Annual Report 1994-95

2 6 硏究 Research Apart f r om basic infrastructural support a nd the p r o v i s i on of academic staff, b o th of w h i c h are financed b y the B l o ck Grant, the largest source of f u n d i ng for research came from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) in the form of earmarked grants awa r d ed o n a competitive basis. CUHK academic staff have c o n t i n u ed to be e x t r eme ly successful i n b i d d i ng for such grants, a nd b o t h the n umb er of projects s u p p o r t ed a nd the amo u nt awa r d ed have increased significantly over the years. CUHK has c o n t i n u ed to l e ad i n cumulative competitive f u n d i ng since the establishment of the RGC. 中大歷年獲研究資助局甄選撥款金額 Earmarked Grants from RGC to CUHK 年份 Year 項目總數 No. of Projects 款項(百萬港元) Total Amount (HK$million) 1990 24 10.74 1991 44 22.23 1992 44 19.26 1993 57 29.61 1994 91 49.95 1995 112 53.34 中國考古藝術硏究中心考古隊在大嶼山扒頭鼓遺址發掘出古代遺蹟,顯示約三千五百年前已有人類在當地定居,推 翻了香港史前人類只有船上居民的說法插圖爲房子復原貌。 An archaeological discovery on Lantau Island by a team, of researchers from the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art suggests that people might have settled in the territory since ancient times. The insert shows the original form of the house.