The Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT) of the Faculty of Education organized the In-service Programme for Guangdong English Teachers 2012–13 from 8 to 27 July for the third successive year. The HK$1.3 million programme was commissioned by the Education Bureau, with the aim of helping Guangdong participants to keep abreast of the latest trends in English language learning and teaching in Hong Kong, to translate theories of language teaching into classroom practices, as well as to develop skills in designing school-based English Language curriculum to suit the needs of their students.
Forty secondary English teachers from 10 cities in Guangdong Province participated in the three-week programme and attended a series of workshops on a variety of topics related to the latest methodologies of teaching English as a second language at secondary level, school-based curriculum development, use of IT in enhancing English learning and teaching, and the consolidation of English skills. Through small-group discussions, experience sharing and hands-on practices, the teacher training experts of the Faculty of Education and Hong Kong frontline secondary English teachers encouraged the participants to reflect on their teaching. The participants were also exposed to Hong Kong school contexts through school visits to two secondary schools, where they actively participated in quality discussions with the teachers and students on school curriculum as well as learning and teaching strategies. The Guangdong teachers also visited a museum and a heritage trail to learn more about Hong Kong history and culture.