Vice-Chancellor's Report 1987-90

附錄 3v • 學位及文憑畢業生去向 Appendix 3v • Destinations of degree and diploma holders 學士學位畢業生去向 一九八七至八九年 Destinations of First Degree Holders 1987 - 89 註:不包括醫學院及兼讀學士學位課程之學生 G- 政府(任職助理敎育主任者列入「敎育」類別) Ed - 敎育 C & I - 工商業 PU - 公用事業 PSSO - 公共及社會服務機構 O -其他行業(宗敎及非牟利機構) FS - 進修 Misc- 雜類(於調查期間移民、在海外工作、療養、旅遊、準備升學、因私人理由而未求職、逝世,或仍在找尋合適工 在找尋合適工作) Notes: Medical students and students under Part-time Degree Programmes are not included G - Government (not including Assistant Education Officers who are grouped under the Education sector) Ed - Education C&I-Commerce and Industry PU-Public Utilities PSSO - Public and Social Service Organizations O - Other Employment (religious and other non-profit making associations) FS-Further Studies Misc - Miscellaneous (emigrated abroad, working overseas,recoveringfrom illness, travelling, preparing for further studies, not seeking employment owing to personal reasons, deceased, or still seeking suitable employment at the time of the survey) 56