Annual Report 2018–19

16 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2018–2019 肺癌專家莫樹錦教授推廣個人 化藥物及標靶治療 莫樹錦教授成功為肺癌病人帶來個人化 藥物和標靶治療。為此,莫教授獲歐洲腫 瘤學會頒發終身成就獎。此獎項乃國際 間授予癌症研究人員最高的榮譽,而莫 教授為首名獲此獎項的華人。 Lung-cancer expert Tony Mok promotes personalized medicine and targeted therapy Lung cancer expert Prof. Tony Mok Shu-kam has been instrumental in bringing personalized medicine and targeted therapy to cancer patients. His achievements won him the Lifetime Achievement Award from the European Society for Medical Oncology, and he is the first Chinese to have won the award.