Fusion Bank. The dynamic executive has had a varied career path. He started off as a management trainee for Dragonair in 2004, the year he graduated from the Department of Physics of The Ultimate Facilitator 皇牌協調師 Photo by Keith Hiro 榜 上 友 名 / R oll C all A lum