Vice-Chancellor's Report 1987-90

Vice-Chancellor's Report 7
Introduction 9
Adoption of a Substantially improved Credit Unit System with No Yearly Promotion Demarcation 11
Establishment of New Research Institutes 13
New Academic Programmes Developed 15
More External Funding Tapped to Support Activities of the University 17
Decentralization of Academic and Administrative Functions 19
More Flexible Personnel Policies Introduced 21
Reorganization of the University Secretariat 23
Establishment of Shaw College 25
Concluding Remarks 27
Notes to the Appendices 27
Appendices 33
1. University governance 35
i. The Council 36
ii. University officers 42
iii. Amendments to Ordinance and Statutes of the University 46
2. Staff information 49
3. Student information 53
i. Enrolment figures 54
ii. Admission figures 56
iii. Number of students taking extramural courses 58
iv. Number of degrees and diplomas awarded 60
v. Destinations of degree and diploma holders 62
vi. Exchange programmes 70
vii. Hostel places 74
4. Campus development 75
5. Major donations 83
6. Annual accounts 95
Balance Sheet 96
Income and Expenditure Accounts 98