Vice-Chancellor's Report 1987-90

Appendix 1ii‧ University officers Prof. Teik-ewe Oh, MB BS, DA, FFARCS, FFARACS (from 1st July 1989) Dean of Science Prof. Thomas C. W. Mak, BSc, PhD (until 31st July 1988) Prof. Y. W. Lam. BSc, MSc, PhD, CEng, FIEE, FHKIE (from 1st August 1988) Dean of Social Science Prof. RancePui-leung Lee, BSSc, PhD (until 31st July 1989) Prof. Kuan Hsin-chi, LLB, MA, PhD (from 1st August 1989) Secretary Mr. Jacob Leung, BSocSc, MDiv Registrar Prof. Yeung Yue-man, BA, DipEd, MA, PhD (until 18th March 1990) Dr. Ng Lee-Ming, BA, BD, ThM, ThD (from 19th March 1990) Librarian Dr. David S. Yen, AB, MDiv, MSLS, MA, PhD, LLB (until 20th October 1989) Bursar Mr. David A. Gilkes, MA, FCA, FHKSA, JP 39