Vice-Chancellor's Report 1987-90

附錄 3iv • 學位及文憑頒授數目 Appendix 3iv • Number of degrees and diplomas awarded 高級學位及文憑頒授數目 一九八七至九零年 Number of Postgraduate Degrees and Diplomas Awarded 1987 - 90 註: MD- 醫學博士 PhD- 哲學博士 MPhil- 哲學碩士 MA- 文學碩士 MA (Ed)- 文學碩士(敎育學) MDiv- 神學碩士 MS c - 理學碩士 MS Sc- 社會科學碩士 MSW- 社會工作學碩士 MBA- 工商管理學碩士 DipSW- 社會工作文憑 DipEd- 敎育文憑 CertEd- 敎師敎育證書 Notes : MD - Doctor of Medicine PhD - Doctor of Philosophy MPhil - Master of Philosophy MA - Master of Arts MA(Ed) -Master of Arts in Education MDiv - Master of Divinity MSc - Master of Science MSSc - Master of Social Science MSW - Master of Social Work MBA - Master of Business Administration DipSW - Diploma in Social Work DipEd - Diploma in Education CertEd - Certificate in Teacher Education