Annual Report 2017–18

30 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2017–2018 嶄新水凝膠治療關節耗損 生物醫學工程學系邊黎明教授及其團隊,研 發出新一代透明質酸凝膠,能注射用於治 療退化關節、骨骼損傷、腰椎間盤突出等病 症。與其他水凝膠相比,邊教授的水凝膠降 解較緩慢,並且適用於微創手術。邊教授的 團隊正與威爾斯親王醫院和深圳市第二人 民醫院合作,以修復動物關節作測試。(上 左圖) 改善自閉症兒童社交能力 教育心理學系蘇詠芝教授領導的團隊,與日 本電氣香港有限公司合作,推出能協助自閉 症兒童學習溝通技巧的「機械人教學計劃」。 蘇教授的跨學科團隊,設計了多套介入治療 方案,針對自閉兒童的不同學習需要和語言 能力,提供訓練。此計劃得到社福機構的參 與,已服務逾三百名四至十二歲的兒童。研 究團隊2018年3月29日獲頒香港資訊科技獎 的「智慧市民獎:優異獎」。(上右圖) 展現語文學習過程 大學於2017年12月推出全球首個多媒體「華 裔兒童漢語語料庫」,配合大學早前建立的 「普通話兒童單語語料庫」和「香港兒童雙 語語料庫」,使兒童語文學習的研究資料更 豐富。此外,「劍橋大學—香港中文大學雙 語研究聯合實驗室」同時正式成立,其宗旨 為促進國際雙語研究,檢視人們由嬰兒到成 人階段,在不同語境學習語言的情況。 Novel Hydrogels for Osteoarthritic Joints A new class of injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) hydrogels were developed by Prof. Bian Liming of the Department of Biomedical Engineering to treat osteoarthritic joints, femoral head necrosis, and intervertebral disc herniation. Professor Bian’s hydrogels, compared with other hydrogels, take longer time to degrade and are suitable for minimally invasive surgery. His team collaborated with Prince of Wales Hospital and Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital in clinical and veterinary cartilage repair on animals. (Top left photo) Developing Social Skills of Autistic Children A robot-based intervention programme for helping autistic children learn social communication skills was developed by a research team led by Prof. So Wing-chee of the Department of Educational Psychology, in collaboration with NEC Hong Kong Limited. The interdisciplinary team led by Professor So designed a series of training programmes tailored to meet the diverse learning needs and verbal abilities of autistic children. Together with social service organizations, the programme served over 300 children from ages four to 12. The research team was lauded with the Smart People Merit Award issued by the HKICT Awards on 29 March 2018, to recognize its efforts to help autistic children. (Top right photo) Tracking Language Acquisition The University announced the introduction of the world’s first child heritage Chinese language corpus in December 2017. The corpus contains multi-media data tracking the trilingual development of young children in the US, complementing the University’s corpora which document bilingual development of children in Hong Kong as well as monolingual development of Mandarin among children. The University of Cambridge-Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Laboratory for Bilingualism, an international platform for research in bilingualism from infancy to early adulthood across diverse contexts, was officially launched in December 2017. 邊黎明教授 Prof. Bian Liming 蘇詠芝教授 Prof. So Wing-chee