Annual Report 1993-94

21 教育學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Education •學院完成小學教育學士學位課程和體育及運動科學學士學位課程的籌備工作。兩項課程均於九 四至九五年度開設。 •學院爲本港及海外之教育學者及教育行政人員舉辦了四項大型研討會: 一道德與公民教育國際硏討會(九三年十一月十九至廿二日) 一香港教育研究學會十周年硏討會,主題爲「教育質素:不同卓識之匯集」(九三年十一月二 十至廿一日) -「廿一世紀之小學教育:發展方向」硏討會(九四年四月二日) -「香港課程改革:新時代的需要」研討會(九四年四月廿九至三十日) • Plans for introducing a BEd programme m primary education and a BEd programme in physical education and sports science in 1994-95 were finalized. • The faculty hosted four major conferences for local and overseas educationalists and education administrators: —T h e International Conference on Mo r al and Civic Education (19-22.11.93) —T h e H o ng Kong Educational Research Association 10th A n n u al Conference on 'Quality in Education: Insights f r om Different Perspectives' (20-21.11.93) —T h e Conference on 'Primary Education in the 21st Century: Directions for Development' (2.4.94) —T h e Conference on 'Curriculum Changes in H o ng Kong: The Needs of the N ew Era' (29-30.4.94) 逾百人參加道德與公民教育國際硏討會 Over 100participants tookpart in the International ConferenceonMoral and Civic Education.