Annual Report 1995-96

工 商 管 理 學 院 重 要 發 展 Major Events in the Faculty of Business Administration •學院與西安大略大學商學院簽訂本科生學術交流協議,並計劃與墨爾本 商學院訂定工商管理碩士生學術交流協議。 •於一九九六至九七年度開辦兩年兼讀制財務學理學碩士課程之計劃獲通 過。 •全面檢討工商管理學士綜合課程,在原有之商業、財薪、決策科學與企 業經濟範圍外,增設「中國商業」、「金融工程」、「企業經濟」、「作 業管理」、「管理資訊系統」等科目。本科生在修業首年上學期已可選 擇專修範圍,日後亦可改選。此舉讓學生有清楚的身分認同,並有助學 生之間以至師生之間的溝通和交往。 •獲撥經費開設「商管溝通技巧」科目, 一九九六年入學之專業會計學課 程及工商管理學士綜合課程學生必須修讀此科。 •購入工商管理碩士課程市區中心毗鄰之物業,讓工管碩士兼讀課程得以 自一九九六年度起增加收生名額,從現有約六十名增至九十名。該中心 亦已重新裝修,以提供更佳之教學設施。 •由亞太工商研究所與香港貿易發展局合辦之「中國營銷管理證書課程」 擴展為文憑課程。 • A new BBA student exchange agreement was signed w i t h Wester n Business School; a n ew M B A student exchang e agreement w i t h Melbourne Business School was also proposed. • A two-year part-time M.Sc. programme in finance was approved for implementation in 1996-97. The programme is expected t o fill a market niche and attract students of high calibre. • A major c u r r i c u l um r e v i ew was launched fo r the integrated BBA programme. In addition to options in general business, general finance, and general decision sciences and managerial economics, new options in China business, financial engineering , business economics, operations ma n a g eme n t , a nd ma n a g eme nt i n f o r ma t i on systems have been approved. Students are n ow allowed to indicate their concentration area i n the first term of the first year, and change their choice later withou t penalty. This w i l l enable students t o have a clearer identity, and facilitate greater interaction between students and teachers and among students themselves. • Funding was secured for a course in communication for business studies, to be offered as a required course for student s admitted in 1996 to the professional accountancy and integrated BBA programmes. • Premises adjacent to th e M BA T own Centre were purchased, making it possible for the part-time M BA programme to expand its intake f r om approximately 60 to 90 f r om 1996-97. Th e entire T own Centre wa s also renovated to provide a better teaching environment. • A certificate course in China marketing offered jointly by the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business and the Trade Development Council was upgraded to a diploma course. 工管碩士課程市區中心新貌 The MBA Town Centre after renovation 學術發展 Academic Development 20