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  • Prof. Fong Wai-ming, associate professor in the Department of Finance, has been appointed by the Permanent Secretary for Education as a member of the Banking and Finance Industry Training Board of the Vocational Training Council for two years from 1 April 2015.
  • Prof. Wong Ka-fai Mike, Professor of Practice, School of Journalism and Communication, has been appointed by the Permanent Secretary for Education as a member of the Mass Communications Training Board of the Vocational Training Council for two years from 1 April 2015.
  • Prof. Meng Mei-ling Helen, chairman and professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, has been appointed by the Permanent Secretary for Education as a member of the Committee on Information Technology Training and Development of the Vocational Training Council for two years from 1 April 2015.
  • Prof. Yam Yeung, professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for the Environment as a member of the Appeal Board Panel established under the Energy Efficiency (Labelling of Products) Ordinance for three years from 27 April 2015.


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What I like about Taoism is that it focuses on two important aspects of life—the body and the mind. This distinguishes it from other religions where some might focus on the body, while others might focus more on the mind. Karine Martin