Annual Report 2020–21

54 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2020–2021 來自新加坡的Varsha Suresh於中大修讀生 物醫學。 Varsha Suresh from Singapore studies Biomedical Sciences at CUHK. 4 同是中大人 Unity in Diversity 中大校園雲集約十五個國家及地區、逾四十個國籍的精英 學生和員工,藏龍臥虎。海外學生在這個文化多元的校園裡 留下不少難忘回憶。 Home to over 40 distinct nationalities that span some 15 different countries and regions, the CUHK campus is a treasure trove of high-calibre students and staff from all over the world. Our international students have found their experience on this culturally-diverse campus very memorable. 負笈香港,來到中大修讀生物醫學,對 Varsha Suresh而言是她人生中最好 的決定。 本屬印度裔、七歲移居新加坡的 Varsha笑說:「我不去香港,就嚐不到 奶茶和菠蘿包的真正滋味!」在港留學 期間,Varsha一直全力以赴,熱衷投入 大學生活。除了擔任晨興書院的學生 會秘書和印度學生會活動幹事外,也 盡量與朋友保持交流。 Varsha感謝大學為她提供學習基礎廣 東話和普通話的機會,又讓她報讀通 識課程,去認識香港的歷史文化。 「這些課程讓我融入和領會本地文化 和價值,又令我有機會結交新朋友、拓 闊社交圈子。」 喜結山城緣 Feeling at Home in a Foreign Land Varsha Suresh said coming to CUHK for her university studies was the best decision she had ever made. ‘You will not know what true Milk Tea and Pineapple Bun taste like until you have been to Hong Kong!’ the Biomedical Sciences student, who is Indian by nationality but moved to Singapore at the age of seven, laughed. She had gone all out and lived her university life to the fullest: from being the secretary of the Student Council in Morningside College and event officer of the Association of Indian Students, to spending quality time with her friends. Varsha was thankful for the opportunities at CUHK to take language courses to learn the basics of Cantonese and Mandarin, as well as various General Education courses to familiarise herself with the cultures and historical developments of the city. ‘Attending these classes really helps me embrace and appreciate local cultures and values. They also provide great opportunities for me to meet new people and expand my social circle.’ 4